Archive for August, 2011

Bribery? Against the Law? Really?

August 28, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I read this really strange article that David sent me.  It claims that the Obama Administration is “aggressively” enforcing an American law that bans bribery overseas.

First off, how does one “aggressively” enforce laws.  Either you enforce them or you don’t.  Can you even imagine the wingnut conspiracies if Obama wasn’t enforcing the laws of the United States of America?  Why, Honey, overnight NOT bribing  people would be a tenet of Sharia law.

But, damn.  Here’s the catcher for me —

Lanny Breuer, chief of the department’s criminal division, said he’s troubled by suggestions that payments to individuals to win business are above board if they work for private companies and not government-owned ones.

“Corporate bribery, whether of government officials or commercial bribery, is bad for business in general and just plain wrong,” Breuer said in an interview with POLITICO.

“I don’t really accept the fact that the FCPA is truly a burden on American business,” he added. “Our companies should compete based on the quality of their products and the quality of their services and not based on corruption. [And] it’s not as if we’re only prosecuting American companies. Half our [cases involve] foreign companies or foreign subsidiaries” that do business in the U.S. or are traded on a U.S. stock exchange.

So, let me explain to these businessmen how to do this.  You do not take them to dinner or offer to pay for their cab.  That’s just stoopid and it’s obviously bribery.  Instead you give them “campaign contributions.”

America was built on “campaign contribution bribery.”

At least in Texas, you can spend campaign contributions to hire your adult children at outrageous salaries to be your campaign manager, buy automobiles and trucks, purchase clothing, or pay rent on a campaign apartment.

Campaign contributions are tax free.  And, in my county, if you want to see who’s getting bought, you have to go to an obscure office not even located in the county seat that’s only open during regular business hours.  So, you gotta take off work and find the damn place.

Bribery is so inefficient.  With campaign contributions, you even get a receipt for your bribe!

Pole Tax

August 27, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Texas Supreme Court has ruled.

It’s is not against the First Amendment to charge a $5. tax to enter a strip joint if alcohol is served.  No tax if alcohol is not served.

Read the opinion if you must.

Okay, will this count hiring a floozy lady to come to a private birthday party or, better yet … The Belles of Heaven Republican Women’s Club.

Thanks to MaryK for the heads up.

Oh, damn, do I ever have an idea.

I Scream For Irene

August 26, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, Guys, Bubba Jr and the lovely and talented Mrs Bubba Jr, live near the North Carolina coast. Keep them in your good thoughts.

If any of our customers live in Irene’s path or have family who does that they are hearing from, please feel free to post what you’re seeing and/or hearing.

Outta Touch. Outta Town.

August 26, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know, Republicans are meaner than ten acres of snakes.

They would just as soon stand and watch you die before they’d tinkle on you if you were on fire.

Example #8,329:  Florida Congressvarmint Steve Southerland.  We pay him $174,000 a year.

At a town hall event in Florida yesterday, GOP Representative Steve Southerland took a question from a constituent about his salary. He proceeded to tell the good people he supposedly represents that his salary is small considering how many hours he puts in and the risks he runs.

“And by the way, did I mention? They’re shooting at us,” Southerland told constituents. “If you think this job pays too much, with those kinds of risks and cutting me off from my family business, I’ll just tell you: This job don’t mean that much to me. I had a good life in Panama City.”

First off, they’re shooting at us?  Holy crapola, that sure took a lot of gall.  Quick, somebody remind him that his people shot at a Democratic conresswoman.

You know, it’s a damn dirty shame that nobody told Steve what the job pays and where it meets before he ran for the office.

I’m not one of Steve’s constituents.  And I’m pretty proud of that.  However, if he was my conressvarmint, I would be darn hacked off that he doesn’t care about working for me.  Especially being as how I’m paying his damn $174,000 plus perks salary.

Steve, kiss my big blue butt.

Thanks to Kellybee for the heads-up.

If Hypocrisy Was Painful

August 26, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

His name is Chip Cravaak.  He’s from Minnesota was swept into office during the 2010 midterm election on the Tea Party platform.

And all that’s okay.  Except, he’s a Tea Party guy who is a union member and  he’s taking government payments.

After two-month delay, Rep. Chip Cravaack filed his annual financial disclosure forms with the House of Representatives on Aug. 18.

Cravaack’s earned income for fiscal year 2010 topped out at $92,273; the cash comes in the form of disability payments for sleep apnea, which ended his flying career with Northwest Airlines, now Delta Airlines, in 2007.

If he worked for an airline, he was a member of a union, and  he benefited from union negotiated salaries, vacations, work hours and those negotiations ended up determining what he’d get in disability payments.

He rails against unions today.  The very unions that protect him to this day.

And he’s on Disability.  But, he can work as a congressman.  But, he’s on Disability.  But, he can work.  Well, as much as a congressman works.

I do not get these guys.  Are they that stoopid or do they think WE are?

Thanks to Carl for the heads-up.

Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Oh Boy!

August 26, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s a saying in Texas that if you’re arguing with a fool, make sure he ain’t doing the same thing.

Apparently Karl Rove and Sarah Palin never heard that saying.  They are over on Fox News scratching each other’s eyes out.

As David told me, “If it gets to hair-pulling, Palin is so screwed.”