Archive for November, 2014

Well, Darn, They Did It.

November 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The group Anonymous has done the deed.


The hacker collective Anonymous released another cache of information on people the group says are affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist organizations.

“Having fun riding the waves of losing twitter accounts, ddos attacks, and being caught with your zipper down?” asked the letter, which contained the names and contact information of more than a hundred alleged white supremacists.

I wonder how many of my neighbors are on that list?

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

Of Course It’s An Ambush! You Didn’t Head Them Off At The Pass!

November 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh Lord in Heaven above, it’s Texas textbook time so all the trick-or-treaters are in full costume.

Over here on the right you have your average hate mongering Christians and on the left you have your more than average scaredy cats.

A conservative grassroots group formed by a San Antonio man with ties to a national anti-Muslim organization has made a late entry into debate over new social studies textbooks for Texas schools, which are set to gain final approval from the state Board of Education this week.

The Truth in Texas Textbooks Coalition (formerly known as the Let’s All Drool Consortium) has submitted 469 pages identifying more than 1,500 “factual errors, omission of facts, half-truths and agenda biases” in proposed materials.  The material was submitted a month after public comments ended on proposed changes to Texas textbooks.

Among its objections: A passage on coal mining should say it has “minimal effect on the environment”; a chapter on Spanish colonization of Latin America should point out the “continuous discrimination and oppression practiced by the native American peoples on each other”; and a statement that Shariah law requires religious tolerance of non-Muslims should be removed.

Considering the massive and late submission, one board member, a Republican even!, asked …

“Are you really trying to improve the textbooks, or are you trying to stage an ambush?” he said. “They clearly were aware of our process and our meetings, and according to their own website they were created in 2013. So I don’t understand why they couldn’t honor our deadline.”

Imagine that!  The Tea Party not playing by the rules.  Look, when in Republicans are shocked, that’s doin’ something.

Thanks to Sam for the heads up.



November 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, y’all, this is creepy.

Screen-shot-2014-11-11-at-10.06.08-AMRemember when I told you about the Ted Cruz Coloring Book?  Well, some of you decided to email the company that makes them and say, “Dude, what were you thinking?”

Okay, that’s not creepy.  This is America.  You can do that.

The answer they got back was real creepy.

Larry wrote them, “The Senator from Canada? How much did he pay you to do that?”   Short, snappy, to the point, and no weirdness involved.

The answer?

Our company makes book on President Obama:

The gay community, libertarians, democrats and republicans.
Do you dislike all people or just Mr. Cruz. This is called freedom of the press.

We have captured your IP address and logged appropriately.


Customer Service

You captured his IP address and “logged appropriately”?  Really?  Are you going to “make book” on that, too.

Then Marion wrote them: “That’s one coloring book that’s bad for America and the American way.  Thanks for letting me know which company I need to boycott. Not for my children.”

And they answered her.


Our company makes book on President Obama:

The gay community, libertarians, democrats and republicans. Do you dislike all people or just Mr. Cruz. This is called freedom of the press.

We do not discriminate against any person or groups in America; even you who wants to destroy-damage others based on your own email below.  We have captured your IP address and logged appropriately.


Customer Service

Again, they “make book” of President Obama.  Kinda makes you wonder what they are betting on, right?

So Marion’s ip address has been captured and logged “appropriately,” too.  I wonder if it’s made friends with Larry’s ip?  I wonder if they are tied up in a dungeon somewhere?

Hey, freedom of speech includes creepy speech.  So, if your ip needs capturing, here’s the place.

Thanks to Larry and Marion for the heads up.

Sometimes They Hit a Homerun

November 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The thing about the Klan is that they kill people.  They have promised “lethal force” in Missouri.

So the hackers group Anonymous did us all a favor and hacked their Twitter account.  Anonymous is now in the process of pulling off the bed sheets.  Honey, I’m buying popcorn and sitting by the computer screen.

ZDNet says it received two unconfirmed statements from Anonymous affirming the takeover. The second message said that the hacker group was in possession of KKK members’ personal information:

Also…. we have compromised personal accounts (which give us more faces), tied up their phone lines and filled every voicemail and inbox with love. We have barely scratched the surface, keep that pencil out….

Wanna bake cookies for them?

One anonymous group exposing another anonymous group.  Life is kinda cool sometimes.

Whoa. I Need To Study-Up.

November 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I could not vote in Louisiana.  Even if I wanted to.  Which I don’t.

The state of Louisanna had a Literacy Test for African Americans in the 1960’s.

… the test consisted of 30 ambiguous questions to be answered in 10 minutes. One wrong answer, and the test-taker was denied the right to vote.

Just recently, the same literacy test was also administered to Harvard students — students who can, if anything, ace a standardized test — and not one passed.

Now I have to tell you something, I have some not-terribly-bright-but-very-white relatives who crossed the Sabine River into Louisiana and it immediately raised the collective IQ of both states.  They were, as Aunt Shirley said, so dumb “that they couldn’t pour pee out of a boot with the instructions written on the bottom.”

You can see the whole test here.

Check this out …


I have never in my life met a politician who was worth that much effort.

Thanks to Don for the heads up.

Twitter Twits

November 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, when Republicans violate campaign laws, they prefer to do it right out in the open just because they freekin’ can.

Republicans and outside groups used anonymous Twitter accounts to share internal polling data ahead of the midterm elections, CNN has learned, a practice that raises questions about whether they violated campaign finance laws that prohibit coordination.

Well, call me an angel and stick me on top of a tree because I am here to tell you that there is absolutely no question whatsoever that it violated campaign finance laws.

imagesHell, you can get a secret decoder ring, send it by Morse code, talk in pig latin, or use Navajo code talkers, it’s still sharing data and information and that’s against the law.

The law says that outside groups, such as super PACs and non-profits, can spend freely on political causes as long as they don’t coordinate their plans with campaigns. Sharing costly internal polls in private, for instance, could signal to the campaign committees where to focus precious time and resources.

So, with a little twit wink, Republicans made Citizen’s United even more of a farce.

These are some damn creepy people, y’all.