The Louie Daily Double!

July 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We have a winner!

Louie Gohmert says something insane every day, but now he’s hit the big time by doubling up daily.

First, Obama is making women get raped.  Yes, indeed.  Obama won’t “shut the border” like it has a screen door or something, and that alone proves that Obama is waging a war on women.  No, seriously.

According to the Tea Party-backed Republican, “criminal aliens” had committed 2,993 homicides in the past six years.

“And they’ve committed at least 7,695 sexual assaults,” he insisted. “You want to talk about a war on women? This administration will not defend the women of America from criminal aliens! By the thousands, and hundreds of thousands!”

If you’re wondering where he got those numbers, check his rear end.

And he’s calling for war against … I dunno, children?

Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert (R) asserted this week that the crisis of women and children refugees seeking protection inside U.S. borders was so serious that it put “our continued existence at risk.”

During a speech on the House floor on Tuesday, the Texas congressman renewed his call for border states to invoke their rights under the 10th Amendment, and to declare war against an “mass invasion” of refugees.

Dude, they are children.  He wants Texas to go to war against children?  Well, in his defense, it won’t be the first time.

Beyond the economics and politics [of Rick Perry rejecting Medicaid expansion under Obamacare], lives are at stake. Lack of insurance will certainly mean more deaths. How many more? Approximately 9,000 a year, according to Dr. Howard Brody, director of the Institute for Medical Humanities at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston.


Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “The Louie Daily Double!”

  1. No wonder the mothership never returned to suck him back up! They can’t stand him either!

  2. Zyxomma says:

    Register and vote. Every election, primary or general, every year. No exceptions, no excuses. And if you’re already a responsible voter, help your friends, colleagues, family, and neighbors. Maybe someone needs a small gift or loan to obtain a certified copy of a birth certificate. Maybe someone needs a ride to the DMV. Maybe you can help.

  3. As the official Clown Prince of the GOP, Louie Gohmert is obligated to say something stupid and/or insane at least once a day.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Monty, Loopy Louie is an over achiever as a clown and embarrassment. He’s turned C-SPAN into The Onion of cable TV.

  5. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Well shucks folks. We all know that those darker-colored skins make people inclined to being violent and unable to control their urges. Remember the railroad killer from 1999? And since they are all lusting after white women and willing to kill to get at them, we need to close the door and get out our rapid-fire weaponry.

  6. W. C. Peterson says:

    Wow! I stand in awe of the monumental stupidity of Louis Gohmert of Texas. All we have is Andy Harris of Maryland, a Gohmert wannabe who has a long way to go to be half as stupid.

  7. Don’t know what part of Maryland Andy Harris represents, or tries to. All we have here is Steny Hoyer, who usually says fairly intelligent things. And Senator Mikulski, who’s about 4’10” but could take Louie with one hand and half her mouth tied behind her.

    Do we need Louie to be translated? Is there any way in which he would make sense?

  8. e platypus onion says:

    Finally someone wingnuts could maybe beat up if they have the numbers on their side. US House of Reprehensibles passed a law that prevents the Dept of Energy from talking about climate change. They already passed a bill to stop the Corp of Engineers from talking about it.

  9. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    I LOVE that iDork app.

  10. Harris represents the Eastern Shore- the Mar in Delmarva. My, there are a bunch of us FreeStaters here today.
