Cheeky? They Were Being Cheeky?

March 11, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, we don’t cuss here because Momma does not approve, but I am thinking that maybe this might be time to say that Republicans don’t know the difference between cheeky and caca.

Trying to defend their letter to Iran, Republicans are sending this up the flagpole to see who salutes —

Republican aides were taken aback by what they thought was a lighthearted attempt to signal to Iran and the public that Congress should have a role in the ongoing nuclear discussions. Two GOP aides separately described their letter as a “cheeky” reminder of the congressional branch’s prerogatives.

“The administration has no sense of humor when it comes to how weakly they have been handling these negotiations,” said a top GOP Senate aide.

Sense of humor?  That letter was supposed to be cheeky? Honey, Republicans don’t have a sense of humor.  The first step to becoming a Republican is to have a humorectomy.  And it’s startlingly apparent that message was not conveyed to any of the signers.

I just thought y’all should know that the backtracking has begun!  And that “Just Joking!” won’t work at this beauty salon.



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0 Comments to “Cheeky? They Were Being Cheeky?”

  1. Not funny at all. Illegal….as he** ….. yes.

    Maybe the reason The Logan Act hasn’t needed to be enforced since 1803 is this simple: Until now…. nobody has been so stupid as to violate it.

    Enter Senator Tom Cotton.

    I signed the on-line petition to prosecute the scumbag.

    Somebody posted the link ,here yesterday.

    I know y’all are smart enough to find it.

  2. “It was a joke” is a Repuke’s “get out of jail” card.

    Whenever they say or do something stupid (a daily occurrence) and it blows up in their face (not often enough), they act surprised and say they were trying be be funny.

    So far, they have been able to have it both ways. They demonstrate their whack-job bona fides to their true-believing nutbar acolytes while maintaining a semblance of sanity to the Washington Press Corps and the gullible.

  3. “It was just a joke” and “You have no sense of humor” are the first defenses when someone has been seriously offensive and refuses to admit it and apologize. It’s trying to make themselves the victim. GOPers are practiced at that.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, if it is victim-hood the GOP wants, I say we should indulge them. Bring on the pitchforks!

  5. Wow! Over 150,000 signatures already! Hope we get close to a million. That should let Repugnican’ts know how funny the American voters think that stunt was.

  6. But the letter was cheeky. Just not facial cheeks.

  7. Wouldn’t “light-hearted” require that you first have a heart?

  8. Anybody ever notice that Tom Cotton looks remarkably like Norman Bates?

  9. Nobody should tolerate “just kidding” from anyone else. Cause if you have to say that, you really weren’t.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    In all his glory,here is dumbass dubya joking about wmds and getting the laughs from the crowd. All those dead Americans and Iraqui civilians because of lies must be a real hoot for despicable wingnuts.

  11. Mary Beth Hilburn says:

    I signed the petition, but know that this is not treason since we are not at war yet with Iran. It was dumb, it was ill considered, but it was the Republicans. That’s their motto_dumb and ill-considered R us.

  12. This is the same mindset that thought lynching was a joke! And our revulsion mean’t that we had no sense of humor!

  13. I think your right it’s more caca then cheeky. Shame of them. The sad thing these guys hate the black president more than they love the country. They put the hate above everythingelse. We need some grownups in the republican party.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Nuclear war is a joke? I don’t think so. I signed the petition, Miemaw.

  15. RepubAnon says:

    I can recall a number of movies where the (white) teenage gang members are roughing up some black kid – and when the sheriff stops them, they always said something like “Ah, shucks, we was just joking.”

    Kind of like the merry pranksters of the Spanish Inquisition – not the Monty Python guys, the real ones. I guess the folks who were tortured to death in various ugly ways also lacked a sense of humor.

  16. shortpeople says:

    In my 36 years of working for an R&D lab, I’ve had opportunities to take issue with policy decisions made by management regarding relationships with sponsoring agencies in Washington. Were I to have written an open letter to Washington Post informing sponsors that people working on their projects thought that management’s policies were temporary suggestions that would be ignored when management changed, I might have been kicked under the bus, been run over, had the bus backed up, and been run over again (several times).

  17. Jill Ann says:

    Joking my *ss. I sent a strongly worded email to both my delightful senators last night, expressing my disgust with their treasonous behavior.

  18. Biggomama says:

    Such bad spelling…it should “chitty” not “cheeky”.

  19. 168,000+

  20. Tom Cotton is so far off his rocker that there is no horizon. This guy impresses me as being scarier than the Cruzer.

  21. Edward Starsmith says:

    Either we come to an agreement and Iran does not get a nuclear weapon and we live in peace. Or we are unable to reach an agreement, Iran starts building nuclear weapons, and we get pulled into a nasty, possibly nuclear, war.

    Every Senator that signed that letter increased the risk of this nation getting involved in a nuclear war.

    “Stupid” doesn’t begin to describe it. This is every bit of treason. They should all be removed from office and face charges.

  22. Non-facial cheeks and chitty are not mutually exclusive for the party which consists of majority ***holes. Sort of a natural state of being if you think about it. Briefly.

  23. 192,700+

  24. Mary Reynolds says:

    March 12, 2015 2:12 AM Just checked on petition–205,000 signatures and counting. Does anyone know how to reach Holder’s office by phone? Please E-mail if available

    Mary Irish

  25. e platypus onion says:


    Department of Justice Main Switchboard – 202-514-2000

    Department Comment Line – 202-353-1555

    To call component officials, see the Directory of Department Officials

    Not likely to find a direct line to the AG unless you are an gubmint insider.

  26. Mary, the AG’s e-mails and faxes are “filtered”. He never gets any of them directly. They are handled. As for the phone, the first one to answer and maybe the only one is the receptionist. I can understand why a moat is built around this guy. What I can’t understand is why the DOJ has been zip-lipped about this treason.

  27. Wa Skeptic says:

    “I wuz just jokin'” and the answer my Dear Departed Mamma taught me was “It ain’t funny, McGee”.

    They know it isn’t funny when they say or do whatever offensive thing they do, so call them on it. It’s the only way the adolescents begin to grow up.

  28. linda phipps says:

    “Cheeky” ? Who in their right mind would get “cheeky” with a potential adversary who also has potential nukes? “Cheeky” brings to mind a squirrel up in a tree shaking its tail and chittering at one of the cats. Yeah, come to think of it, “cheeky” does describe these weasels.

  29. Signed.
