Archive for March, 2015

Cleaning the Gene Pool: Two Wheeler Edition

March 13, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s Florida.  What can I say?

A cyclist died after accidentally shooting himself on Thursday afternoon, police said.

After reviewing video from nearby businesses and talking to witnesses, detectives determined that Smith was riding his bike when the handgun he was carrying in his jacket pocket discharged.

The good guy with a gun was riding a tricycle.

Lindsey, Honey, Calm the Heck Down

March 12, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lindsey Graham is upset, no, not upset – furious! that cuts have been made in defense spending.

He’s all a’quiver, y’all.

Graham-080106-18270- 0035Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) vowed that, if elected president, he would use the military to force Congress to reverse cuts to federal defense spending, Vox reported.

“I would literally use the military to keep them in if I had to,” Graham said at an event in New Hamphsire over the weekend. “

I think he’s serious.  I mean, little spittle things were forming at the corners of his mouth so he had to be serious.

I think that’s called a coup.  I could be wrong.  It could be called a Freekin’ Damn Ayatollah Move but I’ll probably have to look that up.

Thanks to Ralph and Mark for the heads up.

OK Oklahoma

March 12, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oklahoma has decided that you can only get married if the church approves.

I am not joking.

House Bill 1125, sponsored by Republican State Representative Todd Russ, is a radical measure that would end secular marriage licenses in the state. In addition, the bill would bar all judges and other secular officials from performing marriages in Oklahoma.

It passed the House.

UnknownIf you’re an atheist you have to file an affidavit in the county clerk’s office for a common law marriage.

Get this:  Republican representative Dennis Johnson.

Marriage was not instituted by government. It was instituted by God. There is no reason for Oklahoma or any state to be involved in marriage.

Uh, Dude, how about divorce?  Are we going to be doing divorce court in church now?

Republicans say that the purpose of the bill is to keep “Christian” county clerks from being “forced” to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.  I disagree.  The purpose is to make Oklahoma look stoopid.

Thanks to AlanInAustin and Brian for the heads up.

And The Beat Goes On

March 12, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I think it’s real sweet of Republicans to make us a list of the 47 craziest United States Senators.  It saves us the effort.  And as an added benefit, we get to watch them all run backwards with their shoes tied together now.

I have to admit that John McCain’s explanation of “I sign a lot of things,” was the cutest way to minimize doing something dumber than bean dip.

“I saw the letter, I saw that it looked reasonable to me and I signed it, that’s all. I sign lots of letters,” said Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

And when that didn’t fly, he switched to

John McCain: “It was kind of a very rapid process. Everybody was looking forward to getting out of town because of the snowstorm.”

Yeah, it’s the weather – made us act crazy.

Poor Tom Cotton stands there alone with his pants around his ankles while 46 of his fellow senators now claim they don’t know him.  Well, maybe “poor” wasn’t the right word to use.

According to newly released FEC filings, Cotton received $960,250 in supportive campaign advertising in the last month from the Emergency Committee for Israel (ECI), a right-wing group headed by the neoconservative pundit, Bill Kristol, who infamously predicted that the Iraq war would last two months. At its inception, the ECI was based out of the same Washington office as the Committee of the Liberation of Iraq, a pressure group that lobbied for the 2003 invasion.

Some even suspect that Bill Kristol wrote the danged letter.  I think that’s probably right because only Kristol can be that condescending and boneheaded at the same time.   Cotton owes his senate seat to Kristol with the influx of cash and advertising during the last month of a close race.

But the cherry on top of this heap-o’-crap would be if Netanyahu’s speech to congress costs him the election.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu launched a last-minute media blitz on Thursday to counter what appears to be a rising tide of support for his main opponent in next week’s election, the centrist Zionist Union.

If that happens, we are all sending thank you notes to John Boehner, and an eleven foot pole to stand outside of Tom Cotton’s office because from now on nobody will touch him with a ten foot one.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Republicans In Love

March 11, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Republicans in the Texas Lege are so damn entertaining.

Signs calling some state lawmakers former fetuses are causing a stir at the Capitol, with one representative accusing another of intimidating his staff by removing them.

Republican State Representative Jonathan Stickland replaced the usual sign on his office door with this one.  He’s a former fetus.  He’s also a pre-cadaver but he doesn’t make mention of that.


Republican State Representative Charlie Geren didn’t like it for some damn reason.  According to Strickland, Geren took the sign down and threw it “in my staffer’s face.”  Stickland says that Geren “intimidated” his staffer.

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My. My.  Republicans at war.

Geren denies it. He says the sign is a violation of the rules of the State Preservation Board, which is charged with making the capitol look proper and spiffy.

“If Stickland wants to act like a child, that’s fair, but I did not rip it down.”

Get a room, Boys.

They have taken their testy comments to Twitter.  Strickland obviously doesn’t care about the capitol looking proper and spiffy.  After all, he showed up.

Cheeky? They Were Being Cheeky?

March 11, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, we don’t cuss here because Momma does not approve, but I am thinking that maybe this might be time to say that Republicans don’t know the difference between cheeky and caca.

Trying to defend their letter to Iran, Republicans are sending this up the flagpole to see who salutes —

Republican aides were taken aback by what they thought was a lighthearted attempt to signal to Iran and the public that Congress should have a role in the ongoing nuclear discussions. Two GOP aides separately described their letter as a “cheeky” reminder of the congressional branch’s prerogatives.

“The administration has no sense of humor when it comes to how weakly they have been handling these negotiations,” said a top GOP Senate aide.

Sense of humor?  That letter was supposed to be cheeky? Honey, Republicans don’t have a sense of humor.  The first step to becoming a Republican is to have a humorectomy.  And it’s startlingly apparent that message was not conveyed to any of the signers.

I just thought y’all should know that the backtracking has begun!  And that “Just Joking!” won’t work at this beauty salon.

