Archive for January, 2013

No, Charles, They Pretty Much Did That On Their Own

January 02, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You’ll enjoy this one.

Republicans have grown to habitually blame everything on Barack Obama.  The economy?  Barack Obama.  The deficit?  Barack Obama.  The fact that it’s 2013 and we still don’t have flying cars?  Barack Obama, well, and maybe Bill Gates.

They have grown so used to doing this that they cannot stop.

Appearing on Fox News Thursday, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer said President Barack Obama has successfully broken the will of Republicans in the House and has created an “internal civil war” amidst “fiscal cliff” negotiations.

“He’s been using this, and I must say with great skill — and ruthless skill and success — to fracture and basically shatter the Republican opposition,” Krauthammer said. “His objective from the very beginning was to break the will of the Republicans in the House, and to create an internal civil war. And he’s done that.”

So what is President Obama?  The Dope Whisperer.

In his attempt to govern and to keep us from falling off the cliff, it’s Obama’s fault that the Republicans are square dancing with chain saws.

Good grief.

Then Krauthammer says …

But all-in-all, he explained, Obama will be “remembered as a failed president.”

Honey, if Barack Obama destroys the GOP, then he’ll go down in history as a great, nifty and handsome.   He doesn’t have to do anything else, just that and history will adore him.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

But It’s Probably Not a Bad Idea

January 02, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rand Paul, the man with the dead baby squirrel on his head, is condemning Democrats for wanting to “drown the rich.”

Rand Paul

Rand Paul (R-KY) brought the shrillness to new heights today on the Senate floor, screeching about how y’all want to punish the rich “producers” and how you’d pay for it when you ruin the economy just because you wanted to get some rich people. Paul likened raising taxes on rich people to “drowning” them (a more specific version of “death by taxes”). Yes, you are killing rich people out of pure spite.

I know this is a stupid question but I’m just full of stupid.  We’ve had the lowest tax rate on the rich for 12 years now and where the hell are the jobs?  Where the hell is the trickle down?  These guys did not create jobs – they created Swiss bank accounts.

I do not want to drown the rich.  I just want to keep them from peeing in the pool.

Thanks to Marcia for the heads up.

Oh John. Not the F Word. Not at Harry.

January 02, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Look, I know this is some tough times for John Boehner.  I know that by about 10:00 last night he was feeling that if he was a dog on Noah’s ark he’d get stuck with both fleas.

But that’s no excuse for saying the F word to Harry Reid.  The worst F word that Harry Reid has ever said is fiddlesticks.

According to Politico, several sources claimed to have overheard a verbal altercation between the two men in the White House lobby.

With no bipartisan agreement about the debt ceiling, spending cuts and tax increases in sight, Boehner reportedly pointed at Reid and said, “Go f**k yourself.”

“What are you talking about?” Reid asked.

And Boehner again said, “Go f**k yourself.”

I completely understand that last night, at least to John Boehner, Harry Reid looked like a man who’d won the lottery twice in a row.  But in reality Harry wasn’t having a stellar night himself.  Joey B had to come save the day.  So I think the man Boehner wanted to say the F word to was Joey B.  I wouldn’t mind that because Joey B has used the F word himself and could knock Boehner so cold that by the time he woke up his clothes would be out of style.

John Boehner is a pissant of a man.

Hoping the New GOP Rulemaker is Named Ernie or Oscar

January 01, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I admit it.  I enjoyed it.

I just saw Anderson Cooper interview Grover Norquist.  Ole Grover, who knows his numbers up, his 15 minutes are over, and he been relegated to the children’s table, tried to look relevant by claiming that a yes vote tonight would not be “a technical violation” of his pledge.

His reasoning was that the Bush tax cuts expired last night so the Senate bill is actually a tax cut

Bless his heart, he was more twisted than a barrel of snakes.

Honey, disco is less over than Grover.

Also, if you’re on Twitter, go check #fireBoehner –  the rightwing wants to fire Boehner and replace him with Allen West.  Yes, the same Allen West who got defeated.  Remeber when crazy Louie Gohmert voted for Newt Gingrich for Speaker?  Well, they are all that crazy now.

What The Hell is Wrong With These People?

January 01, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, first Republican congressvarmints give up their statutory duty to originate taxing bills, then they say they’ll toss it to the Senate for them to come up with an agreement and then once the Senate gets a 2:00 am bi-partisan agreement on New Years Eve, Eric Cantor says no.

What the hell is wrong with him?  Is his thinking mechanism outta whack?  Was he baptized in vinegar?  Hell, something serious is wrong with him.

Then I see some damn fool female Republican congressscorpion on tv saying “They came up with a last minute bill and expect us to pass it?  That would be crazy.”  No, Babe, thinking this is a last minute bill is crazy.  What the hell is wrong with you?

John Boehner, what the hell is wrong …. never mind.  It’s the orange influenza.

Cantor was on teevee today STILL whining that the President made fun of him yesterday.  Dude, everybody is making fun of you.  You qualify as a carnival ride in 46 states.

Look, we’re not idiots out here in Real America.  We know this is a leadership fight between Cantor, Ryan and Boehner.  The last leadership fight like this was between Tom DeLay, Newt Gingrich, and Dick Armey.  Hell, all of them are unemployed today, one is married to a woman so ugly that she makes your clothes wrinkle when she walks by you,  and one of them is probably going to jail.  You’d think that would be a cautionary tale.  But, nooo ….

Then I get an email yesterday from  some guy who claims to have been “a fan” of mine for years  but is not coming to my site anymore because I am what’s causing all the division in this country.  Hell, if I had that kind of power, I’d use it to make stoopid painful.  Toodle-loo, what’s wrong with you?

You wanna know what’s wrong with me?  I’m sick of them.  No more Miss Nice Juanita.  I’m going after them tooth and nail.

That’s my new years resolution, dammit.

Slash and Run

January 01, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republicans are well known for not liking each other.  I have a long time Republican friend and when we have lunch and I say, “John Boehner creeps me out,” she replies, “Oh, me, too.”  When I say, “Rick Perry is dumber than bean dip,” she smiles and says, “Oh yes he is.”  I accuse her of not liking any Republicans since Abraham Lincoln.  She agrees that I am close to right.

One of the reasons that Republicans are Republicans is that they have no understanding of the social contract or sense of community because they can’t get along with anyone, including each other.  And in some amazing examples, even themselves.  Clarence Thomas leaves a trail of self-loathing everywhere he goes.

But, this guy appears to be a ringleader.

Run and Slash?

A man who ran for the Republican nomination for a U.S. House seat is now in jail after accusations that he slashed the tires of at least one former rival, reported KOB Dec. 28.

A police detective in Albuquerque told the news outlet that a surveillance video of a man slashing the tires of Janice Arnold-Jones’ car on Dec. 20 “did appear to be him.”

Gary Smith sought the GOP nomination for New Mexico’s 1st District, but he was removed from the ballot after Arnold-Jones, his Republican opponent, filed a lawsuit that claimed Smith did not actually have enough signatures. The judge agreed.

Police said Smith may also have slashed the tires of other Republicans involved in removing him from the race.

One of his former opponents has spent $2,500 replacing tires.   I don’t know about you, but that would start getting on my nerves at about the $75 point.

If you don’t think that John Boehner would slash Mitch McConnell’s tires if he had half a chance of getting away with it, you are kidding yourself.  And Eric Conter would slash the tires of both of them and steal their radio, too.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.