Remember These? EDITED

January 07, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know that men have come a long way, baby, when their footwear choice becomes a New York Times article.

Screen Shot 2016-01-07 at 10.41.45 AMThe subject?  Marco Rubio’s boots. Boots are a normal thing for Presidential candidates. High heeled ankle boots aren’t.

The fellow candidates were thrilled.


Senator Ted Cruz’s communications director, Rick Tyler, wrote on
Twitter: “A Vote for Marco Rubio Is a Vote for Men’s High-Heeled Booties.” “Rubio has those cute new boots and I don’t want to be outdone,” Senator Rand Paul said before an appearance on “The View.” Carly Fiorina posted a Twitter message with a picture of her own pair of high-heeled boots, with the message “Yeah, @marcorubio, but can you rock these?”

Okay, so the Republican Presidential campaign has officially hit below the belt.

Just thought you’d want to know.

ON EDIT:  I just thought — this is the first time that all the bullcrap was on the inside of the boot.


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0 Comments to “Remember These? EDITED”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Must admit the boots “fit” the Water Boy; short, phony and stolen. The stolen being either from the 60s (men) or the 80s (women.)

  2. Snake belly low…which seems appropriate for the whole lot of ’em.

  3. Linda Phipps says:

    I love this, the fashionisto (my new word) contest between Marco and Ted Cruz who was photographed modeling his new $600 plaid “tractor shirt” in Iowa.

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    These boots were made for gawkin’…
    Soooo nice to see we’re talking about the important stuff. Sheesh…

  5. Aggieland Liz says:

    Yeah. We don’t have any issues to discuss here, so we can grade each other’s shoes. And speaking of grades, what grade are we in here? 7th? Yeeesh.

  6. $600 would probably make a down payment on a real tractor. Not that I would know about that. A $600 tractor shirt, however, is an entirely different thing. Good Grief!

  7. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Boots full of crap…

  8. $595, Ralph Lauren. No doubt the coming thing in Iowa.

  9. stevethereturned says:

    Take another look at that photo—the tight, skinny-legged pants, the pointy-toed, high-water boots—and then try convincing me that mens’ fashions haven’t been this bad since the 1970’s.

    Oh, and before I forget: Rubio is a worthless loser.

  10. Ralph Wiggam says:

    If you can’t put spurs on ’em they ain’t real boots.

  11. Lunargent says:

    Aren’t those what they used to call Cuban heels?

    Take away the boots, and there’s still one Cuban Heel in the picture. Add Ted Cruz, and you’re back up to a pair.

  12. So I had to go look at photos of Mark Consuelos as Andy Guzman, a thinly disguised version of Rubio, on the Garry Trudeau series “Alpha House”. (If you haven’t seen it, then go start off 2016 by binge-watching. A guilty pleasure! John Goodman alone is worth the price of admission.)

    Even the over-the-top TV-actor version of Rubio did not dress like this. (Even though he’s also the short guy and constantly trying to be mistaken for a grown-up.) All peel and no banana.

  13. Ditto JAKvirginia and Aggieland Liz. This is obviously not a presidential campaign; it’s an episode of “What Not to Wear.”

  14. As long as Hillary has on her s***-kickin’ boots I don’t care what the Repubs wear.

  15. When I heard that Rubio had grown two inches taller over the holidays I knew exactly what happened and what they looked like. I also knew he made one helluva mistake! Whats comin’ at him is of his own making!

  16. Stevethereturned: This is older than the 70s, but for some reason reminds me a bit of the Rubio type. Enjoy!

    (There are hundreds of Pathe’ videos – a British collection – on Youtube. A good place to surf about in.)

  17. stevethereturned says:

    JanK, I believe you need to forward that to the Rubio campaign, post haste. Many thanks for the revealing style show.

  18. Someone should tell Rubio that heels look better with a knee-length skirt.

    When I worked on Wall Street, I wore full western gear – Stetson, Frye boots (the best ones made), mother-of pearl snaps on the shirt and bolero jacket, white piping on the jacket, bola tie – the whole nine yards. Did get some strange looks in Grand Central Terminal but most folks just assumed I was some rich Texas oil magnate. If I’d only worn the boots, it wouldn’t have been safe for me to live in Greenwich Village. 😀

  19. JanK, that video is hysterical! Personally, I like the 2nd one with the little hangy downy part in front covers the model’s little hangy downy part. Those firm little buttocks dangling in the back were cutesy too.

  20. JanK, I agree; the video is hysterical and Debbo’s comments are right on target.

    It’s a shame that Rubio doesn’t have enough sense to realize that the tight-legged pants make his butt look big and the high heel booties with the pointed toes make his feet look like boats? I’d bet he walks funny in the boots.
