Archive for July, 2014

Pistol Pete Sessions and His Boy Scout Badge That Is Redeemable For a Law Degree

July 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican Congresscrap Pistol Pete Sessions – who got that name because he’s always shooting off his mouth – has done it again.  His middle name is “Sue Obama.”

sessions1Rep. Pete Sessions, the House Rules Committee chairman who led Wednesday’s hearing on Republicans’ plans to sue President Obama, presented the legal credentials that have put him in this position of responsibility.

“I’m an Eagle Scout,” the Texas Republican told his colleagues. “I studied the merit badges that we took about governance, about cities, states, the national government.”

Screw Obama and the constitutional law expertise he rode in on.  Pete Sessions has a damn merit badge.

Even Jonathan Turley admitted that there was very little chance that the Republicans could win this lawsuit but …

He counseled Republicans not to worry about the steep odds, saying, “I don’t believe that the challenges in front of this lawsuit is an excuse to do nothing.”

In other words, you can beat the rap but you can’t beat the ride.  It’s a bogus lawsuit but by golly they can make the President of the United States of America sweat.  And the speeches they can give on the House floor – oh the speeches! – right before the mid term elections.

Screen Shot 2014-07-18 at 10.04.12 AMAnd Pete was not alone on the Texas Ship of Fools.

To overcome the contradictions, Republicans on the panel employed various strategies. Rep. Michael Burgess (Tex.) played the bumpkin. “I’m just a simple country doctor, not a constitutional lawyer, but I do understand due dates,” he reasoned.

And in the alternative let me add, “I’m just a learned constitutional lawyer, but I can take out your appendix.”

Goofy has come to town and he ain’t leaving until he’s rectified the fact that the presidency belongs to white boys.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.


The Louie Daily Double!

July 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We have a winner!

Louie Gohmert says something insane every day, but now he’s hit the big time by doubling up daily.

First, Obama is making women get raped.  Yes, indeed.  Obama won’t “shut the border” like it has a screen door or something, and that alone proves that Obama is waging a war on women.  No, seriously.

According to the Tea Party-backed Republican, “criminal aliens” had committed 2,993 homicides in the past six years.

“And they’ve committed at least 7,695 sexual assaults,” he insisted. “You want to talk about a war on women? This administration will not defend the women of America from criminal aliens! By the thousands, and hundreds of thousands!”

If you’re wondering where he got those numbers, check his rear end.

And he’s calling for war against … I dunno, children?

Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert (R) asserted this week that the crisis of women and children refugees seeking protection inside U.S. borders was so serious that it put “our continued existence at risk.”

During a speech on the House floor on Tuesday, the Texas congressman renewed his call for border states to invoke their rights under the 10th Amendment, and to declare war against an “mass invasion” of refugees.

Dude, they are children.  He wants Texas to go to war against children?  Well, in his defense, it won’t be the first time.

Beyond the economics and politics [of Rick Perry rejecting Medicaid expansion under Obamacare], lives are at stake. Lack of insurance will certainly mean more deaths. How many more? Approximately 9,000 a year, according to Dr. Howard Brody, director of the Institute for Medical Humanities at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston.


Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Because He’s Way Too Busy

July 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Most of you people – even those from foreign states – know about Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott.  He’s the guy running for Governor against Wendy Davis.  He’s a nincompoop.

He brags that every day he gets up, has breakfast, and then sues Washington.  It’s kinda not a joke because he really does that.  The good part for us is that he’s a bad, bad lawyer and he loses every damn time.

So, he filed another request for an extension today on cases that are the business of the people of Texas who are not running for Governor.  Do you want to know they needed an extension?  Of course you do.

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“Mr. Mitchell,” who is Jonathan Mitchell, is just one of about 10 very high level lawyers in the office.  If you go here, you can see that there are 74 pages of employees of the Texas Attorney General’s office with about 30 names per page.  You have to get to page 10 before you start running out of writ twits.

I do not want to hear whining.

According to this document, Mr. Mitchell has 4 other cases.  That’s all he can do for $146,000 a year plus expenses, travel, and overhead?

Damn wussy.

If Greg Abbott doesn’t have time to take care of the people’s business because he’s too busy grandstanding in his quest to be the dumbest governor since Rick Perry, then somebody needs to holler at him and remind him that he has a job.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

Okay, Here’s the Deal

July 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you request that I approve a comment that contains a cuss word stronger than damn, hell, crap, poopie del pollo, or an occasional sumbitch, it’s not going to get approved.  My Momma would chase me down and wash my mouth out with soap and then hit me with a dictionary.  Then she’d get a second wind and come after you.

But, here’s the deal.  I cannot check with you to see if an edit to your comment would be okay if you don’t give me a valid damn email address when you comment.

Screen Shot 2014-07-17 at 10.38.31 AMLook, I’m not going to publish your email address or sell it to some guy in Hong Kong.  It’s just a damn email address.  Whaddya think I’m going to do with it?  Beg to become your pen pal?  Advertise it on the Vegas strip in neon?  Make fun that your email address is

That’s the deal.

Think About It

July 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, here’s the deal:

– Darrell Issa acted all weird at his committee hearing yesterday.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, seemed to catch everyone off guard Wednesday when he suddenly pulled the plug on his committee hearing before witnesses could even testify.

– And, there’s an unexplained giant hole in Siberia.

Coincidence?  I think not.  What other plugs are you pulling, Issa?

Just sayin’.


Fun With Guns: WalMart Bathroom Stall Edition

July 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yep.  Good Ole WalMart in South Carolina.

A Smith and Wesson revolver with five live rounds was discovered on the toilet paper dispenser in the last stall of the men’s restroom at WalMart.

But here’s the best part:

Some time later, a man called police about the gun, the report states. He described the gun to officers and explained he left it in the bathroom. Police instructed him to report to the police department on Monday to pick up his firearm.

They’re going to give him the damn gun back.

What?  Were Sollozzo and Captain McCluskey eating spaghetti in the WalMart dining room or something?

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.