Sometimes They Hit a Homerun

November 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The thing about the Klan is that they kill people.  They have promised “lethal force” in Missouri.

So the hackers group Anonymous did us all a favor and hacked their Twitter account.  Anonymous is now in the process of pulling off the bed sheets.  Honey, I’m buying popcorn and sitting by the computer screen.

ZDNet says it received two unconfirmed statements from Anonymous affirming the takeover. The second message said that the hacker group was in possession of KKK members’ personal information:

Also…. we have compromised personal accounts (which give us more faces), tied up their phone lines and filled every voicemail and inbox with love. We have barely scratched the surface, keep that pencil out….

Wanna bake cookies for them?

One anonymous group exposing another anonymous group.  Life is kinda cool sometimes.

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0 Comments to “Sometimes They Hit a Homerun”

  1. Way cool. Why do people keep thinking that they are safe and anonymous on the internet? It’s nice the bad guys don’t learn, though.

  2. I have some suggestions for people to doxx next. It will include all those guys in GamerGate and Shirtstorm (email me if you want to know) who are mostly right-wing libertarian sexist and often racist wackos, if you ask me, which you didn’t and who harass any women who speak up on issues from a liberal stance (like, say, wanting equal pay.) They threaten to, and then do, doxx the women as well as insult them, flood their inboxes, threaten their children, etc, etc. THey need what they dish out. And it would not surprise me to find that a bunch of them wear white sheets on some nights.

  3. Yeah, okay, they’re the KKK and they’re despicable, but hacking should still be punished no matter whom or what the victim may be. Otherwise it’s like saying that if ISIS beheads innocent captives, it’s somehow right for us to torture and behead ISIS members. There’s a big difference between what our emotions tell us needs doing and what we should be doing.

  4. Corinne Sabo says:

    The heck with cookies, I’d do a full Thanksgiving dinner.

  5. Yes, UmptyDump, I just wonder where this will lead to. I would think that the FCC or some other watchdog group would be on this in a heartbeat. No matter the despicable people who are members of the KKK I don’t think this should be lauded.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    UmptyDump, I almost agree with you in principle. However, when an armed group of thugs known historically for their lynchings threaten bloodshed to stifle a peaceful protest, there are two ways to counter them. We could go in armed, too and escalate the violence. Or, as Anonymous has done use the subtle manipulation of electronics to mock them and shed light on their buffoonery. Anonymous, a kinder and gentler Robin Hood for the 21st century.

  7. C’mon folks even the harshest DoS hack isn’t logically close to beheading innocents.

    Now if you hacked ISIS bank account and surreptitiously deposited the proceeds in the Teahadists’ bank account right as an FDIC audit began… good on ya!

    Twisting on their twitter account is pretty juvenile and innocent. Annoying if you’re them. ROFLMAO if you’re me.

  8. Honestly, it couldn’t have happened to a nicer racist hate group. Ya know what I’m sayin’?

  9. BTW if you think I don’t take hacking seriously, you’d be wrong. It’s groups like KKK that I don’t take seriously. Let mocking and shaming begin!

  10. It’s time light was shed on those cowardly criminals. Let everyone see their faces and hear their threats.

  11. SomedayGirl says:

    I have to agree with Micr…hacking into someone’s Twitter and outting them as a bigot isn’t really like hacking off someone’s head. Spamming someone’s voicemail box isn’t like torture.

    Besides, they’re Klan – surely they’re proud to stand up, be counted, and suffer for their noble Krusade.

  12. Unfortunately, or not, our government (and particularly the DHS) have made ‘hacking’ quite illegal.
    So if the Anonymous were caught they would be facing big slammer time, while the KKK’ers walk.

    I’m saying this as someone who pulled off his first software “hacks” in 1971, long before most even knew what a computer was (and not even soft/hardware EE geeks did much of it back then).
    And since I was doing this within certain secure critical national ‘assets’, in today’s environment I’d get the MAX.
    Of course my hacking was simply elegant practical joking around, mostly with co-workers. No malice whatsoever (as almost all hacking once was to us), and you better believe I made sure nothing would go wrong beyond the intended effects (but we are talking complex software, soooo…you never quite know…yeah, one lucky dude :] ).

  13. JAKvirginia says:

    FYI: the Klan dared them to hack the site.

  14. Until someone comes up with a legal, better way to sandbag the KKK, I’m just giving thanks for Anonymous’s hacking. The Klan has been literally getting away with murder for well over a century. There are a lot of them IN our governing bodies, so they’re never hit with the force of the law. Why should they be allowed to conduct war against women and children?

  15. @Sandridge
    See my employer takes hacking seriously but we have rules of engagement. When we catch a hacker, if we identify them and report them to the local DA, executives prosecute. If we catch them and mess with them even a little (like plant a .bat in their start that immediately powers their system down or FDISKs their c: drive) then executives won’t prosecute. Of course softly re-directing them to a KGB-owned open relay does have its amusing moments. Not like the screens in the Matrix movies or Person of Interest tv show, but amusing nonetheless.

  16. I’m of two minds about this. Hacking can be harmful and it is illegal, and I wouldn’t want it done to me, but on the other hand I don’t want racists, misogynists, or other haters to be able to spew anonymous threats and garbage. It’s hard to know where to draw the line legally.

    Show me some of the garbage, though, and I’ll probably be all for anything that can be done to shut them down and shut them up. I know decent, intelligent people have been driven into silence by masses of obscene and vitriolic attacks.

  17. I might go along with filing charges against the hackers. Under one condition. All living members of the KKK who have not been charged with crimes they committed during their lifetimes come forward, turn themselves in, and waive any statute of limitations.

    OK, now it seems fair to charge Anonymous.

  18. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rick, not so fast. After the KKK comes clean, the Bundy ammosexuals are prosecuted, Wall Street and the bankers do some time, and the entire Bush/Cheney cabal are off to the Hague facing their war crimes, then maybe DOJ should take a look at Anonymous. Or not; let’s toss the Republicans a bone and save the taxpayers some money chasing after the Merry Band of the modern day Robin Hood.

    Better yet, let DOJ do all of the above, then investigate the Koch brothers.

  19. Right now, other groups are hacking and doxxing away–attacking women scientists, journalists, specifically women in STEM fields. Law enforcement is all “Meh…” about it, as they are about many crimes against women and not doing one !**! thing. In this county, I was at a library function with a lot of other authors some years back, and Ken Anderson, the former-DA-then-county judge (later indicted for having withheld information at the trial of Michael Morton), told us all that the KKK really wasn’t a problem any more, that it was a dying breed…at a time when I knew he was wrong and undoubtedly (given the access he would have a former DA and judge) he knew it was wrong–he was just lying again, for political reasons.

    Since law enforcement is clearly not doing enough (or anything) about the KKK, and they are clearly domestic terrorists, I’m fine with doxxing them from here to breakfast and back. I’ve already had a couple show up in my Twitter stream (where I RTed the Anonymous announcement) to throw some swagger my way.

  20. I remember a story about how Anomymous stopped the R’s from stealing Ohio in the 2008 election which is why Rove had a meltdown on TV because he thought the fix was in since his friends owned the voting machines and after having gottn away with stealing the Ohio vote 2004 they expected to get away with it again.

    So this would be at least the second time that Anoynmous has done a irrefutible good public service.

    And if o’keefe can get away with tapping the phone of a member of the US Senate intelligence Comm. and only get a slap on the wrist do not speak of punishing this.

  21. Micr #15–
    In my early era messing around there were almost no defenses yet (little awareness of a need), and very few traces (in the form of logs, audits, etc.) to be found (and knowing the systems inside and out, they were easily removed anyway), this was before the public ‘internet’. I would eventually publicize a hack to heighten a sense of risk, and hope somebody would start taking the vulnerabilities up and create some defenses (greatly simplifying things here).
    Had I gone to the ‘darkside’ it would have been bad, not that there even was much of a darkside then (them furriners were seriously behind us technologically then).
    As good as some of the Russky stuff was (for example: various systems, aircraft/missiles/etc), they used almost no electronics, it was still electro-mechanical for them (relays, sequencers, etc), reliable but dumb in comparison; based mostly on brute force and ‘iron’, not silicon.

  22. “One anonymous group exposing another anonymous group. Life is kinda cool sometimes.”

    Kind of like Karma!

  23. @Sandridge
    You caught the essence of the Soviet engineer’s mind in a couple of thoughts. Just enough material so even if they arent the “best” you can afford to build billions of ’em. AK47s, Mig-15s etc.

  24. Edward Starsmith says:

    As I type this, my dog is on my couch quietly sleeping. She is no where near this fight. Since I don’t have a dog in this fight, I’ll just quietly munch popcorn and watch.

    Oh, and if anybody knows where I can send them, I make a mean brownie I’ll be happy to contribute to the reward for Anonymous.

  25. Micr #23–
    Yep, and today they still have a rock solid satellite lifting capability, used almost weekly. Relatively dumb, dirty, not the safest redundant stuff, not cheap, but it just keeps on working.
    Meanwhile, we got almost nothing left.
    P11ssed billions/trillions? away on that flying pig, the fatally flawed Shuttle; and no contingent systems to speak of (will the privatization efforts work?).
    Now the Chinese and even Indians are planning moon landings. Us? Crickets.
    While our ‘leaders’ squabble over ridiculous ‘moral’ issues and fear-fear-fear24/7, they cut NASA, NOAA, and other science-based initiatives, et al., budgets to he11 to allow for more 10%’er tax cuts (and meddle with the science, Inhofe to chair the environment, let’s get Loopy Louie and FundyFuhrer Ted to control a bunch more…

    Go get ’em Repukes, you’ve set this nation back more than a decade relative to our true economic, scientific, and military rivals. Go ahead and finish us off within the next decade.

    And I never forget the lazy ass Democrats that make it possible. Remember around ’09, when the projections were that the Repuke’s would go the way of/self-destruct the way the Whigs did? Yeah, ‘Hope n’ Change’, sure.

  26. Anonymous gave fair warning to the KKK.

    The KKK said “meh”. Bet you can’t.

    Anonymous has now shown…. “Yes they can.”.

    Unlike the KKK, the “Anon” people have brains. I wouldn’t mess with them. 🙂

  27. Can’t help but have a soupcon of admiration for Anonymous. The “outing” of the Klan should reveal all the cops across the nation who are members. That alone would brighten my day.

  28. I know it is not right, but sometimes karma needs a helping hand!

  29. I admit, “outing” a person who belongs to the KKK via illegal hacking seems wrong.

    But, it is much more wrong for the KKK of Missouri to threaten lethal action against the protestors of Ferguson. I’m sorry, but that is an unacceptable level of threat on a group!

    Having Anon take on the cause to shutdown such bully-boy and Domestic Terrorism tactics is something I do approve of. I just really wish that it was not necessary!

  30. If by “stealing their sheets” Anon prevents criminal/violent acts, well….

    If these “aryan wonders” truly believe their spew, then they should WELCOME this opportunity to be open in their beliefs. Do I believe that will happen? Not so much.

    I just hope and pray for a just and peaceful resolution to this horror.

  31. In some instances civil disobedience is the best tactic to use. And the people using it are generally aware that they may suffer consequences.

  32. Late last night, Anon tweeted that they were preparing to disclose proof that Darren Wilson is in the KKK. Game-changer if true, but let’s face it, dumb from a PR standpoint. If you have proof, post it. If you don’t, you’re undermining your own credibility.
