Gander, Meet Goose

October 25, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Does anybody here remember Rev. Jeremiah Wright?  The minister who went all holy spirit one Sunday when Barack Obama wasn’t there but Barack is still responsible for it?

I hate to tell you this because it’s just gonna upset you.  Apparently controlling your friends’ speech is something only Democrats can do.

Rev. John Hagee is a nut case.  No, seriously, they write whole psychology books about him.  Apparently, whatever he has is contagious because Rev Mike Bickel caught it.   Both of them spoke at Rick Perry’s Tent Revival in Houston.  They both believe that God sent Hitler as a “hunter” and that was a good thing.

I told you they were nuts.  You were warned.

Both these fellas are Rick Perry’s friends, but Rick ain’t responsible for what they say.

But, hell, Rick ain’t responsible for what Rick says, so I guess that’s no big whoop.

Thanks to Stephen for the heads-up.

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