Woman, Here’s a Dollar. Buy Some Shame.

May 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oprah used to do shows all the time on getting rid of shame.

I don’t think that shame is a bad thing.  Shame is what keeps me from going to the grocery store nakkid or leg wrestling with the entire front line of the Dallas Cowboys defense.

Some people don’t have enough shame and that can make a mess of things.

I try like the dickens to stay out of Harris County politics, even though I was born there, even though I grew up there, even though Momma still lives there, and even though I work there.  I live in a neighboring county, so I try to stay out of their Democratic Party Primary politics.

But some people – I am looking at you, Keryl Douglas – make that just too damn hard.  It’s like not scratching an itch. A big ole itch.  On your patootie.

Ms. Douglas, Attorney at Law, decided she wanted to  be the chairman of the Harris County Democratic Party.  That’s fine.  Go women!  But, the day a dumbfounding horrifying homophobic email came out on the very same MailChimp account that Douglas’ campaign uses, signed by a “minister” who doesn’t appear to exist, it stopped dead in its tracks of being fine and good.  Douglas’ opponent is gay.

For a full week, Douglas had nothing to say about it.  After seven agonizing days of people pitching walled eyed snot nosed hissy fits, she held a press conference threatening to sue everybody within earshot.  Douglas is good at threatening to sue people.  In fact, there are those who think that might be her political strategy if she wins – just sue all the Republicans instead of beating them.  She wants to become She Who Cannot be Named.  She claimed her MailChimp account was hijacked.

Okay, lookie here, if it takes you seven days to come up with a goofy answer like that, you do not have any business in politics.  She claimed to be the Betsy Ross of gay rights and then set to threatening people with a poopstorm of legal documents if they even mentioned that it’s fairly easy to trace MailChimp accounts.

She then sat down and shut up.  For a while.

She’s baaaaaaakkkkkkk…..


Click the little one to read the disgusting big one.  This woman wants to be chairman of the Democratic Party in Harris County – where the largest city, Houston, has an LGBT mayor and several council people.

She also fails to mention that her opponent currently holds the job of county chair, having been elected to that position by the Democratic Executive Committee.

She is doing her darnest to create a chasm between the black and gay community, even though you probably couldn’t do anything more embarrassing to President Obama, including coming to the White House and picking your nose.

The big question everyone is asking is how the fool tarnation is she going to fiance a party when nobody is going to give her money?  She’s going to get stuck with having to pay rent and phone and air conditioning with no money because the decent, truthful, Democratic people will form a PAC and walk away from the party.  No candidate wants to be associated that kind of hate.

So, I’m going to send her a dollar and directions to the shame store.  Apparently, she’s fresh out.

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0 Comments to “Woman, Here’s a Dollar. Buy Some Shame.”

  1. Didn’t Anthony Weiner try the same delay/deny tactic over his emails? As I recall it didn’t work out well.

  2. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Hatred and fear of gay people is a Republican thing. Perhaps she doesn’t belong in the Democratic Party if she is unwilling to support their struggle for equality.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    sounds like you have a plan. maybe she’s going through a midlife crisis.

  4. I’m glad I voted for Lane Lewis.

    He has a fB page, and a web site.

    This came from his website:


    Explains a lot.

    Juanita, I think I’ll send my dollar to Mr. Lewis. I think it would be wasted on Ms. Douglas.

  5. That’s a *Democrat*??? What is *wrong* with that woman???

  6. OK, so the link above explains what is wrong with her, funding-wise, but it doesn’t explain why she (or her man behind the curtain) thinks these tactics will win a *Democratic* race. Sheese – if that Repug backer wants to throw money away, he could give me some. Then again, anything that goes to her doesn’t go to a Repug. I hope I can assume she is not going to win…..?

    Is she any relation to Keisha Rogers????

  7. Corinne Sabo says:

    We got rid of ne of those idiots who actually got elected county chair in Bexar County. You all in Houston need to keep this one from getting elected. I wish we had.

  8. Susan, remember when the Houston Police Union sent out an “anonymous” gay-baiting mailing when Mayor Kathy Whitmire was running for re-election? Those rocket scientists could have used UNTRACEABLE postage stamps on the enevelopes–but noooooo–they used their own VERY traceable postage meter! Damn you, Pitney Bowles! Of course this was when reporters still had brains–and the beans to use them.

  9. You might try to keep out of Harris County politics, but it looks like Harris County politicians can’t keep out of Ft. Bend. Driving up 59 today in Rosenberg I was trying to ignore all the Republican campaign ads when I noticed a big one that said “for Harris County…” something. I don’t know who it was for or what they were running for, but it was a long way from Harris County and I don’t think many Harris County voters would see it. Weird.

  10. Michelle R says:

    Lane Lewis’ opponent – Keryl Douglas—for the Harris County Democratic Party (HCDP) chair is being substantially funded by a Tea Pottier, Paul Kubosh, who supported and fund-raised for Helena Brown. His Facebook friends list contains the illustrious Steven Hotze among other sworn enemies of the GBLT community that use religion to justify their vile views. Kubosh also escorted Brown at the January inauguration.
    Kubosh has contributed over $10,000 to the Douglas campaign, which is over 61 percent of the contributions to the Douglas campaign.
    At the belated press conference where Douglas played blame the victim (Lane Lewis and his supporters) for the letter without even a shred of evidence, Michael Kubosh was prominently in attendance at the podium with Douglas. Michael is a former Harris County Republican Party Finance Committee Chair and the current Republican Precinct 2 Chair; not to mention that he is the Republican Hispanic Citizens in Action treasurer.
    Michael has also endorsed Republican Ken Shortreed who is running for judge of Harris County District Court 215, where he will face the winner of the Steven Kirkland – Elaine Palmer Democratic Primary. Kirkland is the incumbent but last year he ruled against an appeal by Fen Phen mega-suit lawyer George Fleming, and now Fletcher and his high-powered buddies are pumping money into the Palmer campaign to get Kirkland off the bench. Palmer is a less than credible attorney of whom the respondents to the 2012 Harris County Bar Association annual evaluation poll found either qualified or well qualified, while 71 percent found her not qualified. Kirkland on the other hand was thought qualified or well qualified by 75 percent of the respondents.
    It gets better though as Palmer in 2008 was reprimanded by the State Bar of Texas for failure to comply with a client’s request for information and failure to file a lawsuit on behalf of the complainant prior to expiration of the statute of limitations. Kirkland has no reprimands. And, guess what folks, he is also gay like Lane Lewis. The campaigning by Palmer in this race is even sleazier and more underhanded than the Douglas campaign. Both Palmer and Douglas are religious zealots with few endorsements and none of any merit.
    To top it all off, Paul Kubosh and his law firm assistant (Shelley Gibson-Kubosh) have contributed $15,000 to the Palmer campaign. The Kubosh’s sure are dedicated to either turning the Democratic Party into a Tea Party or to planting their stooges—Douglas and Palmer—into positions led by gay Democrats. The Kubosh trolls want to put Douglas into the HCDP Chair, which will divide the party along African-American – GLBT guidelines that the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) laid out last year.
    For an encore they will weaken Kirkland financially and hand him a divided party for support in November—should he win the primary—and make him much more vulnerable to their boy Shortreed in the general election. If Palmer—a candidate of more than questionable ability, scruples and ethics—should win the primary, they will have alienated the GLBT community. Palmer will in all likelihood lose the GLBT vote and that of liberal, progressive, and non-homophobic Democrats in November. And, the Kubosh will know all of the skeletons in her closets and of her total lack of ethics and integrity, and she will have lost long before November. Either way, the Kubosh’s, the Republican Party and the Tea Party are winners, while the HCDP is severely damaged and compromised. This is likely to be the result unless Harris County Democrats get up off their complacent, apathetic butts and vote on Tuesday.

    It may be just a coincidence, but there have been vile emails credited to both sides in this contest and each has occurred within one week of Paul Kubosh making his first $5,000 donation to both the Palmer and Douglas campaign. Also, both of these pretenders use MailChimp. As far as I know, no one has been allowed to examine the email that went to Palmer and neither its metatag has been examined or its authenticity verified. It seems that the rot is no longer contained in Sweden, but has permeated Harris County. Isn’t it time to take the garbage out?

  11. I’m a little late to this one, but are we sure this nasty woman is a “real” democrat? We grow our dems in my corner of the world a whole lot better than this. At least, last time I checked–we did.

  12. Sam in Pearland says:

    Here’s a copy of an email exchange I had with the would be Dem. I’ve left her email address so all can copy and paste and wish her an eventful Tuesday.

    From: Sam Davis
    Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 15:23:54 -0500
    Subject: Campaign
    I’m looking forward to your defeat tomorrow. I frankly don’t care what color you are; I care that you are a homophobic bigot.
    I’m good for 25-30 votes and will get everyone to the polls. Join the GOP.

    Sam Davis

    Subject: Re: Campaign
    To: xxxxxx
    From: kerylldouglas@gmail.com
    Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 20:38:57 +0000

    Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

  13. Sam in Pearland says:

    I emailed Ms. Douglas a note that her color was never a factor in our party but her homophobia was. I mentioned that she should consider joining the GOP. The one word reply I got from her was “Stupid”. Here’s her email address if anyone wants to send condolences for tomorrow’s loss.

    Subject: Re: Campaign
    To: xxxxxx
    From: kerylldouglas@gmail.com
    Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 20:38:57 +0000

    Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

  14. How did she get far enough up to run for chair, with an attitude like that reply suggests? Or is she just a convenient puppet? Of course, I remember when we had someone similar in FB, at least with regard to human relations. Two someone similars, actually.

    BTW, I was horribly disappointed to find myself voting for Dora Olivo (unopposed) in the primary. I got redistricted back to her, darn it. A tent that includes anti-choice and anti-stem-cell-research is a little too big for me.

