I Love You Guys

December 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


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0 Comments to “I Love You Guys”

  1. We love you too!
    Go Blue!

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    Love you back …

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Thank you for all you do! You’re a role model for the other 49 states, too. We have learned so much here from you, Glen Maxey, daChipster and all the commenters.

    May 2016 bring peace, prosperity, a Democratic President, Congress and 50 state legislatures! That would indeed be a most Happy New Year!

  4. 1smartcanerican says:

    Love you too JJ! Thanks for giving us this wonderful beauty parlor to vent and share our thoughts with like-minded, smart people 🙂 Best holiday wishes to all here.

  5. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Thanks to everyone who posts here, and to the owner and staff of this salon. The next year is going to be a roller-coaster pals.
    Glad there are kindred spirits all over to scream and laugh through it with me. Merry Christmas to all . . . . .

  6. Merry, Happy, Joyous whatever makes you feel good Holiday!
    And Texas may be turning blue yet, as those currently in charge do not seem to be getting oxygen to their brains.

  7. Lorinda Pike says:

    Merry Christmas, all y’all, from deep-red Mississippi. I resolve to continue to fight the good fight in the New Year, but I still know it’s not the heat, it’s the stupidity…

    Speaking of heat, it’s currently 80°, with humidity equivalent to the Amazon rain forest. Have kicked the AC back on, at least until I finish cooking the sweet ‘taters, but will likely need cool air all day.

    Peace, and blessed be.

  8. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Right back at ya, Susan!

    Merry Christmas to you & your family. Thank you for all you guys do!

    And to the other patrons who make me lol around here, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and keep up the crazy thoughts. We’re gonna need a lot of humor come 2016!

    Peace y’all!

  9. That Other Jean says:

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, Susan, and all the patrons of this fine establishment. This place is the best group therapy going for the madness that 2016 is bound to bring.

  10. Merry and joyous Christmas and New Year. It’s been a pleasure having all of you in my life this year.

  11. Merry Christmas to you and Don, the family, and all the patrons here!

  12. Add my best wishes to all of you. You provide a refuge from the crazies. There is one glimmer, I talked to my far right brother this am, and he said if this keeps up he’s voting for Hillary. Cue the fainting couch!!

  13. I’m in! We can do it! Go Blue Texas!

  14. austinhatlady says:

    Just had a great Christmas meal with two youngest god-daughters and family. Feeling wonderful! Merry Christmas to Susan, Don, and everyone at the beauty shop, including all commenters. Love you all!

  15. Happy holiday to all from warm and muggy Maryland (currently hotter than Los Angeles)! Next year let’s all have a blue, blue Christmas!

  16. Prup (aka Jim Benton) says:

    And, from warm and muggy Brooklyn, let me simply agree with everyone. This place is a friendly meeting and resting place for people who are really working for change, a pleasant reminder of what blogs can be, what so many more were back in 2006-2008, before too many writers turned pro, and began seeing a pundit when they looked in the mirror. (Besides, the pedicures are great and I like the spades game in the back room.)

    I can’t seend you all bottles of calvados or buds of Hawaiian — okay, I’m old fashioned but it’s still my favorite strain, even though I usually go more for a diesel — but what I can give you is a fine recommendation.

    If you hadn’t heard — or even if you had — Amazon Prime has begun producing its own original TV shows, free for members or you can buy them if you don’t want to join Prime — and I think it’s worth it. The big two are TRANS PARENT — yes, the space describes the topic of the show — and an adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE. But I decided to start with another one, HAND OF GOD, so, if budget or casting problems were going to weaken it, I wouldn’t be as disappointed. I’ve only watched the first three episodes — my wife prefers to take them one a day instead of binge watching, and I can’t say I blame her.

    Watch it.


    Yes, it is that good, with even strong political echoes, incredible, stinging slashes at Christianity, and a plot that I keep on wanting to try and explain, except that I’d still be writing tomorrow morning. And the production values aren’t even merely high level premium cable, but almost movie level, the casting is very strong, and so far, at least, they are doing a good job of saying consistent, making all the pieces fit together in any number of ways.

    (Only make sure you get momma out of the room fifteen minutes before the end of episode 3, because, somewhere in the remainder is what may be the most erotic, sexual scene I’ve seen on TV, even though both characters (Jon Tenney and Dana Delany) remain fully clothed.

    Let me shut up while I still can, and go watch it.

  17. Happy holidays and a wish for a safe and joyous new year for everyone!

  18. Happy Holidays to one and all who inhabit the Beauty Salon –

    The sanity is so refreshing – I save JJ to read after I’ve tried to digest the insanity.

    Thanks to everyone for all of the smiles…we sure need them…

    Being Blue while living in a Red State certainly has its challenges and hopefully
    we can keep up the good fight for all of our sakes~the older I get the more determined I become to get some changes made that I naively thought would have been changed 40 years ago.

    The Beauty Salon keeps this ‘change’ imaginable…thanks to everyone for a genuine good time.

  19. Mele Kalikimaka
    me ka
    Hau’oli Makahiki Hou

    Feliz Navidad
    Prospero Año Nuevo
    A Todos

    Shouldn’t be snarking this, but they never hesitate: Has anybody heard a peep from the Talibangelical preachers or RWNJ’s about the extreme, severe weather events that have been mostly clobbering the ‘Bible Belt’?
    I thought they believed that stuff only happened to heathens and libruls. goollee gee

    And it has been truly radical weather this week.
    23 Dec had 39 tornadoes, hundreds of severe wind and hail incidents, there were even 5 tornadoes in central California Xmas Eve.
    Thousands of high temperature records set nationwide this week, this month, last month, this year, and not a friggen peep about CC/GW from the so-called local teevee weather readers.
    Check out some of the devastating numbers from your friendly taxpayer supported NOAA Storm Prediction Center (SPC) for 23Dec here (you can then select other dates), scary chit:

    Holee Carp! I must revise the numbers I just put above, SPC has just increased them:
    23 Dec- 51 tornadoes, 259 wind, 38 hail severe reports. 348 total recorded incidents, each bad enough to have affected many people (there were numerous fatalities and injuries).
    The 24th, Xmas, and probably today had/will have fairly high weather incident reports too.

    Nothing to see here, move along little doggies…

  20. Happy Boxing Day. Love you back, JJ, and all the commenters. Stay safe.

  21. To Miz JJ and fam and the patrons one and all, I echo the good wishes and 21st the statements of a safe thought haven in an increasingly bizarre, snacilbupeR-influenced nation.

    @Prup (aka Jim Benton)
    Since you mentioned it, allow me to proffer If the South Had won the Civil War by MacKinlay Kantor for your reading pleasure. Since Kantor writes of a Texas secession from the victorious CSA, I have come to believe a large number of Texas politicos, Raphael, Abutt, and some others have had it read to them many times. It may even be a bible of sorts. Who knows? Who indeed!

  22. All love and admiration for J.J and Company. This is truly a refuge. It is therapy, and it is fertile ground for the seeds of progressive ideas and actions. Long may it wave, er, rave!

  23. I think we had the best Christmas ever here at our house. Now if next year we can have a blue Christmas, that will be fine. I just keep wondering what all is going on behind the scenes that the GOP doesn’t want us to notice. Or even the Dems. You might have fun scratching your head over Dave McNeely’s latest article. I’m not tellin’!
    Oh yeah. Happy Boxing Day! Memories of Canada….

  24. Thank you to all the wonderful Salonians (?) and our beauty specialist in chief, Ms. Juanita Jean herownself. I am most grateful for the strength and hope for political decency I get from y’all. Amen.

  25. Sandridge, the meteorologist/columnist for my local paper, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Paul Douglas, does talk about global warming often. His daily weather column points out how strange the weather has become, talks about El Niño, and also climate change. He describes the difference between “weather” and “climate”, explaining why a few days’ weather pattern does not say anything about climate change. While Mr. Douglas doesn’t insist on the reality of climate change, he often wonders in his column, “What else can this be?” My impression is that he’s trying to gently nudge his readers that way. He’s probably also trying to keep his job.

    This is Douglas’ Strib column: http://goo.gl/0ADPJy

    This is an article about him and global warming: https://goo.gl/jk74Hj

  26. Y’all are gonna love this. It’s by Paul Douglas, whom I referenced in my previous comment:

    “acknowledging climate change doesn’t make you liberal. It makes you literate.”

    Gotta love that guy!

  27. BTW, Douglas is a conservative evangelical guy.

  28. JAKvirginia says:

    Debbo!! Salonians!! Yes… love it!

  29. Marcia in CO says:

    @ Sandridge … I have wondered the same thing … all this crazy weather and not a peep out of anyone! Well, we all know the deniers will continue to deny the fact that the climate and whole weather scene is changing and has changed and not necessarily for the good!!

  30. Yeah Debbo et al! Literate, not liberal.
