Archive for August, 2014

Well, I Certainly Hope He’s Only Pro-White After Labor Day

August 08, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Anna Zubkova is running for probate judge in Connecticut.  I generally don’t hold married couples responsible for each other’s behavior, but there are exceptions.  This is probably one.

Screen Shot 2014-08-08 at 5.08.31 PMHer husband of 17 years, Rob, has a blog were he expresses some strong views on race and white pride.  I mean, strong.  And he’s been to a couple of neo-nazi rallies.

Her defense?

“He did not have those views when we married, but acquired them after,” Zubkova told the paper. “What am I supposed to do? Divorce him? It’s not unusual for husbands and wives to have different views.”

Anna, Honey, I do not blame you for his views.  I do, however, question your judgement and your ability to lead, negotiate, and be a damn judge.

“I am pro-white, because so much out there is anti-white,” Freeman wrote.

You need to let him get out more often, Anna.  Buy him a teevee and let him look at congress.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Holy Crap: The Devil Made Me Text You

August 08, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so there’s a priest who tried to exorcize the devil from a young woman.

He failed.

So, now he’s getting text messages.  From the feekin’ devil.



So, here’s what I’m wondering.

Does the devil have autocorrect?  And if so, has he ever texted anything embarrassing?  Because that would be cool.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

Holy Crap: Buck a Duck and Dump a Dog Edition

August 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We are certain that gay marriage caused this.

Windermere Baptist Conference Center is a big ole honker place with a lake, camping, a hotel, conference center, RV Park, chapel, and swimming as long as you are modestly dressed.  It’s in Missouri.  They have all manner of things to save your soul, but it doesn’t work all that well.

Their CEO got arrested.

53e25e6015266.preview-300The Boone County Sheriff’s Department Cyber Crimes Task Force on Tuesday arrested a 56-year-old Camden County man after he allegedly used the Internet to try to find a dog to have sex with.

Jerald L. Hill of the 500 block of Forest Circle in Roach was arrested in Columbia at 11:35 a.m. yesterday on suspicion of attempted unlawful sex with an animal and attempted animal abuse, Boone County sheriff’s Detective Tracy Perkins said in a news release. Hill was released from the Boone County Jail after posting bond totaling $1,000.

Well, Jerry Hill ain’t just your average CEO.  He’s a Super DeLux Brand Christian CEO and he’s not just the CEO, but also the President.

But, day-um, it makes a helluva opening paragraph.

Windermere Baptist Conference Center likely will choose a new executive following the arrest of Jerald “Jerry” Hill on charges of soliciting sex with an animal.

Likely.  Ya think?

And it does explain this little entry at the Windermere Baptist Conference Center website.


Absolutely no pets are allowed on the grounds, except within the RV Park boundaries.

Y’all, seriously, how long before gay marriage gets blamed for this?  3…2…1.. cue Pat Robertson.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

And When They’re Not Talking About Sex, They’re Pretty Damn Quiet

August 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Republicans love to talk about sex.  Listening to them, you would think that all Democrats do is have sex.  That is just not true.  Sometimes we smoke pot or have abortions.

So here’s what they are saying now.

In February, Judge Orlando Garcia ruled that the state’s same-sex marriage ban is in violation of the 14th Amendment.  Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has been jittery ever since.  He filed an appeal on the basis that marriage is for procreation and that procreation is in the best interest of the State of Texas.  Yeah, well, one day spent watching the Texas House chamber in action would certainly make that statement arguable.

2013-09-17-MarriageEqualityLogoSo, anyway, I guess Abbott is wondering why Bubba and I stay married when we are finished procreating.  And if somebody is physically incapable of having children I guess they can’t get married in Texas.

So, Texas Republicans decided to pile on.  Holy cow, 63 Texas legislators signed a “friend of the court” brief that says …

Another ground cited by supporters of Texas’s marriage laws and subsequently dismissed by the district court is that recognition of same-sex marriage ‘could lead to the recognition of bigamy, incest, pedophilia, and group marriage’. As already discussed in this brief, restrictions on marriage relating to these moral considerations remain valid. Thus, the goal of actively trying to prevent those practices from becoming valid is entirely rational public policy.

After you take a breathing spell from jumping from marriage equality to incest and pedophilia, consider this:  What the fool tarnation did Texas to do prevent legal pedophilia prior to the same-sex marriage ban?

Look, I’m not saying that Texas Republicans are mean-spirited fear-mongering idiots, but …. oh hell, wait a minute.  Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.

And yes, Dan Patrick, the guy running for Lt. Governor of Texas, signed the brief.

Thanks to Steff for the heads up.


What Happens When You Cross Crazy With Stoopid?

August 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I dunno, but we’re fixin’ to find out.

Donald Trump has donated to the political campaign of Louie Gohmert.  Money.  Really.

Yep, that combination is probably what caused ebola.

Thanks to Suzy for the heads up.

Dear John Boehner,

August 06, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dear John,

I am so glad that Republicans are not talking about impeachment.  Thank you for telling us that.  Otherwise, we would have no way of knowing.


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