Archive for November, 2013

The Crowd Measured in the Dozens! Dozens, I Tell You!

November 19, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know how Wendy Davis has been drawing crowds of 500 – 600 all over Texas, even at $50 a head?

Abbott_PerryJr_1Greg Abbott not so much.

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott made a visit to the Outdoorsman on Monday evening to talk with a few dozen supporters about the second part of his “We the People” policy plan as he runs for governor.

So We The People now number in the dozens in San Angelo, huh?  Yep, that’s THE People.  Right there.  A couple dozen.

Thanks to Frank for the heads up and John for the Gregg Abbott in glasses.


Fun With Guns. Clean Up, Aisle Nine Edition

November 19, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Is that a gun or are you just glad for the low prices?

Screen Shot 2013-11-19 at 4.41.52 PMSo, Iowan Christopher William Strube  was doing his Sunday afternoon shopping at WalMart when, without provocation,  a .45-caliber handgun fired from his pants pocket.

He then finished his shopping and checked out before police arrived to the distinct odor of gun powered.

Store employees and other shoppers reported the gunshot, and police said they smelled gunpowder and found a bullet hole in a basket and several cans of beans.

They also found a .45-caliber bullet in one of the cans of beans.

It is unknown if customers will now be offered Beans and Bullets as a dinner choice.

Thanks to TexasTrailerParkTrash for the heads up.

Yeah, Because He Was Born in Kenya

November 19, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The President of the United Damn States of America was asked to record the Gettysburg Address.  They asked him to read what is called The Nicolay copy – which is believed to be the first draft – and is the one preserved at the Library of Congress.

He read it.

They reacted.


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The words “under God” are not in the Nicolay version.  You know, the one preserved in at the Library of Congress.

Good Lord, can’t these people take up knitting or something?

Buck Pochek once picketed the beauty salon because he claimed Juanita Jean left “under God” out of Take Me Out To the Ballgame.

Same deal.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

Men in Dresses

November 19, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As regulars around here know, I have had my share (and yours too) of disagreements with priests for a while now.  It’s never been an isolated incident for me.

Here’s the rule:  the only man in a dress you should trust is RuPaul.

Now here comes a man in a dress AND a funny hat, who says —

Screen Shot 2013-11-19 at 9.19.44 AMAccording to a Catholic bishop in Springfield, Illinois, Satan was behind his state’s recent legalization of same-sex marriage.

So, next Wednesday, at about the same time Gov. Pat Quinn signs the gay marriage bill into law, Bishop Thomas Paprocki will hold an exorcism ceremony “in reparation for the sin of same-sex marriage.”

He’s doing an exorcism on gay marriage?

Ho boy, that just had the opposite reaction on me that is the usual cause of a exorcism – my head started spinning around.

Bishop Paprocki, you don’t have anything productive to do on Wednesday?  Are all the hungry children in Illinois fed?  Are all the sick healed?  Are all the poor clothed?  Have you visited everybody in jail?  If so, dude, go right ahead.  If not, shame on you.

Thanks to Aggieland Liz for the head up.

Alert the Media! Dubya Still Not Using Brain.

November 19, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Former President George W. Bush announced last week that building the Keystone XL Pipeline is “a no-brainer.”

And who, if not President Bush would be America leading expert on no-brainers?

Bush said building the pipeline is a economic necessity because it will provide 20,000 jobs.  No brainer.  Initially it will provide 3,900 temporary jobs and then a grand total of 35 jobs once it’s finished.  See, no brain.  It will, however, provide the equivalent of 51 coal plants worth of carbon emissions.

The Keystone XL pipeline is a way to get Canadian oil out of the US, not into it.  We take all the danger and get none of the benefits.  That there?  See, that’s the no-brainer.

Thanks to Robert for the heads up.


INS Badges Not Required

November 18, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, hook ‘um low today.

Texas Attorney General and Governor Wannabe Greg Abbott has a former field representative named Lorenzo V. Garcia.  Lorenzo is an Idea Man.

Here’s his latest idea.

He declared to to be Catch an Immigrant Day at the University of Texas in Austin.

The press release states “There will be several people walking around the UT campus with the label “illegal immigrant” on their clothing. Any UT student who catches one of these “illegal immigrants” and brings them back to our table will receive a $25 gift card.”

Now that’s just a whole mess of fun, ain’t it?




Nice Hispanic outreach, Abbott.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up laced with total disgust.

UPDATE:  Greg Abbott’s answer.


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So wait, it’s Wendy Davis’, President Obama’s, and shenanigans fault?  Did you see what he did there?  He made he cringe.  Yes, he did.