Get a Map!

January 04, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump can’t read a map but it appears he’s dead set in stopping people from walking.

Republican presidential Donald Trump‘s newest ad purports to show thousands of illegal immigrants streaming across the Mexican border. But evidence has emerged proving the event in the ad actually took place an entire ocean away.

Fact-checking website Politifact wasted no time in examining the first television ad from their 2015 Lie of the Year winner. They found that video can be traced back to footage obtained by Italian channel RepubblicaTV, and depicted thousands of Morrocans trying to enter the Spanish enclave of Melilla in 2014.

Nope, we’re not kidding.



Politifact named it Lie of the Year.  I guess they didn’t have Lie of the Damn Century.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Get a Map!”

  1. A Trump lie? How is this a surprise?

  2. A snip worth repeating from the linked story,
    “TRUMP CAMPAIGN MNGR: “No shit its not the Mexican border but thats what our country is going to look like if we don’t do anything.””

    Reminds me of SNL News of the Future. This what’s gonna happen. What utter tRumps!

  3. Bets he keeps running it and increasing numbers of people believe it. We have to hope they’re too stupid to find their way to the polls in November.

    Hey, the election is THIS November! Less than another year to suffer through this gawdawful process!

  4. Lie of the Year, I doubt it. It’s an election year with 362 days left. Trump is first out of the gate and can be counted on to tell more and greater lies than this. Don’t discount the rest of the clown car so early, plus there is FAUX NEWS “Flawed and Biased”.

  5. daChipster says:

    Soooo, let me get this straight: the Muslims are emigrating to Spain therefore… WALL!

    Paging Dr. Freude.

  6. RepubAnon says:

    @ Cole: I agree – it’s way too early to award the Lie of the Century. I’m sure The Donald has many more lies waiting for us… and the rest of the Republicans will be trying to top him.

    I’m betting an ad suggesting that Hillary had Vince Foster killed to cover up the links between Whitewater and BENGHAZI!!!!! Sure it requires even more time travel than blaming President Obama for FEMA’s response to Hurricane Katrina – Republicans will insist that it’s TRUE.

  7. A guy who can’t tell Morocco from Mexico wants us to give him the code to the nuclear briefcase? I like my presidents able to pass a 7th grade geography test.

  8. Poor Politifact, So many Trumpisms so little time….

  9. The Rethugs have made me Queen of Reiteration. Again I say, here is a guy with unlimited resources and won’t spend an extra nickel or five minutes to proof something before it goes public! That alone should tell you all you want to know about him for any job he shows interest in. Now everything he releases will be picked over like it was in an autopsy! And he will probably screech about unfair treatment! Give us all a break!

  10. Marcia in CO says:

    Where is that “LIKE” button when you really need one?!?!

  11. Edward Starsmith says:

    I agree with those saying it’s too early to declare “Lie of the Century”, but I would nominate “Weapons of Mass Destruction” for first place before anything said in any political campaign.

    Still, the approach to both lies are the same. The last thing this country ever needs is another leader that ignores facts in order to advance a personal agenda.

  12. treehugger says:

    The scary thing is that his supporters don’t care where or when the photo was actually taken or what group of people are pictured in the photo. These are people who are angry about everything and will vote for him no matter what he says or does. These people frighten me. I have taken to praying every day, as many times a day as I think about it, that this vile man will not be elected.

  13. The angry electorate is the direct result of Fox News and talk radio (Flush et al) which have convinced these nutjobs that there is a war on them. Facts and critical thinking be damned, they will take up arms against whatever. The bigger the lie, the more they will swallow it.

  14. “Seventy-seven percent of Republicans also said they get angry at least once a day, compared to 67 percent of Democrats.”

    It’s not just Republicans. I get mad pretty often myself– mostly at Republicans. Man, I want to have sane people in charge of Congress again.

    Here’s a bio of Ted Kennedy that reminds us of when that was pretty much true:

  15. White over the hill males really don’t seem to need much int he way of shock radio or TV to get them bug-eyed. They simply feel that they are entitled and to hell with everybody else. This shows a definite inability to adjust or as my kids say “roll with the coaster.” This is a necessity for the survival of the species. Did somebody mention Darwin?

  16. Closet Optimist says:

    @ Maryelle, none of us should be surprised at the people who are running for president on the Republican side. Part of the electorate has been groomed for YEARS by Faux News and hate-speech spewing morons like Rush and Hannity. For them, Trump is FINALLY a candidate who sounds just like the propaganda they’ve been soaking up for hours at a time, day after day. It’s scary, it’s disgusting, but it isn’t a surprise.

  17. Lunargent says:

    Cole –
    Lie of the Year for 2015. Made it in just under the wire.

  18. Lunargent says:

    Yeah, it’s not the US border, but look at that shot!
    In TrumpWorld, appearance is everything. Mostly because substance doesn’t exist.

  19. (There has to be a better name for The Sleezeball Leading snacilbupeR Polls.) He’s already admitted that the video is a lie. And said, “So.” Sounds like Darth Cheney, right?
