Archive for January, 2016

Get a Map!

January 04, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump can’t read a map but it appears he’s dead set in stopping people from walking.

Republican presidential Donald Trump‘s newest ad purports to show thousands of illegal immigrants streaming across the Mexican border. But evidence has emerged proving the event in the ad actually took place an entire ocean away.

Fact-checking website Politifact wasted no time in examining the first television ad from their 2015 Lie of the Year winner. They found that video can be traced back to footage obtained by Italian channel RepubblicaTV, and depicted thousands of Morrocans trying to enter the Spanish enclave of Melilla in 2014.

Nope, we’re not kidding.



Politifact named it Lie of the Year.  I guess they didn’t have Lie of the Damn Century.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

Bless His Heart

January 04, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mitt Romney, y’all.  In an interview with the Washington Post, Mitt said …

“I had one person who was running for president, and I won’t give you the name… called me and said, ‘I hope you don’t close the door. We may need you.’ That’s a person running for president. A candidate. A Republican.”

Mitt, don’t pay any attention to what Rick Perry says.  He’s mostly drunk or totally lost.



Here’s The Deal

January 04, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This morning, I’m going to be at the inauguration of Sylvester Turner as Mayor of Houston – continuing in a long tradition of Democratic mayors in Houston.

I probably won’t be finished partying until the afternoon, so I’m leaving this here in case you guys want to discuss something.  Becky has promised to approve comments at least once an hour.

See ya later.



Bubba endorsing the new mayor.



Poor Greg Abbott

January 03, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know that sound of a hungry child banging his spoon on the high chair tray?  That’s Greg Abbott, and like the child, he has himself so worked-up that he doesn’t know what he wants.

220px-Abbott_(cropped)After the horrifying tornados in Texas, Abbott went hat in hand to the man be believes wants to invade Texas. Abbott begged President Obama for money to help Texas. That’s the same Abbott who won’t take money for health care for Texans, causing more people to die weekly than died in the tornados.

The minute Obama handed Abbott the emergency money, Abbott bit his hand.

Abbott said, “Bring it on!” to the man who commands the largest military on the face of the earth.

Following the President address about gun control, Abbott tweeted this —


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Damn, Governor, what ya gonna do?  Pee in his swimming pool? Check out tacky romance novels from the library in his name? Declare Sarah Palin president?  Cry and bang your spoon in his ear?

Governor, I hate to be the one to tell you, but Darlin’, you’re outgunned, outsmarted, and outclassed.  All the truly gun nuts are holed up in Utah, so Obama has you just where he wants you.  Your Texas Guard won’t get passed Lackland Air Force Base, even if they could find the keys to the armory.

Do you forget that this is the dude who found and killed Osama bin Laden?

Shuddup, Governor.


Now We Need A Wall. A Huge One. Now. *EDITED AT BOTTOM*

January 03, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so you’ve probably heard that the social misfits who follow Outlaw Cliven Bundy have taken over a national park headquarters.

Militia members protesting a federal prison sentence for two Oregon ranchers convicted on charges of setting fire to federal land have occupied the headquarters of a national park, the OregonLive reports.

The protesters include Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s son, Ammon, and two of his brothers. Also among them is Ryan Payne, who organized snipers to aim weapons at federal officers during the Bundy Ranch standoff last year.

They told OregonLive that they are accompanied by about 150 others and are hunkered down at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters. The group is described by reporter Les Zaitz as “hard core militia” who adopted the ranchers’ cause as their own.

I give it three months to become Lord of the Flies.

I give it six months before there’s kool-aid involved.

Ammon Bundy told reporters, “We’re planning on staying here for years, absolutely. This is not a decision we’ve made at the last minute.”

So they are hold-up in a national park headquarters.  Let’s build a damn wall.  You know, like a mile high, completely surrounding that building.  No doors, no windows.

Now I want you to consider this: Let’s pretend it was Muslims who set federal land a’blaze and that Muslims overtook a federal building. In your wildest dreams imagine Fox News and Ted Cruz having a snarling cat over that.

Thanks to Charles for the heads up.

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This Almost Never Happens At My House

January 02, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

On New Year’s Eve.  It’s Alabama, so that part is understandable.

A Vestavia Hills couple got quite the surprise on New Year’s Eve when a nude man wearing a presidential mask creeped into their breezeway.

The man, who was naked except for what appeared to be a Ronald Reagan rubber mask covering his head and a sock covering his private parts, ran off when Jersey Belle’s Danielle Yancey and her husband spotted him. The ordeal, however, was caught on their home security video and later posted to Facebook as a warning to neighbors and others.

A naked guy in a Ronald Reagan mask and a sock.


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Looks a lot like Jeb Bush to me.  I dunno.