M-I-SS-I-SS-I-PP-Idon’t freekin’believethiscrap

February 17, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Take a deep breath.

There’s a Republican State Representative in Mississippi named Gene Alday who says he’s not a racist just because he walks, talks, and quacks like one.

Alday said he comes “from a town where all the blacks are getting food stamps and what I call ‘welfare crazy checks.’ They don’t work.”

Alday also told the newspaper about a time he visited an emergency room.

“I liked to died. I laid in there for hours because they (black people) were in there being treated for gunshots,” Alday was quoted as saying.

Alday didn’t deny the comments attributed to him. However, he said he was not a racist.

“I am definitely not a racist, at all,” Alday told Mississippi News Now. “Because, I mean, I get along with everybody. And I’ve spent a lot of time helping people.”

He later claimed that yes, he said that, but it was off the record.  You know, because being an off the record racist is so much … better?  And that the reporter took him back to his “days in law enforcement.” “I have a way of talking and saying, ‘take this off the record.'”  Because it’s okay for law enforcement to be off the record racists?

I’ll bet State Representative Gene Alday is kinda shocked at what’s going on in New York.

More than 30 people have been nabbed for food stamp fraud in the North Country.

Investigators say over the past couple month’s people used their food stamps to get food or alcohol at the Old Time Butcher Block store in Brushton.




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0 Comments to “M-I-SS-I-SS-I-PP-Idon’t freekin’believethiscrap”

  1. Yeah—I’d say this bunch looks a littler lighter
    than the black Mississippians. Hmmmm. Must be
    the lighting and the colder weather.

  2. I see Fifty Shades of Pale.

  3. Fred Farklestone says:

    Here’s what I sent Gene a few minutes ago!

    Fred Farklestone
    1:37 PM (0 minutes ago)

    to galday
    Hey Gene lookie here! Look’s like some of your relatives got caught illegally using Food Stamps!


  4. This guy is a one moron army for re-running myths heretofore debunked about welfare. Mt favorite article on the subject lists 4 Republican Lies about Welfare.

    1. Bennies go to minorities, primarily women, who never leave the dole. In fact, more whites receive welfare than blacks. A significant percentage of receivers are children rather than adults.

    2. Welfare increases teen pregnancy. Welfare does not increase teen pregnancy. In reality teens having sex cause teen pregnancy. No one ever said “We are 15, let’s make a baby so we can collect $50 a month in Welfare.”

    3. People on Welfare do not live well. Every year, my mother sent a Thanksgiving dinner to a family we know who lived in the poorest part of my little Texas hometown. The year I turned 16 she had me deliver it. They house they lived in did not have a single 90 degree corner. I had to walk through the uninhabitable front half of the house because the family lived in the back half. The only running water was in the kitchen sink. I could go on and on. This family did not “live well”.

    4. And finally the idea that Welfare “drains” the Federal budget is ridiculous. I wont dignify that position with a response. However “poverty” IS expensive. Not so much in dollars as in intangibles lost.

    /rant over

  5. When corporate welfare subsidies and tax loopholes are abolished, then you can complain about poor people getting welfare. When fat cats pay more tax than I do, I’ll listen to this politicrap.

  6. linda phipps says:

    Thank you micr. Even if HALF of what that carbuncle says were true, yanking their assistance based on that IS racist.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    I could write a pile of stories here, starting with the super duper rich who get so much welfare that they have to go hide it in a little island somewhere so nobody’ll notice that it’s missing. Micr, thanks for your story. Y’all might like to read SEASON OF GIFTS by Richard Peck, one of my favorite young adult novels.

  8. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Thirty-two white folks cheating on welfare…I wonder what excuse Mr. Alday will find for them.

    And why was HE in the ER if he hadn’t been shot? Doesn’t he have a doctor of his own like proper white man in Mississippi? ERs are FOR things like gunshot wounds.

  9. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Oh, and I just love his ‘taken out of context’ defense. In what context would anything he said be non-racist?

  10. It dawned on me today that more and more people are making overtly racist comments nowadays because they think they no longer need to be ashamed for what they say.

    “After all, if other people are saying this stuff, why can’t I do as well? I know that there are others who will support me, and I don’t have to pay any attention to the general community that regards my behavior as deplorable.”

    It’s such a comfort to the white sheet and headgear wearers when they look around and all they see are people dressed the same way. Let the bonfire be lit!

  11. e platypus onion says:

    If you have to publicly claim over and over you are not a racist,you prolly are a racist.

    Do kids apply for welfare and then get pregnant? Or does the welfare card do the dirty deed itself? Maybe welfare cards should get neutered.

  12. Alday, have you ever heard of white trash? My sainted mom in law taught me about them. Too bad you weren’t around when she was at her best or you would have learned something, like how to be ashamed which just might lead you to repentance. Its a tough road but a tough guy like you just might make it. Repentance is sad in that it is like admitting to a bit of a kind of death of everything about yourself (worth, self-esteem et al.) and deciding that this is not the best you can be and turning yourself around. It ain’t for the faint-hearted. Now that you know just how macho you have to be about repenting, wanna sign up?

  13. Glen Maxey says:

    And most are missing the point of the story. The fraud was the misuse of the stamps to buy alcohol according to the headline. The store owner was the biggest fraudster here. It’s only a sidebar “oh wow” story that these folks are all pale.

  14. Busted. I guess I got caught.
    After all the times I made fun of Texas and Mississippi…….
    This is in my backyard. And yes we have welfare fraud, food stamp fraud and meth labs.

    My only excuse is maybe the cold made them do it?
    We have had night temps (and wind chill) well below zero
    to -40 or -50. And day time temps below 0.
    I don’t know why they went out to the freaking store in those temps.
    Yes I do, it was free!!!!!

  15. I am reminded of an actress who announced at every opportunity, “I am a major star!” and the bellboy who muttered, “If you gotta tell ’em, you ain’t.”

    If you’ve got to tell people you’re not a racist, you are.

  16. Marge Wood says:

    Every generation has to learn these lessons over and over.

  17. Quite often the very first thing that radical righters do during an argument is to attempt to change what words mean. Often that’s the only way they can “win” an argument.

  18. Maggie, you nailed the repentance thing.
    Micr, perfect.

    My clients are mentally disabled people in Minnesota. Most of them have mental illnesses. They can’t get it together well enough to cheat on SNAP, disability income, or anything else.

    We had a couple here who had so effectively cheated on a wide variety of programs that they owned a yacht, a big house in Florida, and claimed to be Scottish royalty! Other rich white bastards ate that all up. Those 2 are in prison now. She testified against hubby so her term was short. Hell be in the state penn for some time. They’ll both be on parole forever or until they repay several hundred thousand dollars, whichever comes first. I’m betting on “forever.”

    Y’all know how it is for the entitled rich white scum.

  19. Excellent comment by “Stride Johnson” on the Guardian version of this story:

    “He meant exactly what he said. As most racism in Mississippi goes, it’s sub-conscious and it stays right under the surface of a conversation. Someone says racist things and then if you ask him if he’s a racist, he’ll be offended. Probably start telling you how these are just “facts” and then probably reference some (non-existent) scientific study that showed that “the blacks (etc. etc. something equally if not more racist than the first thing he said)”. This is one of the only time that conservatives will use “science” to support any conclusion.”


  20. Aggieland Liz says:

    (((Micr))) loved the rant!

  21. Perhaps Alday is a victim of vampire racism. That is, it only comes out after sunset to prey upon people.

    Or it’s Jekyll and Hyde, where Alday morphs into racist AlNight.

  22. Kate oDubhagain says:

    Much of Mississippi’s bad behavior has been about the need of certain of their white population to feel superior to someone/anyone, and it’s usually Black people.

  23. Elise Von Holten says:

    Sigh. Poor White Trash here. Never on any help, too proud for that, so hungry and shuffled about constantly. Too many schools and no one knew then about learning disabilities. The intangibles lost and repenting myself into mental difficulty because of the closed loop of “repenting” for being born (to a 16 year old) and the only answer presented was to kill myself, thereby resetting the stage to zero so “her” life would somehow become unrefined…
    I got myself out of so many traps and sinkholes and am healthy in most ways (gnawing off a paw or two to get free leaves a few scars).
    Those people, stuck inside with too many people per room and no coping skills…needed food and there was that escape method of drinking right there…trying to cope…as most people in poverty do. It is such a hard road to escape the poverty of the mind, we have very few decent teachers and as Micr it’s intangibles, so how do we teach that?

  24. Elise Von Holten says:

    Not “unrefined”– ” reset” dang spell check!

  25. to quote george wallace exactly: ” i don’t hate n*****s” yes, he said that!!

  26. Parents must ultimately be their children’s teachers and moral examples when it comes to treating others as their equals, regardless of differences. Sadly, very few step up to the task.

  27. And Texas is busily trying to redo the school system so only poor kids with problems are in public schools which are underfunded. I remember a couple years ago, a nearby middle school had only the big tough principal as lunch room guard. He was working about twelve hours a day. Of course most teachers and principals work that kind of hours. That is only my perception. I know there are lots of kids who thrive and accomplish a lot in public schools.
