Sam from Kyle
We’re gonna hear a lot of disturbing news from Florida in the next few days: Widespread destruction and human misery; emergency rooms filled with sick and injured; hoarding and black markets; and widespread violence and looting. But enough about the Republican Party Platform.
There are lots of things you won’t hear from the convention (motto: Science = B – i – b – l – e). For instance, “Where’s Newt?” or “How bout’ them Mormons?” probably won’t make it to the fair and balanced Fox broadcast. What both deal with, of course, is multiple wives. Newt to be fair only committed bigamy for a short time while Mitt’s grandfather had 12, count em, 12 wives. Is there any wonder Mitt grew up to be such a strong leader with unwavering views? He comes from a family where his grandfather not only owned 12 wives; he also had to deal with 12 mother-in-laws. If corporations are people, Mitt’s ancestor ran 12 corporations and dealt with 12 board of directors.
What other words will we not hear? Based on what we’ve heard and seen over the past decades terms like compassion, Christ like, social network, sex (except between a GOP delegate and a hooker), love, empathy, gay rights, minority rights, responsible foreign policy will all be verboten on the floor of the gathering. If, heaven forbid, one of these terms are mentioned, it will have the phrase “The Republican party abhors ……”. Delegates will shrug their shoulders and go back to reading the theme book of the convention, Fifty Shades of White.”
Instead, delegates will stifle their collective gag reflex and nominate Mitt Romney and his trusty sidekick Robin to lead us down the path to fiscal Hell, at least for those of us who don’t keep our best friends in vaults in Switzerland and the Cayman Islands. After all, in GOP eyes Mitt may be a flip flopper with morals that Bernie Madoff would deplore, but he is the epitome of all they stand for: greed, bigotry, and fear.