It Was Just a Matter of Time

October 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

They did it.  They are now officially driving us crazy.

Last night in the middle of the voting, the House stenographer unexpectedly took to the podium where the President delivers the State of the Union address and began screaming.

Do not be deceived. God shall not be mocked. A House divided cannot stand,” she said, according to a House GOP aide.

House members and aides were surprised and unsettled by the scene.

“I don’t know, she just snapped,” said a GOP aide.

CNN’s Dana Bash spoke with several staffers who knew the woman well.

“She’s a well-known person, she’s a perfectly nice person, a good colleague, somebody who’s respectable and dependable, and this is very surprising to everybody who works with her,” Bash reported on air.

I don’t mean to burst anybody’s bubble, but that exact scene was being acted out in living rooms all across America last night.

Only difference in my living room was that I was hollering “I shall not be mocked!”

Good Lord, they carted off the only sane person in the room.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.



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0 Comments to “It Was Just a Matter of Time”

  1. I’m about to lose it as well. I’m at work and the boss has the teevee set on Faux Noose and there is Louie-louie letting batshit crazy word salad fall out of his mouth! I need my job! Help!

  2. daChipster says:

    This sounds suspiciously like a Dominionist screed. (Pat Robertson once excommunicated the Freemasons.) In order to do away with the secular state and usher in an American theocracy, you have to get around the Constitution. Some of the more visible proponents of Dominionism – like Michele Bachmann, would argue that the Constitution protects religion from the state, but not vice versa.

    But if you understand that strict separation of Church and State are enshrined in the Constitution in Article VI and the First Amendment, you either accept and encourage that, like normal people, or, like this woman, reject it as a godless document written by apostates.

    When Kennedy was running for President, many people feared that, as a Catholic, he would run the US per the dictates of the Pope. As wrong as that would have been, at least the Vatican is a stable, rational actor on the geopolitical stage. These folks, who are as anti-Papist as they are anti-secular, want to encourage an irrational, magic-based theocracy where the one world order is not run by the (fictional) Illuminati, but by the Elect.

    I am sure this woman was anticipating the day when she would move up a level on the Dais, from stenographer to Speaker/Prophet.

    These people ARE nuts…. but that just makes them more dangerous. Destroying our government is not a threat to them, it’s a prerequisite.

  3. I’ve been all over the net today reading various articles and blogs. The LA Times which allows comments surprised me no end. Normally there is a lot of trolling of the TP persuasion, but today lots and lots of vitriol towards the TPers. Hmmm, this seems to be a trend.

    Is it possible to keep this going until the 2014 elections? I guess the answer is obvious what with all the nutters still banging that drum. Let’s not forget and let us not forget to remind everyone that this debacle cost $23 BILLION!

  4. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    maggie, take a deep breath. Good! Now take another one!
    Avert your eyes and ears as much as possible. And give a spit shine to your resume.

  5. DaChipster,
    Currently Reading Resa Aslan’s “No God But God” And continually find myself giggling as I see the evolution of Islam reflected in these Dominionist’s Positions – their heads would just explode if they really knew that everything they are saying, everything they are trying to force on us as a nation – is the entire basis for Al Queda,the Taliban and ever other extremist Theocratic Movement, they are just a couple of hundred years behind. Highly recommend the read….

  6. Kay Carrasco says:

    Funniest comment I’ve seen so far about this incident comes from Jim Wright:

    “Security would have Tazed her sooner … but at first they thought she was a congresswomen from Texas.”

    BuuuWaaaaaHAHAHahahahaaaaa!!! *giggle/giggle/schnort*

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Tazing these goofballs would only encourage bad behavior,like a spoiled brat who gets more defiant the more you punish them.

  8. I just hope that Obamacare covers what she’s got.

  9. I’m waiting for the NRA to announce that this situation would have been better had the stenographer been allowed to carry & conceal in the House.

  10. Braxton Braggart says:

    Kay says:

    “Funniest comment I’ve seen so far about this incident comes from Jim Wright:”

    THE Jim Wright, I hope. . . .

  11. I do feel for that poor woman! If had to sit there every day and take down all that crap on a sheet of paper I would go bonkers, too, but a whole lot sooner!

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Probably Jim Wright from Stonekettle Station blog. No bs allowed with the former Navy Intelligence officer.

  13. Congresswoman from Texas! That remark is as hysterical as the “congresswoman” appeared to be. Wouldn’t surprise me if she does get elected by the baggers somewhere.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Thank you, daChipster et al. Oh I forgot, it’s chinese food time.

  15. Marge Wood says:

    Okay, just for fun, let’s think about the house divided. How about the super duper wealthy folks who are supposed to represent us who are being paid even more by super duper wealthy folks to do the things that hurt everyone not wealthy in our country. Would you say that is a house divided against itself? I kind of admire her for standing up and making a scene. I might not agree with her position but I would agree that our “house” is getting seriously out of whack. I’m concerned about our country for a lot of reasons. Aren’t you? Would you have the nerve to stand up in front of Congress and say that the wealthy folks destroying our resources and letting folks lose their homes and their basic necessities should have some serious attention from us?

  16. I have some sympathy for her. I worked for a company that was closing and moving to another state… which was stressful on all of us, especially on the people losing their jobs (obviously). One of our just laid off people, a newly-wed Fundamentalist got a little funny in the head and did a silly thing. Apparently, his preacher had been going on about abortion, and the guy just snapped, storming into a local Ob/Gyn clinic and destroying some janitorial equipment he thought was “the abortion machine”. Seeing he was a big guy, it’s lucky a cop didn’t shoot him. I’m not convinced it was the fundamentalism that made him act out, but it probably was the fundamentalism that made him act out in that particular venue. That poor stenographer just snapped, and if it wasn’t “Freemasonry” that she raved about, it would have been something else. Had she been political, it might have been about Libertarians or Hillary Clinton or who knows. Hopefully, she’s now covered for mental health care.

  17. Aggieland liz says:

    Been sayin it gently to my upper middle class clients for 15-18 years now Marge! Not that it does any good, but this has been a long time coming. You may call me Cassandra, if you like!

  18. Alyssa Burgin says:

    Sorry, I’m lacking sympathy, as the daughter and now wife of Freemasons. This isn’t just a religious rant on her part, it’s pure John Birch baloney, the same kind of baloney that prompts half the idiocy in the Tea Party. My father was once told by hysterical Birchers that he stood for everything evil in the world–he was a labor union organizer, a Freemason and a Jew. You don’t have to google very far to find references to the “New World Order” and Masonic conspiracies. These aren’t religious, although plenty of the Tea Party nutcases and Birchers claim dominionism to be part of their personal screed. I don’t think I’d have to go very deep into Cruz’s psyche to find the same blend of so-called religion and Bircher crapola. I’ve had it with Birchers–believe me, they’re at the heart of Tea Party idiocy.

  19. Punkinbugg says:

    I am such a C-Span nerd, that while I was busy watching the votes come in, I never noticed the bat-xxxx crazy lady being dragged off in the image /behind/ the numbers. The C-Span mic was not on, and all you could hear were the general buzz buzz of the House! Interesting trivia: ONE Democrat voted “No” … for just a few minutes … as the clock was ticking down. Then the “No” changed to a “Yea”, making the Pelosi-led caucus 100% yes. (Proving once again how great a leader she is compared to Boehner) I wonder who caught the error and “whipped” that Dem. Rep. into shape before the clock ran out…?!
