Archive for October, 2013

Just As You Were Beginning to Miss Him

October 24, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Herman Cain is back, Honey!

Cain, who dropped out of the Presidential race when three women came forward attesting that he’s a creep, denied all of it.  But, he said it was “distracting” from his quest to be President.

cainHe’s still denying it but he finally figured out who started all these rumors.

Then he speculated as to who may have orchestrated the allegations: the Devil.

“It made me realize that there was a force bigger than right,” Cain said.

Damn that devil!  He apparently did the same thing to John Edwards.

Thanks to Carl from Cheboygan for the heads up.

He Said He Said That He Said

October 24, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, the story starts with Senator Dick Durbin posting on Facebook that a member of the Republican House leadership told President Obama, “I cannot even stand to look at you.”

Durbin did not name the Republican leader.

A day later the White House denied it happened.

Screen Shot 2013-10-24 at 11.06.13 AMAnd the next day, which would be today, comes the information that Harry Reid is the source of the story.   And there’s this —

The two senators who spoke to HuffPost did not hear the Republican make the remark, but said a top White House aide who was present later told Senate Democratic leaders that the lawmaker who said he couldn’t stand to look at the president was Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas), the chairman of the House Rules Committee.

I am not saying that sounds exactly like something Pistol Pete Sessions would say, but you know what, dammit that sounds exactly like something that Pistol Pete Sessions would say.  I’d be willing to bet my best pair of pink boots that if he did not say it to President Obama’s face, he’s certainly said it behind his back.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Thanks to Carol for the heads up.



Fun With Guns: Drug Prevention Edition

October 24, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, it’s a different approach to the war on drugs —

Chino Elementary School was visited by the drug prevention cops.  They brought along a motorcycle “on display” with a mounted AR-15 rifle on it and that’s where the fun starts.

A student approached the motorcycle and – you guessed it – fiddled with the trigger.

The clean up involved three injured students and no clear explanation of why a motorcycle with a mounted AR-15 discourages drug use and, mostly, don’t cops know what kids do?

She described the weapon as an AR-15 that was locked onto the bike. They were investigating how the weapon discharged and she said “there are several fail-safes in place” to prevent a discharge.

They had not determined how the weapon was fired, she said.

Well, I’m certainly no expert, but it sounds to me like somebody pulled the trigger.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.


And the Winner Gets the Pile of Ashes Formerly Known as the GOP

October 24, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Glenn Beck has declared war against Grover Norquist.

That kinda reads like poetry meant to gladden the heart of mankind.

Norquist, a free market Republican who wants to shrink government down to a size where it can be drowned in a bathtub, declared that Ted Cruz is a nincompoop and that’s when the fun started.

So, Beck, who is a we-want-government-so-big-that-it’s-in-your-uterus Republican did not react well to his bro being dissed.  So Beck went full-nazi on Norquist.

“[Norquist] is the guy responsible for a lot of the Muslim Brotherhood stuff that goes on in the White House, isn’t he?” Beck asked the two.

“Glenn, I think most people who know Grover only as a prominent anti-tax guy in the conservative movement would find that statement unbelievable, and to be honest with you I would’ve, but for the fact that I saw it first-hand as a result of sharing office space for what I think of seven biblically long years with Grover Norquist,” Gaffney remarked.  “I saw terrorists in his office space. I had colleagues come to me and say, ‘You know there’s a Muslim Brotherhood front operating out of his office suite?’”

Oh Sweet Jesus, Norquist is a Muslim Brotherhood member … just.  like.  you.  know.  who.

It all makes sense now.  Norquist wants to drown government in the bathtub so he can bring sharia law to America.  I dunno know about you, but I’m telling every Republican I know about that.

And Beck ends with this happy tune —

“If you’re for the Constitution, I don’t care if you’re a liberal or a Democrat or a Republican and a conservative, I don’t really care, if you’re for the Constitution of the United States of America,” Beck said. “That’s our dividing line, and there are too many in the Republican Party, so let’s clean out our own house first.”


If you boys need any Gatorade or sling shots or background music or anything at all, please feel free to contract us here in the appreciative audience.

Thanks to Carol in Vermont for the heads up.

Heads Up

October 23, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Wherever you are, buy a tree and plant it November 1st in honor of turning Texas blue.  Also, it’ll piss off a Republican.  They hate trees.




Thanks to John for the cool graphic.

Fun With Guns: Congressional Edition

October 23, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So you own an AR-15.  Where would you store it?

North Carolina Republican Rep. Renee Ellmers husband reported that an AR-15 was stolen from their unlocked garage.

The rifle had been left leaning against a gun locker in the unsecured garage after a target shooting outing, according to a police report. The report didn’t indicate whether the rifle was loaded.

Of course, Ellmers is a big Second Amendment person and her website says

Although she believes that gun owners must be responsible for the use and care of their guns, she does not want to see law-abiding gun owners penalized for the actions of criminals.


Screen Shot 2013-10-23 at 10.05.06 AMAnd this is the same Ellmers who voted for the government shutdown but refused to give up her salary.

As some North Carolina congressional lawmakers defer pay during the shutdown, GOP Rep. Renee Ellmers is refusing to do so — and her remarks are drawing the attention of an advocacy group.

“The thing of it is, I need my paycheck. That is the bottom line,” Ellmers told WTVD, the Raleigh ABC station, Wednesday.

But, of course, other government workers didn’t.

You gotta admire Republicans – they are so good at telling Democrats what’s best for them.