Archive for January, 2016

Tank Yew, Gubaner Abboott

January 11, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am proud to announce that Texas is on the downturn from excellence in education.  Hell, we don’t need no damn education in this state.

Texas fell to the bottom fifth of U.S. states in an annual report on education quality.

Texas is now ranked 43rd in the nation, falling from 39th last year in the annual “Quality Counts” report from national education publication Education Week.

Look at our state legislature – dumber than bean dip but happier than a hog in slop.

And here’s why —

In school finance, Texas ranked 45th in the nation, earning a D grade based on per pupil spending, state spending as a percent of taxable resources and other factors.

That gives them more money to sue Obama, give their staff outrageous bonuses, and fight to keep fried food in school cafeterias.

Thanks to everybody who can read for the heads up.

This Is What Happens To Republicans When Nobody Brings Up Sex All Day

January 10, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It is scientifically provable that Republicans are happiest when they are talking about sparkin’. Apparently, they are against it. Doing it, they are against doing it. Talking about it all the damn time seems to okay.

The scientific community will be please that I have uncovered more evidence of The Theorem of Repressed Republican Ribaldry.


UnknownA Missouri lawmaker introduced a bill Wednesday that would require lobbyists to report “sexual relations” with state legislators as a “gift” in their disclosures to the state ethics commission.

“We’ve already got a lobbyist gift reporting requirement and so that’s how I worked it in there, by treating it as a definition of gift,” Rep. Bart Korman, a Republican from High Hill, told CNN on Thursday. “I hope it deters any of that activity, but that if activity does occur, it’s at least transparent.”

Korman knows this ain’t gonna happen. You cannot stop people from doing the wild thing, but that isn’t for lack of Republican efforts.

Korman just wanted to talk about sex.

In case you’re wondering about how one would go about reporting the “gift” of “sexual relations” …

In the new bill, “the reporting of sexual relations for purposes of this subdivision shall not require a dollar valuation.”

Well, there ya go. That’s why they don’t do it. It’s worthless.

Thanks to Sharon and Chloe for the heads up.

This Looks Like Satire But It Ain’t

January 09, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

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The dude who thought President Obama was going to invade Texas wants to re-write the Constitution and you can now openly carry a gun in a mental hospital.  Not if you’re an employee, only if you’re just visiting, which ought to make you feel just dandy.


He Only Wants to Destroy the Constitution Because He Loves It

January 09, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

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It’s really not one step short of secession.  It’s actually one neuron synapse from total delusion.

Governor Abbott has himself a whole new constitution.

His big thing is allowing states to have more power. I’m kinda amazed that a Texan would say that.  Wyoming has a population of 584,000 and would have the same power as Texas with 25,000,000.

And I’m sure he doesn’t want to go by population because one glance at an electoral college map would scare the pants off him.

The only damn reason that Republicans have any power at all is because of gerrymandering.

But, y’all, admit it.  It’s kinda fun to watch old white men try desperately to hold onto power.

Thanks to every for the heads up.


I Hate To Say I Told You So, But I Told You Damn So

January 08, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, I was wrong about my prediction that the Y’all Qaeda group in Oregon would turn into Lord of the Flies in six weeks. Wrong, wrong, wrong. It took less that a week.

Capt. O has been fundraising for the guys to buy snacks.  But he found a better way to spend the money.

As Raw Story reports: “Jon Ritzheimer, the Arizona militiaman known for organizing anti-Muslim rallies and fundraising through his “Rogue Infidel” site, went to see Oshaugnessy at the motel and found him drinking there, according to Maureen Peltier, a disabled National Guard woman who claims to be the group’s official spokeswoman.”

According to Peltier, Ritzheimer comfirmed that Capt. O took all the donations the group had raised through social media and was using it to pay for a drinking binge.

Capt. O ain’t taking this sitting down at the Best Western.  No, sireee.

He took to the Facebook machine and let the world know …

Because I have been vocal about not supporting the actions taken by the individuals inside the compound
apparently they have desired to launch a smear Campaign against me…
Even though I am one of the only Patriots on the outside doing everything I can to try and prevent this from turning into another Wako
And making sure to protect the safety of all involved…
To what I say my reputation is sterling…
GOD & Country
Cpt O

It appears he’s almost sober now.

Thanks to John for the heads up.

Quote of the Year

January 08, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

