Archive for December, 2012

Quick, Jim Bob, Let’s Get Us Some of That Voter ID!

December 27, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Interesting numbers came out in the sunshine and are taking a little walk.

Blacks voted at a higher rate this year than other minority groups and for the first time in history may also have voted at a higher rate than whites, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of census data, election day exit poll data and vote totals from selected cities and counties.

As for whites, not only has their share of the eligible electorate been falling for decades, but their turnout rate appears to have declined in 2012 for the second presidential election in row.

Now I’m here to tell you that the white boys ain’t gonna take this news easy.  They can fool themselves into thinking that blacks won’t turn out in a high rate again if a black man doesn’t top the ticket.  I have some scary words for them:  Cory Booker.  Julián Castro.  Hillary Clinton.

Blacks in America have seen their power and it is good.  I think blacks are here to stay — in the voting booth.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

Well, Lookie Here.

December 27, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know all that chatter about Hillary Clinton running for President in 2016?  The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. is probably ground zero for those rumors.

Hillary says she’s not going to do it.  We don’t believe her.

And neither does Rick Perry.

And how do we know that?  Texas congressvarmints are demanding Hillary’s testimony on Benghazi.  Yep – it’s not about the sex Benghazi; it’s about the perjury.

Rick Perry does not want to run for President against Hillary Clinton.  However, I am willing to bet my best pair of pink boots that Hillary would not mind running against Rick.

You Know The Old Saying About Don’t Kick a Man When He’s Down? Forget That.

December 27, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Joan Walsh over at Salon is taking a bubble bath in Republican implosion froth.  I’m fixing to jump in with her.

Come find out, Dana Loesch is suing the Breitbart people, Dick Armey is leading an armed coup, Boehner can’t stand up to the Tea party Storm Troopers, Karl Rove is getting persnickety with Fox News, Grover Norquist is becoming a punch line, and Wayne LaPierre is … well, freekin’ goofy in public.

As Democrats, it is in our nature to help people.  Resist that. Seriously.  Just damn resist it.

Remember what Grover Norquist wanted to do to government?  That’s what needs to be done to the Republican Party.  Drown that sucker in its own river of rot.

Personally, I’m starting a rumor campaign that Mitch McConnell called John Boehner “The Chancellor of Chicken Cheetos.”

Honey, if the Republicans are in meltdown mode, I’m gonna be the first person there with a turbo hair dryer set on Ouch Hot.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

If You Don’t Have Twitter

December 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

One of the fun trends on Twitter is #NRAChristmasSongs.

If you don’t do Twitter, here’s the best ones.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

Exactly What Christ Says at Christmas

December 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s the men in dresses again, y’all.

A senior Roman Catholic will today use his Christmas sermon to liken plans for the legalisation of gay marriage to the way the Nazis and Communists tried to undermine religion.

The Bishop of Shrewsbury will launch a vociferous attack on the Coalition’s decision to fast track a vote on same-sex marriage in the New Year.

The Right Reverend Mark Davies will use his midnight Mass to say marriage can only be between a man and a woman.

Yep, the gays are exactly like the Nazis.  Except for that killing 6 million people thing, which they will get started on right after brunch.

The Bishop of Shrewsbury.   Irony is alive and well.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

How To Shake That Post-We-Got-Our-Butts-Beat Blues

December 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So you know how it it is – the day after Christmas you feel a little blue.  The excitement is over.  The company leaves.  You take down the tree.  You feel a little blue.

Imagine how you’d feel if you just lost an election that you thought you had bought and paid for.   That’s some blues.  So you can understand this.  It was supposed to be a victory cruise.  Seriously.  They went anyway.

The cruise, featuring the star columnists of William Buckley’s 57-year-old conservative biweekly, had been planned long in advance, and everybody had believed it would be a victory party. An ­e-mail from the magazine’s publisher arrived a few days before we embarked: “Do not despair or fret. At least not next week.”

Onboard the Nieuw Amsterdam, no one could follow his advice. “Who sent Obama here to destroy America?” a fiftysomething woman asked me one evening over dinner, as if it were a perfectly reasonable question. And here onboard the cruise ship, it was. If the Nieuw Amsterdam was a kind of ark of American alienation, at least it was an eminently comfortable one. The ship was a country unto itself, eleven stories high, 936 feet fore to aft, with eleven bars, six restaurants, two swimming pools, five hot tubs, a large café, and a library. There was the endless buffet on the Lido deck, slot machines and craps in the casino, an Asian lounge singer who did a mean “Copacabana,” a discothèque and a chamber-music cocktail lounge, cigars and Cognac by the pool, gift shops, and a full-service spa.

You will probably enjoy reading the whole article, where you will learn that we have no morals, we actually allow black people to vote, we are fascists, we are kinda like Goebbels, and we may be on to something with talking to minorities “as grown ups.”

Rasmussen offered some friendly advice about approaching minorities. “You show them that you really care, you talk to them as grown-ups on a range of issues, you get them involved,” he suggested…

These rich Republicans on their Blues Cruise are lacking in introspection and reality, but what the hell – they have a spa and cigars.

Thanks to Rick and Raphael for the heads up.