Archive for May, 2012

Woman, Here’s a Dollar. Buy Some Shame.

May 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oprah used to do shows all the time on getting rid of shame.

I don’t think that shame is a bad thing.  Shame is what keeps me from going to the grocery store nakkid or leg wrestling with the entire front line of the Dallas Cowboys defense.

Some people don’t have enough shame and that can make a mess of things.

I try like the dickens to stay out of Harris County politics, even though I was born there, even though I grew up there, even though Momma still lives there, and even though I work there.  I live in a neighboring county, so I try to stay out of their Democratic Party Primary politics.

But some people – I am looking at you, Keryl Douglas – make that just too damn hard.  It’s like not scratching an itch. A big ole itch.  On your patootie.

Ms. Douglas, Attorney at Law, decided she wanted to  be the chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party.  That’s fine.  Go women!  But, the day a dumbfounding horrifying homophobic email came out on the very same MailChimp account that Douglas’ campaign uses, signed by a “minister” who doesn’t appear to exist, it stopped dead in its tracks of being fine and good.  Douglas’ opponent is gay.

For a full week, Douglas had nothing to say about it.  After seven agonizing days of people pitching walled eyed snot nosed hissy fits, she held a press conference threatening to sue everybody within earshot.  Douglas is good at threatening to sue people.  In fact, there are those who think that might be her political strategy if she wins – just sue all the Republicans instead of beating them.  She wants to become She Who Cannot be Named.  She claimed her MailChimp account was hijacked.

Okay, lookie here, if it takes you seven days to come up with a goofy answer like that, you do not have any business in politics.  She claimed to be the Betsy Ross of gay rights and then set to threatening people with a poopstorm of legal documents if they even mentioned that it’s fairly easy to trace MailChimp accounts.

She then sat down and shut up.  For a while.

She’s baaaaaaakkkkkkk…..


Click the little one to read the disgusting big one.  This woman wants to be chairman of the Democratic Party in Harris County – where the largest city, Houston, has an LGBT mayor and several council people.

She also fails to mention that her opponent currently holds the job of county chair, having been elected to that position by the Democratic Executive Committee.

She is doing her darnest to create a chasm between the black and gay community, even though you probably couldn’t do anything more embarrassing to President Obama, including coming to the White House and picking your nose.

The big question everyone is asking is how the fool tarnation is she going to fiance a party when nobody is going to give her money?  She’s going to get stuck with having to pay rent and phone and air conditioning with no money because the decent, truthful, Democratic people will form a PAC and walk away from the party.  No candidate wants to be associated that kind of hate.

So, I’m going to send her a dollar and directions to the shame store.  Apparently, she’s fresh out.

Governor Pudgy Makes a Bet

May 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is hollering “Try and stop me!” to the United States Department of Justice.

I don’t think that’s smart.  They probably have elephant guns.  I mean, I dunno know that for sure, but they can probably bring down a medium sized airplane or a tank and that’s Christie weight division.

Christie says that he’s gonna allow sports betting in his state even though a 1992 federal law allows sports betting in only 4 states and New Jersey ain’t one of them.

“We intend to go forward,” the Republican governor said. “If someone wants to stop us, then let them try to stop us. We want to work with the casinos and horse racing industry to get it implemented.”

Dude, just admit the mob has you in their back pocket.  Okay, maybe not their pocket.  Maybe a wheelbarrow they pull around with a nuclear powered motor on it.

Actually, I might want to join in on some sports betting.  I’m willing to put a five dollar cash American bill on table on whether or not Chris Christie can play a sport.  Any sport.  Hell, I’d pay $5 to watch him get out of a La-Z-Boy unassisted.

Really.  Make you?  My, my, that’s big talk for a kid who can’t run very fast.

Thanks to David for the heads-up.

First It Was Bill Clinton and The Porn Stars, Now It’s ….

May 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John Edwards and the female jurors at his trial.

Since the alternates were identified last Thursday, it has been impossible to ignore the dynamic between Edwards and one of the female alternates, an attractive young woman with jet-black hair, who seems to have been flirting with Edwards for days.

The juror clearly instigated the exchanges. She smiles at him.   He smiles at her.    She giggles.     He blushes.

The flirtation has become so obvious that even Edwards’ attorneys have to work to suppress their laughter at the absurdity of it all.

Okay, so he’s on trial for hiding his Baby Momma from his wife, who was dieing of cancer.  That just does not seem like the proper time to be pickin’ up Juror Babes.

Call me old fashioned.  Go ahead.  I can take it.

Thanks to Sandy for the heads-up.

Here, Let Me Ruin Your Memorial Day Weekend for You

May 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Right here, as one of the friendly free customer services we offer here at the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc., I will completely ruin your entire weekend.

Remember that goofy guy Tucker Carlson?  Well, when he got too weird for teevee, he got himself a website.  It’s “The Daily Caller.”

And he’s giving away guns to get his sheeple to the polls.  He’s giving away a gun every week between now and November 6th.  Is that sending a message about what to do if Republicans lose again or what?


It comes in three colors, y’all.  Seriously.  Even got the Bill of Rights on it.  Seriously.  No, seriously.

Each gun is engraved with the Bill of Rights and comes in one of three colors.

See, I told you.  Three colors.  The Bill of Rights.

I think it’s just Tucker’s way of saying, “Have a great Memorial Day weekend.  Shoot someone.”

Thanks to Ralph for the heads-up.

Uh, Can We Move The Democratic Convention?

May 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m wondering if it is too late to move the Democratic National Convention.

The Statesville Record & Landmark, a North Carolina newspaper, greeted readers this morning with the news of a KKK rally being held in the North Iredell County area this weekend.

Be careful enlarging this because bad spelling might be contagious.

I like the way they say “White People Only.”  You know, like we couldn’t figure that out on our own.

And exactly how white do you have to be?  I mean, will there be a piece of chalk at the door with a sign, “You must be this white to hate people you don’t even know.”

And they call it a “White Unity Event.”  Dude, that’s what WalMart is for.

“No alcohol, drugs, fighting, glass bottle or weapons?”  Well, hell, that leaves out all the white boys in North Carolina, Honey.   Those are the five food groups in white North Carolina.

Thanks to Iris for the heads-up.

It’s Hard Out There For A Republican

May 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Meet the Orie Sisters, a Republican crime syndicate family.

Convicted Pennsylvania state Sen. Jane Orie stepped down from her seat Monday, a few days after her state Supreme Court justice sister was charged with similar allegations she used taxpayer-funded staff for campaigns.

The Allegheny County Republican submitted her resignation in a letter to Senate President Joe Scarnati dated Friday , the same day Justice Joan Orie Melvin was charged with using her Superior Court staff for campaign work during two bids for a seat on the high court.

These sisters put the organized in organized crime.

Together they have used staff for campaign purposes, falsified government documents during one of their trials that ended in a hung jury, cost the taxpayers over a million dollars in lawyers, and are guilty of felony highlighting and eyeliner.

The scary part is that one of them used to be a prosecutor and you just gotta wonder how many documents she falsified in that office to make her conviction record look good.

Republicans:  Rules Don’t Apply To Us, Honey.

Thanks to Tom for the heads-up.