Archive for December, 2015

Holy Crap: Christian of the Day Edition

December 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As we head into Holy Season, I do believe that several Christians have sleigh bells up their butts.

Look here

Two New Mexico lawmakers have pre-filed a bill that would give state business owners the right to refuse business to gay, lesbian and transgender people and their families on the basis of religious freedom. Republican Reps. David Gallegos and Nora Espinoza are the sponsors of the bill, HB55.

Okay, what religion says it’s holy to discriminate against someone?  Oh right, fundamentalism.

Lookie here at his part in case you missed it: “and their families.”  Thanks a bunch, Donald Trump.

Y’all, this is weird.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

Fun With Guns: That’s Not How It Works Edition

December 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Georgia, Y’all.

According to Albany Police, there was an accidental shooting around 4 a.m. Sunday.

Thomas Strickland explained after officials arrived that he sleeps with a handgun in his bed for protection, and that he accidentally shot himself early Sunday morning when he thought someone was in his home.

Point the gun the other direction, Tom.

Also, next time you might try sleeping with a girl.  They’re just as dangerous as just as likely to embarrass you, but at least they’re warm.


Miz Lindsey

December 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Lindsey Graham “suspended” his presidential quest to pursue his true love, a Youtube channel with advice for the lovelorn.

We will miss him from the children’s debate table, which will now consist of Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum.  That means that in the future the second tier debates will consist of two guys hitting each other over the head with Bibles.  And bad ties.  Really bad ties.


Saddest Statement Ever

December 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When Jeb! Bush was asked how if felt to be the front runner and then fall to 3%, he responded.

“I hated that. I feel much better back here.”

Oh dear, Honey, it’s tough being the little brother.  And sad.

I bet that family still makes him sit at the Non-Presidential table for Christmas dinner.  They might even let Dick Cheney come over and shoot him in the face just for entertainment.

Thanks to Tee for the heads up.

Susana Martinez Almost Apologizes

December 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As you read here, New Mexico Governor and Stinkin’ Chairwoman of the Republican Governor’s Association, Susana Martinez, got grass-hugging, snot-slinging drunk and made quite the scene at a nice hotel.

Well, the bad part about getting drunk is that you eventually sober up.

“I want to apologize for the conduct of my staff the night of our holiday party,” she wrote. “There was apparently a party in a hotel room earlier in the night that was disruptive. Someone was also throwing snowballs from a balcony. None of that should have happened and I was not aware of the extent of the behavior, until recently. And that behavior is not acceptable.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, cowgirl.  Throwing your staff under the bus is really uncool.

But, she’s not finished.

“I also want to admit that I made a mistake when I went to speak to the receptionist and asked her about the complaint. I should not have gotten involved in trying to resolve the situation, nor should I have spoken to the dispatcher on the phone. I was wrong to speak with them like that, and I apologize.”

Like what, Honey?  Like drunk?

Apparently not.

In an appearance on the Albuquerque television station KOB-TV’s Friday evening newscast, the governor said she was “absolutely not” trying to abuse her power as governor.

Martinez told KOB that she had 1 1/2 cocktails over four or five hours at the party.

So, she acts like a drunk obnoxious nincompoop all the time?  Is that what she’s saying?

Look, I’m no political consultant or anything, but I think she would have been much better off saying, “Hell, I was so drunk that I thought I was the queen of damn England.”  I mean, you can fix drunk.  Butthole ain’t something you can fix so easily.


He Can Kiss My Big Blue Butt

December 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As you know, not a day goes by that I don’t get mad at someone.

Today it’s a Texas Democrat.

We have severe paranoia in Texas over bringing refugees into our state.  The Friendship State has become The Get The Hell Off My Lawn State.

Our Governor want to build a wall around the state.  Hell, he looks with suspicion on people from New Mexico.  Our Lt. Gov thinks we should use refugees for target practice.

We have had some Texas Democrats stand strong.  Real strong.  Representative Gene Wu from Houston is one tough guy.

Wu points out, “our state’s leadership has chosen to target Syrian refugees and bully resettlement organizations in order to score political points.

“Targeting families who have already been victimized by ISIS and the Syrian civil war, and who have already been vetted through an intensive two-year federal review, is blatantly politicizing these refugees’ plight,” Wu added. “I hope that the Department of Justice can put this issue to rest with their investigation.”

And then there’s Richard Raymond.  “State Rep. Richard Raymond, D-Laredo, proposed subjecting the refugees to lie detector tests.”

What the hell on a bell in my cell?

A Hispanic legislator from the damn border of Texas thinks lie detector tests are the solution.

At a meeting of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission this week, State Rep. Richard Raymond, D-Laredo, brought up the idea of biometric screening.

“I mean, how hard is it to get an interpreter who can interpret and then ask a question like, ‘Are you a member of ISIS?'”

Well, that’s just brilliant.  First, Richard, we don’t have any interpreters because they have shut down all the schools teaching “terrorist talk.”  Who the tarnation in Texas is going to raise their hand when asked, “Yo, Buddy, you talk that terrorist talk stuff because we need some of them?”  Honey, that’s the entry question to the target practice thing.

Richard, you’re Hispanic.  They don’t want you here either.

Maybe you’re the one who needs a lie detector test, Richard.  “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Republican Club?”  Better yet, “Richard, who the hell do you think you are?”
