Archive for September, 2015


September 09, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Seriously, Mookie.  In Florida.  Spike’s Tactical Weapons.

I knew you wouldn’t believe me unless you saw it yourownself.  It’s a God Gun.

Instead of $4,000 for a regular AR, this one sells for $1,400.

Thanks to Rick for the heads up.


Fun With Guns: The Good Guy With a Gun

September 09, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know how the NRA is always saying that the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun?

images-1Maybe not so much.

Jerrol Harris, 27 years old, ran from the cops after attempting to steal a Brooklyn man’s car and shooting him in the arm.

It did not go well, even with six police officers in pursuit.

After 84 shots fired by six different police officers, Harris was finally struck in the calf and brought down.

Okay, you do the math: 84 shots fired, one shot hit the guy.

Harris has 12 prior arrests, including four robberies and gun possession. He’s facing several counts of first-degree and second-degree attempted murder, as well as other felony charges.

Yeah, that’s understandable, being as how the NYPD is swearing he can run faster than a bullet.




September 09, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, about a thousand of you have sent me this story and asked me to write about it.


Not even if Louie Gohmert would strap a nuke on his back and jump off the balcony at the Republican National Convention.

I am not writing about that.

Oh Louie, It’s Tempting

September 09, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Louie Gohmert made a promise.

louieHe says that if the Congress will treat the Iran deal as a treaty, requiring it to have a 2/3rds vote, he will will resign his seat and not run again.

Of course, it would not pass if there’s a 2/3rds vote requirement.  That’s the whole deal.

Louie’s overinflated view of himself comes into play on this offer.

“I’ll give them the only thing I have that they want,” Gohmert said in a phone interview with KLTV 7. “And that’s me not to run for Congress again.”

Louie, Honey, they do not care abut you.  You’re a gnat in a den of lions.  But, you’re a gnat who makes threats, which is kinda adorable.

“If they continue this course,” Gohmert said, “I will be the biggest pain in the neck, and other places, of the Republican leadership, until we get leadership that will follow the Constitution.”

Well, yeah, they’ll buy some bug spray and get by.

So, the way I see it, Louie needs to double down here: treat it as a treaty OR strap his goofy butt to the first nuke fired at Iran.  If he could get Ted Cruz and Donald Trump to make the same promise, it would certainly be tempting.

Thanks to AlaninAustin for the heads up

Maybe The Best Texas Story Of The Year

September 09, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Before I let you read this story, I need to explain something about Channelview.  Channelview sits on the banks of the Houston Ship Channel amid the lovely fragrances of the petrochemical industry, the cosiness of adult bookstores, and enough churches for Mike Huckabee to make a living.

It has the crime rate of Bangkok.

April Bautista heard last Thursday that her brother had died.

“My brother didn’t have life insurance. Brother’s there already at the funeral home but we can’t do nothing yet because we don’t have the funds,” she said.

So the family decided to sell barbecue plates to raise the money.

imagesTheir first customer was their friendly next door neighbor.  He bought a plate of barbecue but came back right away because he said the chicken was cold.  So, being neighborly, they gave him his money back.

The next day he came back, claiming that someone had thrown chicken in his yard.  That must be a violation of deed restrictions because he was plenty mad about it.  He was yelling and hollering.

“My oldest son told him hey you need to back off and leave us alone. He screamed at him and he just decided, let me be the man. He then punches my son in the face,” Bautista explained.

“He went and hit him and that’s when he started hitting all of us,” said William Yanez.

The benefit turned into a big brawl. After some heated blows, busted lips and bloodied noses, it was over — so they thought.

The next thing they know, the neighbor goes home and comes back with – come on, guess – a gun.  He first shoots it in the air and then starts shooting at the family.  He hit the sister once in the foot and her mother twice in the leg.

The son who got hit in the face during the first fight summed it up.

“Over a piece of chicken, yeah he’s a coward. That’s why you got hands. You’ve got to use a gun, only cowards do that,” said Yanez.

Yeah, you’ve got hands for two reasons – to fight and to start the microwave to warm the damn chicken.

Thanks to Farhan for the heads up.

Just Like Christians

September 08, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You gotta see a Huckabee aide run a man on man defense to keep Ted Cruz from appearing on stage today.  It’s so Christian!

Ted Cruz being a wuss.

So a guy half his size kept him from moving.  That’s a real tough guy.

Thanks to Bubba for the heads up.