Archive for December, 2013

Fun With Guns: Texas Vagrant Edition

December 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

James Abney, 64, of Forney, Texas, was at the Greyhound Bus Station in Las Vegas last Friday and got perturbed when a security guard asked him to leave.

Screen Shot 2013-12-08 at 11.25.05 AMSo, being from Texas, Abney did what Rick Perry would want him to do – stand his ground.

Abney told detectives he was going to make an example of the security guard for trying to make him leave. He said he pulled out the gun to scare him, fired one shot in the air and smoked a cigarette before further pursuing the guard and firing several more shots.

Nobody was hurt and the police got there in time to make an arrest just as Abney ran out of ammo.  Yah, he’s an ex-felon. With a gun.  Luckily, very little ammo.

Thanks to Frank for the heads up.

When, Ted?

December 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Ted Cruz has a newsletter and our customer Marge subscribes to it to send me the good stuff because, honestly, if I did it myself there would be claw marks on my computer screen.

I’ve been busy and I let this one get by me.  But, it’s never too late to say, “And you thought Rick Perry was dumb?”

Click the little one to get the big one.


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Well, I checked it out and the only faithful thing that happened on December 7, 1932, was —

First gyro-stabilized vessel to cross the Atlantic arrives in New York

I mean, that’s cool and everything but, let’s face it, Ted Cruz is not stabilized in any manner, much less gyro.

He issued a correction a bit later.    No mention of stabilized.

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Thanks to Marge for this thankless task.

Thank you, Smoky Joe

December 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Smokey Joe Barton, the guy who apologized to BP for getting our sand all over its oil, says that the minimum wage is oh so yesterday.

Joe Barton, Republican Texas Redistricting Stud

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) told the National Journal that he thinks the country should get rid of the minimum wage. “I think it’s outlived its usefulness,” he said. “It may have been of some value back in the Great Depression. I would vote to repeal the minimum wage.”

You know, because slavery wasn’t all that bad.  Okay, so it had a few minor downsides, but the cotton got picked and Missy Barton and I oh so loved our afternoon tea on the veranda.

And the Great Depression?  Not that bad, you know.  Come to think of it, it would be a sure fire cure for obesity epidemic in this country.

Thanks to Warner for the heads up. 

Oops, He Did It Again

December 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Late last month, I told you the weird story of Ted Cruz returning a campaign contribution to a woman.  Okay, so that’s weird on its own – a politician returning a contribution.  But, the really weird part is that he never reported that he got a contribution from this woman, something that is required by law.  The resson he returned the contribution is that this woman was under investigation for over-contributing to Republican candidates.

ted cruz victory signOkay, okay, so Ted is a passing fad but, holy cow, you’d expect that a man who wants to take charge of the federal treasury would be a tad more careful with bookkeeping.

Oops.  He did it again.  This time he’s reporting that he’s returning Thomas Cushman’s contribution, another Republican mega-donor who is being accused of exceeding the contribution limit.  Only problem is – he never reported getting a contribution from Thomas Cushman.

Okay, so now you gotta wonder how many sets of books Cruz has.  Does he have one that goes to the FEC and another that he hides in a bottom drawer?  If he’s not in the habit of reporting everybody who gives him money, how do we know he’s not taking money from the Commies … or the Canadian Brotherhood?

And on another fun Republican note, the Facebook PAC made an illegal contribution to John Cornyn.  I guess they forgot to adjust their settings.  

Thanks to Alfredo for the heads up.

Damn, I Love Texas Women.

December 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Meet a senate candidate with a great commercial.

Well, Gosh, Pravda, Don’t You Know That She Can See You From Her Back Porch?

December 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I am certain that Sarah Palin is going to say that this happened because she loves America and the Rooskies don’t.  And liberty freedom God Second Amendment more liberty founding fathers.

TV Palin CouricAn editorial writer for Pravda started with this premise —

By attacking the democratically elected President of the United States of America at a sensitive time in her country’s history, she shows the tact of a boorish drunkard bawling obscenities at a funeral.

And continues with this —

If anything is a threat to the national security of the United States of America, it is this screaming, unrefined oaf with as much class as a searing release of flatulence followed by hysterical giggling at a state banquet. Is this what the people of the USA deserve?

He also calls her “a real-life version of Homer Simpson.”

Does anybody know if the New York Times has a job opening?

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.