Archive for August, 2013

No, Dear, Grown Men Dressed Like the Easter Bunny Make It Uncomfortabe to Shower at the YMCA

August 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So back during the march on the Texas capitol over women’s rights, the rightwing bussed in people from across the country to try to outnumber us and keep us out of the Senate gallery.  It, of course, didn’t work.

They had promised these people free housing.  That housing, of course, wasn’t with rich Republicans who won’t share even table scraps.  It was at the YMCA.  Where they got kicked out.  And I’m fixing to tell you why.

Meanwhile, back at FoamAtTheMouthville, Rick Santorium got to spouting off about what a horrible person I am.

Very Uncomfortable

“You see, what the left does, what the pro-choice movement does is they just don’t focus on their little issue, they focus on everything they do and every aspect of their life,” he explained. “They make it uncomfortable for students who come to Austin to shower at a young men’s Christian association YMCA gym.”

“Because they live it. They’re passionate. They’re willing to do and say uncomfortable things in mixed company. They’re willing to make the sacrifice at their business because they care enough… They simply won’t give up. We have the truth and we give up! We have righteousness and we give up because it’s unpopular!”

See, get it?  We made these sweet unassuming kids uncomfortable to shower at the YMCA.  You know, shower means nakkid and we all know what happens in showers when you’re nakkid.  At least Rick Santorum does because he talks about it a lot.  And these kids were just minding their own business when they got “uncomfortable.”

So what’s the real story.  As to be expected of uninformed Santorum and his overwhelming desire to talk about nakkid, facts didn’t matter.  The YMCA issued a statement.

We strive to create an atmosphere that is welcoming to all, where people of all backgrounds are comfortable.

That’s what we were striving to do in accommodating the Students for Life group who were in need of a place to shower.

Unfortunately, in this instance, it caused the political debate to come into the Y.

If any person or group enters our facilities and creates an atmosphere that is disruptive, we have an obligation to our members and program participants to ask that person or group to leave or to refuse them access.

There are appropriate places in which to conduct a political debate, and that place is down the street at the State Capitol, not at our YMCA.

So, exactly who was being disruptive and making people uncomfortable?   In Santorum’s upside down nakkid world, hot is cold and day is night. It was his people who were trouble makers at the Y.

How proud he must be to know that because that’s exactly what he was telling them to do.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Just When You Think It Can’t Get Any Worse Than Ted Cruz …

August 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh dear God, you know all that stuff you hear about fracking?  Well, in Texas it is apparently happening to brains.

There is a giant Tea Party movement to get Louie Gohmert to run against John Cornyn for Senate in 2016.   And it’s not a bowel movement.  Okay, so maybe it is but these people are as serious as a double headed rattlesnake.

Louie Gohmert for Senate? That’s what a number of Texas tea-party activists are hoping for. They’re not happy with Senator John Cornyn, and Katrina Pierson, who serves on the Texas Tea Party Caucus Advisory Board, tells me she’s heard from a number of activists pushing for the outspoken East Texas congressman to challenge the senator.

The only reassuring news about this is that “Gohmert told the Washington Examiner that he won’t be running for Senate.”  However, you do have to consider that maybe Gohmert didn’t understand the question.

The result of all this is that it forces Cornyn to move further to the right.  And with Hillary Clinton topping the ticket in 2016 (she is wildly popular among Hispanics in Texas) there’s a dandy chance that Mayor Julian Castro can knock Cornyn cold enough to skate on.  And Gohmert?  Castro would tie his ears in a bow knot.

Y’all, He’s Drunk Again

August 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want y’all to watch this video and tell me if this man could possibly be sober.

(Oops, maybe I was drunk. I had the wrong link.)

The Daily Louie

August 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Do you want to know what was a bigger recruiting tool for Al-Qaeda than Guantanamo Bay or the atrocities committed at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq?

The President shutting down our embassies.

Louie Gohmert knows these things.

And for the daily double, Louie says he duct taped a defendants head in his courtroom when he was a judge.

“… I had one guy that was particularly out of line, and I warned him three times and then we duct taped his head,” Gohmert said. “And we didn’t hear from him until it was his turn to talk.”

Yes, but it was duct taped blessed over at the Baptist Church.

And, Dammit, It’s HIS Fault

August 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In case you have any friends who still think that we’re in post-racial America, let them now that Arizona hasn’t gotten the memo.

When President Obama spoke there yesterday, crowds greeted him and there were more protestors than supporters.

Obama foes at one point sang, “Bye Bye Black Sheep,” a derogatory reference to the president’s skin color, while protesters like Deanne Bartram raised a sign saying, “Impeach the Half-White Muslim!”

But, they couldn’t help themselves.  You know for fact who is at fault, right?

But a prevailing theme among many in the protest appeared to be issues of race. Some even suggested that Obama himself was to blame for racial tensions.

“We have gone back so many years,” Judy Burris told the Republic, arguing Obama had taken the nation back to pre-Civil Rights era levels of racism. “He’s divided all the races. I hate him for that.”

Because, you know, he’s black and he doesn’t cover it up.   He could just stay inside the White House but he insists on walking around the country being black.  That’s divisive.

Holy crap, y’all.   Where do they find these crazy white people?  Oh yeah, Arizona.


August 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please allow me to introduce you to Sam and Patricia Harless.  They are the owners of Fred Fincher Motors.

Patricia Harless is the Republican Texas State Representative of District 126, which is right outside Houston.  She’s one of those foam at the mouth about Voter ID, homeschooling, and Jesus people.  She has had to repeatedly deny that she ever hires undocumented workers.  Hell, she’ll deny it when nobody has even asked about it.

Well, she took to the Twitter and announced that her husband Sam is running for the State Senate.

Now, that would be Senator Dan Patrick’s old job because Dan is running for Lt. Gov.  Sam has vowed to spend $1 million of his own money in the race.

The Happy Couple - Still in Shock

Maybe he should before the lawyers get it.

It seems that Sam’s Used Car dealership might be subject to some legal action.

You know, like torture.

But, I am sure it was the Christian kind.

A man filed a civil lawsuit against his former employer after he said he was tortured  and humiliated in front of co-workers and customers for nine months.

Bradley Jones, 45, worked at Fred Fincher Motors for more than four years.

He said for the last nine months, his fellow employees began sneaking up on him and hitting him with a stun gun.

He said it happened at least two dozen times and each incident left him more on edge.

“I was constantly looking behind my shoulder, distracted, couldn’t sleep,” Jones said. “I would even look behind my shower curtain at home.”

Jones said his boss, Sam Harless, provided the stun gun and also held the camera many times. The videos were posted on YouTube, but have been taken off.

Harless called it “a frivolous lawsuit.”  I dunno, dude.  There’s video tape of it.

And you might spend some of that million dollars getting someone to get that guilty as hell look off your face.

Thanks to Lorraine in Spring for the heads up.