Archive for October, 2013

It Was Just a Matter of Time

October 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

They did it.  They are now officially driving us crazy.

Last night in the middle of the voting, the House stenographer unexpectedly took to the podium where the President delivers the State of the Union address and began screaming.

Do not be deceived. God shall not be mocked. A House divided cannot stand,” she said, according to a House GOP aide.

House members and aides were surprised and unsettled by the scene.

“I don’t know, she just snapped,” said a GOP aide.

CNN’s Dana Bash spoke with several staffers who knew the woman well.

“She’s a well-known person, she’s a perfectly nice person, a good colleague, somebody who’s respectable and dependable, and this is very surprising to everybody who works with her,” Bash reported on air.

I don’t mean to burst anybody’s bubble, but that exact scene was being acted out in living rooms all across America last night.

Only difference in my living room was that I was hollering “I shall not be mocked!”

Good Lord, they carted off the only sane person in the room.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.



Two Cranky Old White Men Walk Into a Bar. The First Cranky Old White Man Says …

October 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Louie Gohmert said that John McCain supports Al Qaeda.  Out loud.

And Brian Williams just could not help himself.  He had to ask John McCain about it.

McCain, who in all fairness had days to come up with this line, says —

“On that particular issue, sometimes comments like that are made out of malice,” McCain told Williams. “But if someone has no intelligence, I don’t view it as being a malicious statement. You can’t respond to that kind of thing.”

In Texas, that translates to, “Bless his heart.  Louie is all smoke and no fire.”



Thanks to everybody for the heads up and John for the cool graphic.

Congratulations, Senator Booker

October 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m not saying that I have any kind of special relationship with Cory Booker, but if you’re ever in New Jersey and in emergency need of a United States Senator, give me a call.


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Yes, he really is that tall and he really is that good lookin’.  And totally charming.

Well, It Would Keep the Circus in Town a Week Longer

October 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

With a deal on the debt ceiling being dangerously close to happening, what will the Tea Partiers in Washington, DeeCee do with all that free time?

The answer, of course, comes from the Texas delegation.

Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, received 435 copies of WND reporter Aaron Klein’s book “Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Obama From Office” and planned to distribute a copy to every member of the House.

Stockman told WND he believes the book has information every member of Congress should know, and he insists discussing impeachment should not be forbidden.

“Enforcing the Constitution and preserving limitations on executive authority aren’t just mainstream, they’re the law,” Stockman said.

Yeah, impeaching President Obama – that’s mainstream.

The GOP approval rating is just one crazy speech away from being in the single digits.  GO STOCKMAN!

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

Fun With Guns: Alamo Style

October 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jerry Patterson is the Texas Land Commissioner and in the cake walk of Texas politics he’s decided he needs to move up to Lt. Governor, a position being sought by 4 Tea Party Republicans who are fully prepared to cook and eat each other.

Screen Shot 2013-10-16 at 10.27.54 AMThere will be blood.

The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, who run the day-to-day operation of the Alamo, have never allowed demonstrations on the Alamo grounds.  They still oppose it but they ain’t boss any more.  In 2011 the Texas Land Office took over the care, loving, and protection of the Alamo.  That would be Jerry Patterson.

Last August San Antonio police ticketed three men for “causing alarm” as they were carrying loaded semi-automatic weapons and wearing cammo at a damn Starbuck’s coffee shop.  The owner asked them to leave but they wouldn’t and customers felt threatened.  They were there to strut their weapons and scare crap outta people.

Jerry Patterson, who often fondles guns in an unseemly manner, was hacked off about it.  Add that to insatiable desire to be Lt. Gov. and you get a big damn mess at a Texas shrine.

Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, a gun-toting Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, is to headline a gun-rights rally Saturday on the state-owned Alamo grounds, where demonstrations historically have been banned — until Patterson’s office took over the shrine.

Okay, here’s the deal.  He’s head of the shine and he’s the featured speaker at the first demonstration allowed at the shine.  I dunno.  I know goats with bags of three day old crawfish who smell better than that.

It’s gonna get worse before the primary in March.  I promise.  There’s gonna be virgins sacrificed and Gods you ain’t never heard of prayed to.  This is going to be a tea partypalooza.

Thanks to Michele for the heads up.

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

October 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, thanks a bunch Houston Chronicle.  And if I can pull my tongue out of my cheek, I’ll tell you why your big ole pile of festering idiocy makes you look even dumber than you suspect.

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Click little one to get big one.

Back at election time, you endorsed Ted Cruz and now you’re sorry that you did.  Well, isn’t that special?

First off, by endorsing Ted Cruz you endorsed a man whose supporters can’t read.  Well, maybe they can read the Drudge Report but even at that their computer screens are covered in Cheetos smudge marks because they have to point at the words as they read them.  So what’s the point of endorsing a man in the damn newspaper when you’re just gonna piss off people who can, indeed, read.

Second off, hollering whoa way past the saloon door leaves you and your horse looking mighty dumb.  Did you just now notice that Ted Cruz is a box of crayons short of a full fledged kindergarten class?  You just came around to that way of thinking yesterday?  Where the hell have you been?

And on the freekin’ front page you have the unmitigated dumbassery to ask, “Coup for Cruz, At What Cost?”  Oh, I dunno, the United States of America?  Go find whoever writes things for your newspaper and fire them.  Right now.  Before they break something else.

Third off, by endorsing Cruz you have caused David Dewhurst to move from moderate to raging tea party drooler.  Well done.  Why didn’t you just go get a stick and beat all the moderates into submission?

Houston Chronicle, I hate to say I told you so, but dammit.



Thanks to Bubba for the heads up when he screamed at the newspaper this morning.