Archive for August, 2014

Point of Personal Privilege

August 29, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Fort Bend Republican Party Chairman Mike Gibson can kiss my big blue butt on the courthouse square.

Mike Gibson doesn’t know shoot from shinola.

The local Republican Party has filed complaints at the Federal Election Commission about the Fort Bend Democrats for two Presidential elections in a row. We won the first one and now we’ve  …. you’ve got it, won again.

COMPLAINANT: Michael D. Gibson
RESPONDENTS: Fort Bend County Democratic Party and S. Qaisar Imam “Q,” in his official capacity as treasurer
SUBJECT: The complaint alleged that the Fort Bend County Democratic Party and Imam “Q,” in his official capacity as treasurer (Fort Bend), (1) distributed a voters’ guide in 2012 that caused Fort Bend to become a political committee but failed to register and report as such; (2) funded its expenditures for the voters’ guide, which falls under federal election activity, from a state account; and (3) included an incomplete disclaimer on the guide.
DISPOSITION: The Commission exercised its prosecutorial discretion and dismissed the allegation of failure to register and report as a political committee in light of the fact that the available information indicates that Fort Bend’s expenditures may have only narrowly exceeded the $1,000 threshold for political committee status. The Commission also dismissed the allegation in connection with an incomplete disclaimer because the partial disclaimer clearly identified who paid for the mailer.

Soooo… Gibson, can’t you find another hobby other than to waste taxpayer money at the FEC just to make yourself look like three fourths of a halfwit.  I admit, it sounds like a typical Texas Republican game plan – let’s force the government to spend money so we can complain about the government spending money – but twice in a row, Dude?

We’re Democrats.  We follow the rules.  Get over your smug self.

I can’t wait to see you in person, Skippy.  Don’t you turn and run because I’m gonna chase your butt down.

Smug sumbitch.  He’s just a smug sumbitch.


Hey, Rick, You Didn’t Think They’d Eat?

August 29, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

About 50 of the Texas National Guard troops that Governor Rick Perry sent to the Valley on August 11th don’t get paid until September 5th.

They’ve asked for help from the food bank for food and gas money.

Yes, really.

UnknownThey came here to help protect the border but now the first wave of Texas National Guard troops deployed after Governor Rick Perry made the call, are needing assistance to pay for food and gas.

“We were contacted that 50 troops that are in the Valley don’t have any money for food and gas and they need our assistance,” said Food Bank RGV Executive Director Terri Drefke.

Well, ain’t that some dandy planning?

Napoleon said that an army moves on it’s stomach.  Rick Perry says, “They’re big enough.  They don’t need to eat.”

He wants to be President of the United States of American, y’all.

Chicken! Cluck, Cluck, Cluck…

August 29, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all are gonna love this.

The big tough guy who wants to be Governor just backed out of a debate with a girl.

Republican candidate Greg Abbott has reversed his decision to appear in the only gubernatorial debate scheduled to be broadcast statewide on television.

Yesterday, Abbott lost his beloved public school financing case.  His plan was declared unconstitutional.  Today, he cancels the one and only statewide debate they were going to have.  And, to make matter even more sissy, it was just a roundtable discussion, not a real debate.


Here’s the deal.  On May 22, Abbott accepted the debate terms and place.  On August 3rd, he hired a new debate consultant.  And here’s what the consultant decided —

“Due to our inability to agree on specific details of the format, Attorney General Greg Abbott will regretfully not be participating in the WFAA debate,” Robert Black, a senior campaign adviser said Friday morning.

Oh Lord, the consultant decided that Abbott is Rick Perry without the intelligence.

In response, the teevee station posted a letter sign by the Abbott campaign agreeing to the format of the debate.

What a damn wimp.  Texas cannot have a damn loser wimp for Governor.  I mean, Perry was kinda wimpy going jogging with a handgun and all, but damn – being afraid of a girl, that takes the cake.

Yeah, ‘Cuz Bringing Home the Bacon and The Riesling Is Our Job

August 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Pennsylvania Republican Governor Tom Corbett knows what is important to women.  Liquor laws, that’s what!

He wants to reform liquor laws in his state to help the little woman.

10266318-happy-young-woman-holding-a-paper-shopping-bag-full-of-groceries-pepper-salad-asparagus-bottle-of-wi“I think a lot of people want to be able to walk into a grocery store,” Corbett said. “Particularly, a lot of the women, want to be able to go in and buy a bottle of wine for dinner, go down buy a six pack or two six packs, buy dinner, and go home. Rather than what I just described, is at least three stops, in Pennsylvania.”

Yeah, and we can pay them less if they only have to make one stop on the way home.

Now, I have to ask, if the little woman is bringing home a bottle of wine, 2 six-packs of beer, and one dinner, you think maybe she’s on the verge of killing some damn man?

There Are Some Things I’d Never Do – Even for Money – And Rand Paul is Pretty Much At The Top Of That List

August 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So you wondered how Rand Paul got all that support in Iowa that was supposed to go to Rick Perry?  Cash.

Screen Shot 2014-08-27 at 7.04.28 PMFormer Iowa state senator Kent Sorenson pled guilty on Wednesday to endorsing former Congressman Ron Paul’s campaign in exchange for secret payments and then lying about the payoff to investigators. In particular, he admitted “one count of causing a federal campaign committee to falsely report its expenditures to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and one count of obstruction of justice in connection with the concealed expenditures.”

In all fairness, no one is saying that Rand Paul the actual person is involved in this.  However, two of his top people, like his deputy campaign manager and the head of his 2012 Presidential race, were very much involved.

Wanna know how much the payoff was?  $25,000.

You know, I don’t mind my politicians being for sale.  Hell, everybody is for sale.  What I mind is that they’re for sale so damn cheap.

Now here’s the very fun part:

The plea bargain though does prevent Sorenson from facing prosecution for allegations previously been paid in secret to support Michele Bachmann’s campaign before jumping ship to back Paul and guarantees that his wife will not face criminal charges as well.

Hellfire, this guy ain’t for sale.  He’s for rent!

Thanks to David for the heads up.

Welcome to Texas. Have a Glass of Wine.

August 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is a here-ya-go headline if I ever saw one….

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Yep.  Just in time for election season, they denied all scientific speculation and conquered frontiers of ignorance to bring you a $99. beer pack with 99 beers.

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It’s brewed in Austin, where we keep things weird.  The beer is named Peacemaker.  I doubt it works.


Thanks to Eileen in Austin for the heads up.