When I write about local stuff, you can bet your best pair of pink boots that the same damn thing is happening in your town.
I’ve told you before about the sheriff we had who was so old that we had to carbon date him to decide how many candles to put on his birthday cake. Well, he retired about a decade ago but didn’t leave office until two years ago. The new sheriff we elected is younger but he’s so slow that we have to put out markers to see if he’s moving.
Last September 11, Bernice Barclay, a Republican precinct chair and a county employee who works at the Jail Information switchboard, sent an email to all the elected officials in the county asking them to chip in to pay for the Republican Party Christmas Party, which was held at – prepare yourself – The Redneck Country Club. Hey, that’s an improvement. They used to hold it at a bank, you know, where they worship.
Here’s the email. Click the little one to see the big one.
Orignal Email
So, a Democrat, Dr. Oto Cantu, got steamed about this. He filed a complaint because you cannot use a county employee on county time in a county building to raise money for a political purpose. The next day, he files a complaint at the sheriff’s department against Ms. Barclay.
In February, after hearing diddle squat about this complaint, Dr. Cantu sent an email to the sheriff’s office asking what happened with his complaint. He got an answer. It ain’t pretty.
Upon seeing the complaint, Barclay’s superior, David Marcaurele, sent her an email at 10:57 AM.
Marcaurele’s email to Barclay
At 2:54 PM, she answers.
Barclay’s answer
At 3:03 PM, she gets her punishment. Do the click thing again.
Marcaurele’s “written counseling” of Barclay
Ouch! That’s tough.
On September 24th, the county attorney’s office issues an opinion that Mrs. Barclay did not violate the law because it was a Christmas party and that’s not political. You don’t believe me, do you?
Here ya go – from county attorney Matthew Grove.
Matthew Grove’s lawyering
Grove also finds that Barclay did not intend to benefit from this activity. We do not know what he did with the money his momma gave him to go to law school.
Now, do I need to add that the only Democrat in this whole episode was Dr. Oto Cantu?
And the case was closed with “written counseling.”
Closure of the case.
Now if Hillary Clinton had done this ….