Archive for June, 2015


June 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



UPDATE:  The best part of all this is that Americans will get health care.  The second best part of this is that makes Antonin Scalia seethe.

He literally lost his mind and said, “The Court’s next bit of interpretive jiggery-pokery…”  That’s a word?  jiggery-pokery?  So, I looked it up.

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It’s a British word.  I knew he wanted to take the United States backward, but all the way to 1774?

To see other fun things he said, try this.

Welcome to Bosque County

June 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I wanna welcome y’all to Bosque County, Texas.  Bosque County is 1,000 square miles on the Edwards Plateau between Waco and Comanche.  The population is 18,000 people and 36,000 goats.  They are so far out in the country that they don’t get the Today show until tomorrow.

The county commissioner’s court, which decides how all the county’s tax money is spent looks like this.

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And here’s the man who presides over commissioner’s court, the county judge.

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And here’s the sheriff.

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And the above are the pictures I show folks who want to know why the hell Bosque County needs an armored vehicle like this.  (More pictures here.)



So if any rambunctious goat herders show up, Bosque is ready!

Too damn many white boys and not near enough goats.

Thanks to Richard for the heads up.

No, Seriously

June 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Cruz

Okay, a while back I told you about the guy who formed a super pac named “Jews for Cruz.”

Well, the FEC told him that he couldn’t use Cruz’s name because Cruz had already announced for president.  You can only use a candidate’s names before they announce.

So, he changed the name of the PAC today —


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I’m proud to be an American.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

Another One Jumps in the Shallow End

June 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh y’all, life is so good.  Bobby Jindal is running for President to offend everybody.

Your turn is coming.  He just hasn’t gotten to hating you yet.

IBM was supposed to have a ribbon-curing ceremony on Monday night at their new proposed plant in Baton Rouge, which will bring 800 jobs.  They cancelled it after Jindal signed an executive order to Hate The Gays after the Hate The Gays bill stalled in the legislature.

The technology giant IBM voiced “strong opposition” to Louisiana’s so-called religious freedom legislation as far back as mid-April.

In a letter to the governor, IBM executives said the legislation cut at the very heart of what their company stands for, equal rights and opportunity for everyone, discrimination for no one. The letter implored Jindal not to support any agenda that protected discrimination against LGBT people.

Yeah, Jindal, it ain’t like you can point to Louisiana as a model of economic and educational powerhouse, dude.  So ya gotta run on hate.  We certainly need some more of that.

Thanks to Charles for the heads up.

Dan and His Posse

June 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas has a Lt. Governor named Dan Patrick, but that’s not his real name.  He legally changed his name from Dannie Goeb to Dan Patrick so he might could grow up and be a famous sports announcer like … uh, sports announcer Dan Patrick.

I considered changing my name to Marilyn Monroe because I figured everybody wanted to say they were friends of Marilyn Monroe.  I decided against it because people would think I was nuts to change my name just for the helluva it.  You know, like Dan Patrick.

Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick

So, I’m telling you this because Dan Patrick has some crazybutt friends.  Mean ole floozies.  And he named them to an advisory committee to advise him on state policy.

One by one, they are getting famous for being mean.

The good people of North Richland Hills have a woman of the Muslim faith working for the city.  Dan Patrick’s advisor promptly insulted her.

In an online newsletter, Tea Party President Julie White McCarty, an adviser to Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, called the city employee a “lost soul” who should “learn about Jesus.”

“She’s in America now,” McCarty wrote.

The employee is a native born in Fort Worth.

To the everlasting credit of the city of North Richland Hills, they are mad enough to spit nails.

Just to let you know about this particular Tea Party group that Dan Patrick thinks so highly of …

The group has moved often across Northeast Tarrant County, gathering lately in a Southlake private school and a Hurst meeting hall.

(For months, the group met in a Lutheran church in Bedford. But that ended about the time McCarty wrote on social media that voters should support Southern Baptists but not United Methodists.)

No, seriously, she’s an advisor to the Lt. Governor of Texas.

He should have changed his name to Bubba Total Jerk.

Thanks to Mule Breath for the heads up.

Here’s Another One, Thanks To Citizens United

June 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, we have another weird political PAC today.  It’s name is Graduate America and it is owned by a man named Malcolm Allen.  His address is at a UPS Store in Dallas.

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Malcolm fancies himself a famous author, businessman and all around Hey Look At Me! guy.  His website is fascinating and I’d be impressed if those weren’t for-sale clips.

But the best part is that Malcolm is not registered to vote in Dallas, Texas.  So his interest in a political PAC would be ….

Look, I’m telling you.  We need to start one of these get rich schemes.