Archive for December, 2015

Holy Crap: Jesus Wants You To Hate Edition

December 27, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, who is a helluva guy, committed Dallas to taking in 1,400 refugees from Syria.  Almost all of Dallas’ ministers of faith joined hands with the mayor and rejoiced that Dallas could help war-torn people.

jeffressHowever, Rev. Robert Jeffress of the First Baptist Church of Dallas (and Fox News contributor) wants to keep refugees out of this country.  To do that, he had to re-write the Bible.

“Most people assume the Christian response is to allow immigrants and refugees’ unconditional entrance into this country, and I think they think that because they confuse Jesus with the Statue of Liberty — give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses. But in fact the real historical Jesus did urge compassion for those in need, but he also said, ‘Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.’ In other words, support government with your taxes because they have a legitimate function like protecting citizens. Those of us who believe in the sanctity of life believe that sanctity serves to not only to protect the unborn but to protect the born from terrorist attacks. That’s a Christian value as well.”

Notice that seamless joining he made of church and state? And, Syrians don’t get sanctity of life.  You know, because they are like … foreign.

I dunno, when Sweet Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount, I think he said “give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses.”


But I guess the big one that stands out is St. Luke’s telling of the parable Jesus spoke especially for Robert Jeffress.  The Good Samaritan pretty well says that this preacher man is full of caca del toro.

Jeffress goes on to compare Syrian refugees to Planned Parenthood selling body parts and then semi-endorses Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.  You can watch it here.

I think the guy needs to go to Jimmy Carter’s Sunday school.


Sure. Sure, We Believe You. I Mean, Look At The Evidence.

December 26, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jacksonville, Florida, ain’t exactly the sprawling center of racial harmony, but when someone at the Army Corp of Engineers placed a Confederate flag on the desk of an African American man just one week after nine people were killed in a church in Charleston, South Carolina, things didn’t seem, you know, proper.

Susan Thompson, 58 years old, a worker at the office, who is white, denied to federal investigators that she had anything to do with it, even though she had a contentious relationship with the victim.

Prosecutors say that during interviews over the Jacksonville incident, Thompson lied to investigators twice.

Thompson later resigned and has admitted to placing the flag. She denied it was racially motivated.

Nah, nah, it wasn’t racially motivated.  Not at all. She had no idea what the confederate flag is. She thought it meant Have a Nice Day!


Fun With Guns: Christmas Eve Edition

December 26, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

(I know a took a few days off, but it’s catch-up time now.)

During the armed robbery of a cellphone store in beautiful downtown Chicago

Like the cell phone store owner who, defending himself from an armed robber, sprang into action to put a bullet in the chest of an innocent 27-year-old man at the bus stop across the street, and another through the wall of the apartment of a nearby family of five (and into their TV set).

Luckily, everybody escaped without deadly injury, including … the robber, who “left the scene, unharmed.”

I do not know where the good guy with a gun was or the well-organized militia.

Neither were in Baton Rouge either.  In the category of Grandma Always Like You Better …

An 18-year-old man accidentally shot his 16-year-old cousin in the torso Wednesday evening on Jefferson Avenue near Plank Road.

Corie Burge, who lives in the 2300 block of Jefferson Avenue, and his cousin were playing with the firearm inside a house when the gun went off, Baton Rouge Police spokesperson Cpl. Don Coppola said.

The victim was taken to a local hospital, where he is expected to survive, Coppola said.

Or in Denver.  This happened on Christmas morning.  Guess what she got for Christmas?

An early Christmas morning shooting in Denver appears to have been self-inflicted and accidental, according to a Denver Police Department spokesperson.

The shooting victim, a woman, was taken to Denver Health via private vehicle, according to Denver Police Department spokesperson Sonny Jackson.

Y’all, I can’t take any more days off.  People just start shooting each other.


Politics As a Profession

December 26, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I figured out a long time ago that Mike Huckabee will stay in the race to the end, not because he might win, but because it makes money for him.

His miracle drug that cures cancer, hogwarts, hammer toe, colic, acne, impotence, broken bones, and shingles is his money maker.  The more he’s on teevee, the more miracle drug he sells.  Running for president, is free advertising for him.  Huckabee shakes his money maker during presidential stops.

You can add Ben Carson to that list.

benHe has folded into Carson Enterprises his presidential campaign, which has excelled at fundraising, bringing in almost $32 million through the end of September — more than any other 2016 Republican candidate. That fundraising prowess continues, even as his poll numbers decline. His campaign manager Barry Bennett said Thursday they raised about $20 million since the beginning of October, matching their extraordinary summertime pace. Speaking fees over a nearly two-year period raked in $4.3 million. And his nonprofit continues to raise money.

That’s some serious cash.  So the guy gets stoned, walks out on the debate stage and mumbles some crap and brings in better dough than he ever made doctoring.

I am considering the possibility of coming out of retirement and running for president.  I really need a million dollars.  I could afford to remodel this beauty salon for one million dollars, which is certainly a better thing to spend money on than anything these bozos hoard.


I Love You Guys

December 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


It’s Christmas Eve. Turn Off The Computer and Go Find Some Damn Mistletoe.

December 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized
