Hell, Yeah, I’m Drunk

December 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez’s name was often mentioned as a possible GOP presidential running mate.

Screen Shot 2015-12-19 at 4.50.41 PMNot so much now.

The police were called to a hotel where Governor Martinez and her staff were having a party.  The Governor drunk dials 911 to find out why the police are there.

Quote of the year:

“I’m sorry, there is no one on the balcony, and there’s no one throwing bottles off the balcony. And if they were, it was about six hours ago.”

You can hear it all right here.  It’s pretty damn funny, y’all.

She now qualifies for public office in Texas.

Thanks to Pam for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Hell, Yeah, I’m Drunk”

  1. Governor Martinez now qualifies for the prestigious ‘Sarah Palin Word Salad’ Award for Vice President nominee’s.
    You go girl!

  2. Larry from Colorado says:

    Aren’t the “family values” bunch the life of the party?

  3. WA Skeptic says:

    Funny, but my own family’s values didn’t include being thrown out of hotels for drunken parties.

    I learned a long time ago to discount anything these hypocrites claimed for themselves.

  4. Doesn’t she sound like a nice, sweet lady? You expect her to sweetly say, “I’ll have your asses on a platter Monday morning.” at any moment.

  5. Juanita Jean says:

    Guys, so sorry I forgot to put the link and then left to go shopping. I went back and fixed it. Thank you guys grr posting it.

  6. JAKvirginia says:

    It’s okay JJ. Maybe you were just a little tipsy.

    [Hey, if the Guv can do it….]

  7. And she was a “tough on crime” DA here in Las Cruces

  8. If I’d just read a transcript, I might not have had the same reaction. Does she really talk like that. What an arrogant … uh, governor.

  9. If I heard that smarminess on a tv show I would consider it blatant over-acting.

    What’s scary is she’s for real and, like most WingNuts, doesn’t believe that rules apply to her–they’re just for other people.

  10. Guv may be tossed along with SOS Dianna Duran – I knew Dianna when she was Otero County Clerk and dealt with her daily in law and real estate.

    The next Ginormous scandal will be Aubrey Dunn, Land Commissioner – he is also from Otero County, his daddy was a state politican. Aubrey is a thief; hubby and I along with other forest scientists beat him and Western Bank in a USDA Forest Service land swap deal about 25 years ago when he was trying to steal our properties that backed up to Lincoln National Forest. Aubrey and his now attorney son Blair, will steal everything they can get their hands on – hide and watch. Blair and our daughter went thru school together, I know these crooks.

  11. Sigh. Not even the “better” side of their party is worth anything. Don’t they know when to turn out the lights?

  12. Maggie, if there is any justice they will end up in a place where the lights are left on all night and someone checks up on them regularly.

  13. Linda Phipps says:

    Sounds like Martinez and Palin were having a chug a lug contest. She sounded the way drunks do when they are pretending not to sound drunk!

  14. After Palin, how does any of this disqualify her for GOP VP?
