Archive for December, 2015

If You’re Too Crazy To Get Elected in Florida, I Have a State For You!

December 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As most of you know, Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick is holy-crap-he’s-eating-live-frogs crazy.  The man has a couple of notches missing from his cogwheel.  And, Honey, when the chain hits those blank spaces, epic whacko occurs.


Allen West epic.

UnknownLt. Gov. Dan Patrick on Friday announced the appointment of conservative firebrand Allen West, a former Florida congressman and prominent Fox News contributor, to the state’s Sunset Advisory Commission.

It appears that the violent and discredited West moved to Texas.

“There is no mission more important than working towards a more efficient and effective state government,” West said in a statement. “As a graduate of the University of Tennessee and a former member of Congress, it is a blessing to follow in the footsteps of Davy Crockett who came to Texas to fight for liberty and freedom.”

Allen West, I knew Davy Crockett.  Davy Crockett was a friend of mine.  Sir, you are no Davy Crockett.

Moses Rose maybe, but no on the Davy Crockett thing.

The Sunset Commission reviews state agencies for efficiency. You can bet that Allen West will find every social agency helping children or old people should be destroyed.  Patrick had to import meanness.  Texas didn’t have anybody that mean and, hell, we have people meaner than ten acres of snakes.

It’s going to be a Mean-O’-Thon in Austin.


Hell, Yeah, I’m Drunk

December 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez’s name was often mentioned as a possible GOP presidential running mate.

Screen Shot 2015-12-19 at 4.50.41 PMNot so much now.

The police were called to a hotel where Governor Martinez and her staff were having a party.  The Governor drunk dials 911 to find out why the police are there.

Quote of the year:

“I’m sorry, there is no one on the balcony, and there’s no one throwing bottles off the balcony. And if they were, it was about six hours ago.”

You can hear it all right here.  It’s pretty damn funny, y’all.

She now qualifies for public office in Texas.

Thanks to Pam for the heads up.

So Much Hate

December 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember Sid Miller, the Texas Agriculture Commissioner who promised to slap anybody who wished him Happy Holidays?

Thank you Susan The Neon Nurse …



Stuff You Suspected But Could Never Prove Until Now

December 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Today, Public Policy Polling …


Screen Shot 2015-12-18 at 1.20.06 PM

That pretty much means that Republicans want to bomb anything they believe even sounds Arabic, including ….




El Paso


Qu-aker Oats

ABU  (Anheuser- Busch University)

Thanks to Elizabeth for the heads up.

Yo, Dude!

December 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Steve Katz, a Republican New York assemblyman does not want marijuana legal, even for medical use.  He has opposed it every time it’s come before the assembly.

Screen Shot 2015-12-18 at 12.52.47 PMHe’s a good family value Republican and Tea Party member, Steve is.

Until he was stopped by a state trooper for speeding and they found marijuana in his car.

He was fined $75 and ordered to perform 20 hours of community service.

… he reversed positions and voted in favor of another bill to legalize medical marijuana in New York state. Katz explained his earlier vote as the result of a “divergence between the will of his district and his core beliefs.

Kinda makes you wonder who has core beliefs.

Thanks to Larry for the heads up.

Quick! Somebody Give The Man a Dollar!

December 17, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


I flat stole this off of Facebook from a band called G-Mo Skee.