Archive for February, 2015

Oh Hell Yes!

February 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m going to let our customer and friend Glen Maxey make the announcement here.


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Glen was the first openly gay legislator in Texas, and living proof that the state is full of fighters ready to bring progressive change to a state sometimes dismissed by progressives elsewhere.

He’s glowing and sparkling so big today that you’d think he was the bride.

And my deepest sympathy to all those Republicans whose marriages are now ruined, totally ruined.

Jeb, Y’all! He Ain’t Like Anyone Else.

February 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Cross his heart and hope to die, Jeb Bush ain’t like the rest of his family.

I mean, he’s got the same friends and advisers.  And sure, his advisers sound like an echo, not a voice.  Of course he has the same views as his father and brother but he’s the taller of three so his views are … well, taller, that’s for sure.

Screen Shot 2015-02-19 at 8.51.58 AMHe says he’s his own man.  Well, except for having Paul Wolfowitz on his back and Porter Goss whispering in his ear.  But, other than that, when he’s dining out, he almost always orders a different meal than his father and brother.

Of course he confuses Iran and Iraq just like his brother, but who doesn’t?  And numbers, pffff … 20,000 is almost 200,000, right?

He admits there were “mistakes” in his brother’s war but he’s not quite sure what they are.

Jeb Bush:  He’s His Own Bush.


Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Holy Crap: Pray and Drive Edition

February 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Accidents waiting to happen by the busload.

Oh Missississippissi

House members on Thursday passed a bill exempting mid-sized church buses from the state’s commercial driver’s license requirements, prompting one lawmaker to call it the “Jesus Take the Wheel Act.”

The bill, HB 132, would help congregations lacking a CDL-certified driver transport up to 30 passengers in a church-owned vehicle. Although applying equally to all churches, it’s primarily aimed at smaller congregations with fewer members and financial resources.

And they promise that if the driver is unqualified, they will only hit Muslim cars.


Thanks to chloe bear and Ralph for the heads up.

Sooners say “Later” to AP History

February 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

by Primo Encarnación

The bosslady Herownself has often told me that the only thing that keeps Texas from drifting into the Gulf is that Oklahoma sucks. Well, kids, Oklahoma is turning into a regular remora on the backside of the Bible Belt.

It seems that folks there have a real problem with history of the advanced placement kind. AP classes and tests in high school allow kids to get a head start on college and even earn college credits.   But in the world of educational attainment, Oklahoma is FAR from OK, as one-quarter of its kids don’t graduate high school, while its 31% rate of resident college graduates ranks 46th out of the 50 states plus DC.

Nevertheless, those few people in Oklahoma who DO plan to move out soon would probably appreciate a leg up on that degree when they go to college.

Not so fast! say some in the Oklahoma State Pantload Club Legislature. Their Education Committee – so-called without a SHRED of irony or self-deprecation – has voted 11-4 to pass an “emergency” bill defunding AP American History because… why?

Because it’s mean to America.

America, as we all should have encoded into our DNA by now, is the GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, and it’s disloyal, dishonorable, dishonest and disagreeable to say otherwise. If fact, it’s damn near heretical. Damn near? According to the Black Robe Regiment (they’ve never heard of you, either) we are “indoctrinating our youth at the exclusion of the Christian perspective.”

God, I hope so! But to Black Robe Regimentarian and Pastor Dan Fisher (R-Nutjobbia), that’s a bad thing. So his bill moves closer to becoming the law of his land and the land he belongs to ain’t grand.

You’d think with all those tornadoes and dust bowls and wind sweeping down the plain and such that they’d have had enough of low pressure areas. But, Noooooo!

Oklahoma just sucks harder.

Well, Maybe Not In North Carolina

February 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The North Carolina Ethics Commission – which is certainly an oxymoron – was asked to make a decision about sexual favors from lobbyists.

You have asked whether consensual ‘sexual favors or sexual acts’ between a lobbyist and a designated individual constitutes a gift or ‘thing of value’ that would trigger the gift ban and reporting requirements,’” the opinion says.

“Consensual sexual relationships do not have monetary value and therefore are not reportable as gifts or ‘reportable expenditures made for lobbying’ for purposes of the lobbying law’s expenditure reporting provisions,” the formal advisory opinion says.

I know some ladies in Las Vegas who would disagree with that.

But, here’s the confusing part.

However, providing a prostitute to a legislator or other covered official would constitute a gift or item of value and would have to be reported on disclosure forms – which, of course, would also be evidence of a crime, the opinion says.

Hellfire, Honey, you’re a lobbyist sleeping with an elected official.  That officially makes you a prostitute.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

Well, That’s A Much Nicer Way to Put It

February 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A newspaper reporter, who described himself as being “in an especially foul mood last night,” posted a picture of President Obama taking a selfie with the cutline —“A fool-proof way to make yourself look like a self-absorbed assclown.”


He apologized.

He changed it to read, “A fool-proof way to make yourself look like a self-absorbed celebrity.”

Yes, that is far more respectful.

However, it is nice to know that celebrity and assclown are interchangeable words.

More self absorbed celebrities.

More self absorbed celebrities.