Archive for November, 2011

The Daily Newt

November 21, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so who is the one man on this planet who can unite George Will and Paul Krugman?


Oh, it’s such fun!

“It is an amazingly efficient candidacy in that in embodies everything disagreeable about modern Washington,” Will  said, running through a long list of problems he had with Gingrich.

And Krugman may have the best line e.v.e.r. about Newt by saying, “he’s a stupid man’s idea of what a smart man sounds like.”


Thanks to Bruce for the heads-up.

Wanna Watch Your Hooters Cry?

November 20, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Don A. says this made his head explode.

It made my hooters sad.

It is called PolitiChicks.

The PolitiChicks are here! Finally, Conservative Americans will have an alternative to those other liberal-based talk shows in which women scream over each other and call Conservatives vile names.

The PolitiChicks are former Saturday Night Live alumni and Tea Party favorite Victoria Jackson, pro-life speaker and activist Jennique Stewart, editor and activist Jennie Jones and Ann-Marie Murrell, columnist and host of The Patriot Update video show.

Okay, so how far did you make it into the video before you started thinking it was satire and then the horrible realization that it’s not?

Tell the truth, now.

The Daily Newt

November 20, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Newt has a new website explaining how he’s not at all like Bill Clinton.  Bill Clinton lied about sex.  Newt, of course, didn’t lie.  At least under oath.  Oh yeah, the Bible recognizes that difference in First Newt 4:11.

Opponents often try to delegitimize Newt Gingrich by pointing out that he had admitted to having an extramarital affair during the impeachment of President Bill Clinton.  What these accusers are ignoring is that the impeachment proceedings against President Clinton were due to the fact that the president committed perjury in front of a sitting federal judge, which is a felony.  As the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Newt felt that he had a duty to uphold the rule of law by pursuing impeachment.  He stands by that decision today.

The only other difference I see is that Bill Clinton paid a stiff price for his messing around – he was impeached and he lost his law license.   Newt just got a new wife and some more religion and money.  Big punishment and acceptance of responsibility, huh?

President Grover

November 20, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Now if you’re wondering how Grover Norquist, a rather homely little man with limited reasoning and kindness skills, came to be the most powerful man in the world, it’s because he devised a plan to get people to sell their souls and their belief in America to him in exchange for an ego boosting congressional seat.

Darth Grover is the Sith Lord of the Galactic Empire while disguising himself as Jar Jar Binks.

When I am sad, I read the Psalms.  When I am sad about my country going to heck in a handbasket, I read Paul Krugman.  Paul says that having the Super Committee fail is cause for celebration.  I suspect he’s right.

Also, any deal reached now would almost surely end up worsening the economic slump. Slashing spending while the economy is depressed destroys jobs, and it’s probably even counterproductive in terms of deficit reduction, since it leads to lower revenue both now and in the future.

We’ve tried their way or the highway for a decade.  It does not work.  George Bush made it into the fast lane and then shifted into reverse.  And when Grover says he wants to make government small enough to drown in the bathtub, I suspect he means that we all go down the drain when he’s finished.


November 19, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Those of you who recall these resolutions for the Texas Democrats that I talked about, will want to know that I’m at the State Democratic Executive meeting right now and the anti death penalty, gay marriage, and decriminalization of marijuana are failing as resolutions. Most of the anti speeches focused on saddling our candidates with these controversial issues.

Death penalty failed.

Gay marriage, even after powerful speeches including an amazing one by Rick Cofer, failed.

Decriminalization of marijuana failed.

Casino gambling passed.

More when I get home and wipe the little spittle things off the sides of my mouth.

RE-UPDATE:  Guys, I need a little more cooling-off time before I write about this.  I can’t be funny about it yet.  It was an amazing thing  to see Democrats stand up and say, “Hey, we need to keep doing it the same way we’ve been doing it for the past 20 years so we can continue to have no statewide Democratic officeholders and a keep a fabulous super minority in the Texas House.”

Texas Democrats currently have 49 of 150 Texas House seats.  People were thrilled that under the new judicial redistricting, we have a chance – if the stars are all aligned correctly, the creek don’t rise, and we can get some money – to win between 58 and 60 of those seats.  That seems to be our goal – to have enough seats so that we don’t have to say, “Yes, sir, boss” to every Republican in the state, but not enough to actually do anything or stand for anything.

Plus, the Texas Democratic Party is $27,000 in debt and can’t seem to figure out why.

For those who love Inside Politics, KT live blogged the thing.  (Although in Bubba’s defense, KT often confused Bubba with another SDEC member because they do kinda look alike although they were on opposite sides of the issues.  Bubba spoke and voted for all of the resolutions.)  There’s also some very smart comments there.

Right Between the Eyes

November 19, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want you to stop whatever you’re doing and read this.

Except for Momma. Momma, do not read this. It’s got some bar-of-soap words.