Archive for August, 2015

Holy Mary and Joseph.

August 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Last Sunday was the Catholic observance of Assumption Day, the day Catholics believe that Mary was welcomed into heaven.  I do not know how they know the date, and maybe that’s why they call it Assumption Day.

Anyway, Texas Governor Greg Abbott is a Catholic.  So, he posted a holy card on his political Facebook page.

Here ya go.



Folk were upset.  The Baptist accused him of practicing idolatry.  The non-religious people accused him of being an idiot.  The Lutherans aren’t sure what to make of it but still think Martin Luther was right.  In short, wildness erupted on his Facebook page, which I’m sure made little baby Jesus cry.

None of that bothers me. Not at all.  What bothers me is that if you look closely, the holy card has a Greg Abbott political disclaimer on it.

Now that took some gall, didn’t it?  I just think it’s kinda inappropriate to use the Blessed Virgin Mary in your political ads, unless, of course, you have a signed endorsement from her which I doubt Greg Abbott does since he’s gone out of his way to hurt helpless little children.

I am pretty much sure that the Blessed Virgin Mother isn’t big on denying health care to children.

Thanks to Steve for the heads up.

You Mean You Don’t?

August 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jeb Bush was asked by the Washington Post if he liked Donald Trump’s idea of revoking the 14th Amendment for children born in the country of immigrant parents.

Jeb’s answer started this way

“There are like 10 things I would change in the Constitution with a magic wand,” Bush said.

Jeb, maybe your brother will lend you his.

The 14th Amendment was adopted in 1868 to to establish birthright citizenship so that freed slaves would be guaranteed the rights and protections that come with citizenship.

Now Republicans want to think about that a little more.


New Day, New Sid

August 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller is doubling down, dammit, and screw you!

After his Facebook post suggesting that we use nuclear weapons against the entire Muslim world, Miller says that he took the post down but he is not gonna apologize for it.


Killer Miller

Todd Smith, a political consultant for Miller, said he didn’t know why the post was taken down but said critics outraged over the content should instead be demanding apologies from Islamic terrorists, Iranian leaders and President Barack Obama for their words and actions.

“We think those are all issues that deserve an apology and are much more serious than a thought-provoking Facebook post,” Smith said.

Miller, a professional rodeo calf-roper and former state lawmaker, is currently in China for what his office described as a trade mission.

Thanks, Obama.  I knew it was your fault.  You made Sid do this.

I do not know where to start.

First off, Sid Miller thinks this is a “thought provoking” Facebook post.

Screen Shot 2015-08-18 at 10.05.34 AM

“Nuke ’em” is not a thought-provoking idea any more than “kiss my butt” is a romantic overture.

Second off, he’s in China?  On a trade mission?  What’s the tarnation is that?  We sent our best and brightest statewide elected official from Texas?  He’s gonna give a whole new meaning to bull in a China closet.

Third off, oh dear God, why do I live in Texas?


You Broke It, You Bought It

August 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I almost feel guilty for enjoying the GOP’s descent into the hell of their own making.  I said almost.  No, even that’s a lie.  I’m enjoying the hell outta it.

They pandered to the Tea Party and now they are owned by them.  Too bad.  So sad.

Now comes the birthers. After claiming that Hawaii is not part of the United States and that Kenya sent Baby Barack there anyway so no one would notice, the chickens have come home to roost and they are Chicken Littles.

The sky is falling with people who cannot be president because …. oh hell, who knows.

They are contending that Mario Rubio, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, and Rick Santorum are ineligible to be president because they are not natural born citizens.

There’s where we part ways because I contend that they are ineligible because they are idiots.

But I will take them where I can get them, so consider me part of the birther movement now.

Isn’t there some sort of Constitutional tests for toupees?

They are coming down hardest on Cruz.

“Details have been emerging which highly suggest that both Ted Cruz’s parents had become Canadian citizens prior to his birth. According to past public statements made by his father, legal opinions and documentation currently available, Rafael (Ted) Cruz was likely born of 2 Canadian citizens in Calgary back in December of 1970.

Under public pressure regarding a possible run for President of the United States, Cruz did release his Canadian certificate of birth. Since the certificate only lists his parents place of birth and not their citizenship status, it has just merely been assumed that his mother retained her US citizenship since her birth. It was not until May of 2014 that Senator Cruz filed the legal paperwork necessary to officially denounce his Canadian citizenship which was automatic at birth.”

So what we have here is a dandy happening.

– He has no country (having renounced his Canadian citizenship)
– He can’t be a Senator (not a citizen)
– He can’t run for President
– He’s here illegally!

Somebody!  Quick!  Build a wall around his butt!

Maybe he can become a Dreamer?

Thanks to Alan in Austin for the heads up and the Dreamer idea.

When Holy Crap and Fun With Guns Meet

August 17, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In all seriousness, Rocky Mount United Methodist Church in Jemison, Aladamnbama, has gone into the firearm ministry.

They have opened a gun range in what used to be a gully overrun with kudzu.


“This is an opportunity for us to reach out in the name of Jesus Christ in a setting that is completely unique. Even odd by some people’s standards. But who’s to say that church can’t happen right here,” Guin said, pointing at the red clay dirt of the range.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I shoot you?  Or maybe shotgun baptism?

Thanks to Mike for the heads up.

Sid Miller the Killer

August 17, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, y’all have heard me talk about Texas Agriculture Commissioner before.  His name is Sid Miller and he’d have to study-up to be an imbecile.  Plus, he’s a crook who has put all his good-ole-boy friends on the state payroll.

Sid has taken to Facebook.  It ain’t pretty.

Here’s what he posted on Facebook at 5:00 pm on Sunday.  Sunday, you know, the Lord’s day. (Click the little one to see the big one.)

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He took it down at 11:15 am this morning.

The photograph and message originally was posted by a Facebook page called “The Patriot’s UV Drip 2.” The page’s one line description says, “We do not agree with Obama and his political views. We ban trolls;” it has posted memes such as one of a baby with a raised fist proclaiming, “Hang in they whitey!” and another of women garbed in burkas swimming at the beach that says, “Please don’t throw trash into our oceans.”

[Miller’s] office did not return requests for comment, and an individual that picked up the telephone at Miller’s nursery in Stephenville stated he would be traveling in China for the next three weeks.

sidmillerPlease, somebody, don’t let him get on that airplane.  What if he finds out that they are godless communists?

Here’s the crazy part —

Before it was removed, Miller’s shared post had received 2,232 likes and more than 300 comments. Most of the comments agreed with Miller’s post with only one or two users disagreeing or stating that using atomic weapons would be a step too far.

Yeah, we should just kill them all with conventional weapons.

Thanks to Michael for the heads up.