Archive for March, 2013

An Open Letter to Cathy Engelbrecht, Queen of True the Vote

March 28, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dear Ms. Engelbrecht,

As head honcho of the King Street Patriots and True the Vote along with being a neighbor of mine, I tragically and mistakenly assumed that you thought voter fraud was serious bidness.

I was very mistaken.  True the Vote is just a money raising scheme for you.  I apologize for any damage that my false assumption may have caused you on your quest to rock stardom in GOP circles and your own slot on Fox News.

Early last October we gave you rock solid Supreme Court proof that your own personal candidate for County Commissioner in Fort Bend County, Bruce Flemming,  voted in two different states – Texas and Pennsylvania – in the same damn elections.

In 2006, 2008, and 2010, Bruce voted in person in Fort Bend County and by mail in Pennsylvania in the same general elections. According to his financial disclosure forms, Bruce Fleming also owns a house in Pennsylvania. (He homesteaded a house in Texas and a house in Pennsylvania, but that illegality is a whole ‘nother story.) Bruce felt that owning houses in both states gave him the right to vote in the same elections in both states. That’s a third degree felony in Texas.

We gave you copies of the papers and everything.  We also gave you proof that his wife did it, too, in 2010.

Bruce’s Fort Bend County voting record:

And his Pennsylvania voting record:

Last October, when it was brought to your attention that your Republican County Commissioner candidate was not only caught red-handed in triple voter fraud but was bragging about it, you said that we should back down talking about it until he was convicted.

That’s a load of dog dump.

Bruce Fleming: Loves to Vote

You know as well as I do that he’s not even going to be charged.  Hell, he was Republican Precinct Chair of the Year in 2011, the first time that award had been given, and the GOP county chair who made-up that award for Bruce is now a State Representative. The local District Attorney is a Republican, and a pussy-footed one at that, and so is the Texas Attorney General.  Bruce Fleming knows too much about who else knew what he was doing.

If this was a Democrat, you’d be on the courthouse steps at least once a week throwing a walleyed snot nosed hissy fit about the horror, oh the horror, of Democrats stealing elections.  I just checked your website, and there has not been one single word mentioned about it since October of 2012.

Do you know what has happened to Bruce Fleming since his bragging rights over voting twice were called to a halt?  Nothing.  Diddle squat.  Nada.  Just a tap hole without a beer keg around it.

Do you know when the statute of limitations runs on this?   In November of this year.  But, you knew that, didn’t you?

Cat got your tongue, Ms. Engelbrecht?

Unsettling Times? Claro Que Hell Yes.

March 27, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry, who is not gay nor has he ever made whoopie with another man, had some strong statements yesterday about  those of us who believe in human rights.

Rick says we’re intolerant.  Of his religious beliefs.

Think about that and try not to get dizzy.

Perry went on to suggest that the decision by LGBT rights advocates to fight for equal treatment was proof that they were themselves intolerant.

“The underlying problem is that there is this very vocal, very litigious minority of Americans willing to legally attack anybody who dares utter a phrase or even a name that they don’t agree with,” he said. “In a twisting of logic, they insist on silencing the religious in the cause of tolerance. Now I ask you, where is the tolerance in that?”

Perry, who is not now nor has ever been gay, says that what happens in your bedroom with the door closed insults his religion.  Well, drinking alcohol insults Verdelia’s Baptist religion so all y’all have got to stop drinking it.  Even in Minnesota and Delaware and places like that  because Verdelia wants you to be tolerant of her beliefs all over the damn place.

But Rick Perry, who has never even touched or unnecessarily smelled a gay person, thinks we’re the intolerant ones for not respecting his wild and crazy religious beliefs.  Is Rick really saying that if he doesn’t have Seder, he’s intolerant of Jews?  Hell, even the Scientologists don’t whine when I say their wild and crazy beliefs are wild and crazy.

Rick Perry, who never even thinks about gay stuff, is deeply offended by your civil rights crapola.

So if you’re going to do something gay, don’t tell him.  He already knows it all.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Louie Gohmert Rude and Haughty? Noooooooo, Not Louie.

March 27, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas congressmunchkin and Super DeLux Brand Chrisitan Louie Gohmert got mouthy with the United States of Damn America Park Police.  He pulled rank and sassed an officer of the law.

Shortly after 11 p.m. on March 13, officers wrote Rep. Louie Gohmert a citation for parking his black Ford SUV in a spot reserved for National Park Service vehicles, according to a Park Police report obtained by POLITICO.

But Gohmert wasn’t having it: He told the Park Police that his congressional parking placard allows him to park in that spot, and he’s on the committee that oversees the agency.

Gohmert took the ticket off his windshield and placed it on a police car along with his business card with a written message: “Oversight of Park Service is my job! Natural Resources Thus the Congressional Plate in window.”

He was “rude and irate,” one officer reported. Another wrote that Gohmert was “ranting.”

Now, I gotta defend Louie here.  Ranting is his usual tone of voice.  He rants, “Good morning,” and he rants “was it good for you?”  Louie is a first class ranter.

Remember when Tom DeLay declared to a waiter asking him not to smoke his cigar in a restaurant because the federal government had a law against it and Tom replied, “I am the federal government.”   That makes Louie a national park.  Can we plant a tree on his head because it ain’t doin’ much else?

When your congressman acts in a manner that you swat your fifteen year old for doing, then it’s time that public servant comes home.   With his tail between his legs.  He’s become a little too big for his britches.

Thanks to Lorraine in Spring for the heads up.

Sharia Law and Footwashing

March 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I take comfort in knowing that there are crazy paranoid ignorant folks in foreign states so that occasionally Texas doesn’t stand out at Dumb Day.

Tennessee is doing it’s part.  They just remodeled the state capitol and some Tennessee lawmakers were outraged, just outraged, that there was a Muslim footwashing sink, for Muslims to wash their feet before prayers, installed in a closet of the Tennessee state capitol.

Look at it!

Yeah, it’s a mop sink.  It’s where janitors fill the mop buckets.

(Heavy sigh.)  I wanted to tell them that it’s a gay baptismal font.

But thanks anyway, Tennessee for making Texas look less crazy on the Republican scale.  By the way, we could loan you Ted Cruz to find communist in your capitol.  He’s real good at that.

Thanks to Stephen for the heads up.

Uh, Really?

March 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

According to Micheal Li, Lt. Governor David Dewhurst spoke  to anti-marriage equality rally in Austin today and said: “Texas will turn blue over my dead body.”

I wonder, is that a threat or a challenge?

Thanks to Michael for the heads up.

Thank You, Rush, We We Wondering About Your Weight Problem and Drug Addiciton

March 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

No jacking around about this.

I am serous.

Rush Limbaugh announced that lesbians are “obese substance abusers.”

You know, like this:

“And, of course, the answers to the first case is they don’t have to deal with men, so they don’t have to worry about their appearance. They’re not trying to please men. So they can be obese. It’s no big deal. Alcohol, who knows? They’re having to deal with women so they’re drunk.”

The dude is totally lacking in introspection.