Archive for October, 2011

Gander, Meet Goose

October 25, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Does anybody here remember Rev. Jeremiah Wright?  The minister who went all holy spirit one Sunday when Barack Obama wasn’t there but Barack is still responsible for it?

I hate to tell you this because it’s just gonna upset you.  Apparently controlling your friends’ speech is something only Democrats can do.

Rev. John Hagee is a nut case.  No, seriously, they write whole psychology books about him.  Apparently, whatever he has is contagious because Rev Mike Bickel caught it.   Both of them spoke at Rick Perry’s Tent Revival in Houston.  They both believe that God sent Hitler as a “hunter” and that was a good thing.

I told you they were nuts.  You were warned.

Both these fellas are Rick Perry’s friends, but Rick ain’t responsible for what they say.

But, hell, Rick ain’t responsible for what Rick says, so I guess that’s no big whoop.

Thanks to Stephen for the heads-up.

Rick Perry: Sausage, It Ain’t Just For Dinner

October 25, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Stolen wholesale from Wonkette

Because Rick Perry is not, repeat not, gay.  Real men always stand around in a sausage factory with their hands on their hips.

You know that rock at his hunting lease?  N-head was what they used to hide Brokeback Mountain.

Thanks to Alec for the heads up.

Oh Yeah. Whadda Way To Start the Week.

October 24, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Turn out the lights, Willie.

Swiss banks will probably settle a sweeping U.S. probe of offshore tax evasion by paying billions of dollars and handing over names of thousands of Americans who have secret accounts, according to two people familiar with the matter.

U.S. and Swiss officials are concluding negotiations on a civil settlement amid U.S. criminal probes of 11 financial institutions, including Credit Suisse Group AG, suspected of helping American clients hide money from the Internal Revenue Service, according to five people with knowledge of the talks who declined to speak publicly because they are confidential.

I am ready to bet my best pair of pink boots that the names on that list match up exactly to the names of people who call themselves “job creators.”

Oh, and can you even imagine the fun that divorce lawyers are gonna have?

Thousands of names, thousands.  And every one of them is a tad arrears in taxes.  With interest accrued, we can probably pay off the national debt or Newt’s Tiffanys account.

Anybody Know Where That “Mission Accomplished” Banner Is?

October 24, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lindsey Graham, y’all.  Lindsey Graham reared up on his hind legs and blasted President Obama.  Lindsay is just stomping his little poodle paws mad, by gawd.  But, it’s his choice of words that will cause you to sputter.

“At a time when we need troops in Iraq to secure the country, we have none,” Graham told Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday.” “It was his job to end this right [and] they failed.”

Graham, a long-standing critic of the Obama administration’s foreign policy, also scolded the President for letting politics guide his decisions, rather than strategy.

Okay, Mr. President, you have been scolded by a guy who thought George Bush’s decisions in Iraq were based on 9-11.  How does that make you feel?

I know one thing, it makes me feel damn good.

And, remember, this is strategy, not politics:

Top Ten Signs They Wrote the GOP Platform

October 23, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Rick Perry had dinner with Donald Trump.  Never have two stupid men of such large egos ever been in one room together.  We should have sent scientists.

Not only did Rick come away from the meeting unsure that Barack Obama was born in the United States, but there is also the distinct possibility that these two men wrote the new 2012 GOP Platform.


10.  Official declaration that math is too hard.

9.  Extra marital affairs will now count as foreign affairs experience.

8. “I’m rubber and you’re glue” will be an officially sanctioned answer at future Presidential debates.

7.  Change the Statue of Liberty to a big haired blonde gal.

6.  Guns, Guns, Guns

5.  New motto:  It’s the hair, Stupid.

4.  Believes that America will save more if we just make shinier coins with Raquel Welch on them.

3.  Only people we personally approve get to vote.

2.  Instead of voting, the guy with the most skyscrapers wins.

1.  Favor constitutional amendment that Black and Mormon are like, you know, basically the same.

Thanks to Kathleen and Stephen for the heads-up on the Perry / Trump dinner.

Where Your $5 a Month Bank Charge is Going

October 23, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I had lunch at Dairy Queen this afternoon and I kinda wish I hadn’t because Alfredo was spittin’ and snortin’ over his $5 a month bank charge for using his debit card.

I know that the Republican Party feels that if only banks had more money to hoard, everything would be just fine. But, I’m glad the banks are spreading a little of that hoarded money around to buy protection, cause Lord knows, they are gonna need it if we ever elect Alfredo to office.

Nothing can be said about banks that hasn’t already been said more eloquently about hemorrhoids.

Take Credit Suisse, for example.

Credit Suisse said in a statement from its Zurich headquarters that it had “received a letter notifying it that it is a target” of a U.S. Justice Department investigation concerning “historical private banking services provided on a cross-border basis to U.S. persons.”

Don’t you just love that tax evasion has been replaced with the much nicer sounding “historical private banking services”?

Anyway, the minute they heard that they were under investigation, Credit Suisse started throwing money at Congress.  Cantor got $2,500.  Pete Sessions in Texas got $5,000.  Charlie Rangle got $5,000.  But most disgusting of all is that Max Bachus got $5,000.  Is it really okay for the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee to accept a $5,000 campaign check from a bank about to be indicted for tax evasion?  If so, is this a great country or what?

And then there’s HSBC.

Sept 28 (Reuters) – The United States heaped more pressure on HSBC Holdings, Europe’s second-largest bank, on Wednesday with an indictment that laid out the role of two unnamed senior HSBC executives in providing tax evasion services to Americans born in India.

But they are still in business with your local congressmutt.   Jeb Hensarling got a grand from them and a big GOP PAC got $2,500.

And the minute you even mention Phil Gramm’s bank, UBS, around Alfredo, he goes off like a rocket in a campfire.  Here’s just the very latest kickbacks to congress from the crookedest bank on earth.

Now what you need to remember is that these “campaign donations” are tax free and they can spend it however they want to — hell, they can even buy a yacht with it like our own Randy Neugebauer did.

So, while we Occupy Wall Street, Wall Street is occupying congress.  And, banks aren’t making loans because they’ve got it all hidden overseas in tax free accounts.

Friends, it’s been raining for 39 days and we ain’t built an ark.

So, the next time your congressman tries to shake you hand, don’t do it.  You don’t know where that hand has been.