Archive for August, 2011

Friday Toon(s)

August 26, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



Best You Tube EVER! Right Here. Turn Up The Sound.

August 25, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sanger ISD is a small school district near Denton.  The performers in the video are the Superintendent and other administrators.  The skit was performed at the back to school employee convocation.

Thanks to Steven for the heads-up.

Yes Virginia, There Really is An Eric Cantor

August 25, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ya know, if I lived in Virginia right now, I’d be looking for some tar and feathers.

Eric Cantor shot off his mouth that if this country is going to help our fellow Americans, then we have to cut the budget somewhere else in order to do so.  So if there’s a devastating tornado in Oklahoma, the only we can help them is not to repair the bridges in Iowa, or maybe not inspect the meat in New Hampshire.

Now those words don’t stop vibrating in hell before God starts giggling.  Virginia got California’s earthquake, maybe the first one since the Pilgrims got here, and now they’re getting a hurricane originally meant for Texas.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said Wednesday that he intends to look for offsets if federal aid is needed to help areas of his Virginia district that were damaged in an earthquake Tuesday.

Offsets?  The dude is already looking for offsets?

Hey Cantor, let’s start with your salary and staff.  Next, let’s quit paying for protection for the House of Representatives in DeeCee – all you gun nuts are armed anyway.  Third, shut down the House gym and the cafeteria and dump you guys off government health care.

Hey Eric, give us a call when the locusts get there.  And if 4 horsemen show up, run like hell.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

And Even More in Love With Judge Sam Sparks

August 25, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas State Senator Dan Patrick is a media hawg.  He fancies himself as a handsome Rush Limbaugh.  He’s a Greed Republican who panders to the Steeple People just because he can.

Dan Patrick

So, Dan Patrick and State Representative Sid Miller, not having already hurt Texas women enough, decide to file a Amici Curiae (friend of the court) brief in the sonogram case.  Those two fellas are so damn excited about forcing Texas women into having a transvaginal sonogram before they can have a perfectly legal abortion that they want to go to court to defend their right to subjugate women.

Federal District Court Judge Sam Sparks replied to the brief —

Both parties (Texas Medical Providers Performing Abortion Services) and David Lakey, M.D.) “are well represented by competent and diligent counsel, and neither they nor this Court needs assistance from Senator Patrick or Representative Miller–particularly when much of their “assistance” is nothing more than thinly-veiled rhetoric. This is a federal lawsuit about the constitutionality of a statute, not a soapbox for politicians or a sounding board for public opinion. The Court is confident counsel in this case can protect their clients’ interest all by themselves.

Judge Sam Sparks

But that did not stop Dan Patrick and Side Miller, no sireee bob.  These boys ain’t gonna let no damn federal judge keep them off teevee and the fundraising circuit.   Three days later, they try again, to which Judge Sam Sparks replies —

As stated in its August 9, 2011, Order, the Court will not allow this lawsuit to be used as a vehicle for advancing a political agenda, or as a platform for rhetorical grandstanding. Although the outcome of this case will likely have repercussions outside these proceedings, the resolution of this case will depend solely upon the legal issues presented. The Court’s time is better spent considering the arguments of the parties than addressing the opportunistic petitions of outsiders.

They say that the third time is the charm, so you can hardly blame Patrick and Miller for asking one more time to be involved in the case.  August 22nd, Judge Sparks replies —

The Court has already turned down two extremely tempting offers to transform this case from a boring old federal lawsuit into an exciting, politically charged media circus. As any competent attorney could have predicted, the Court declines the latest invitation as well.

Judge Sparks then goes on to chastise the lawyer Patrick and Miller used to file these motions by saying that he probably needs to be disbarred.  That should pretty much put an end to it.

By the way, Judge Sam Sparks ain’t no librul activist Obama judge.  He was appointed to the bench by George H W Bush.

Thanks to the Austin Hat Lady for the heads up.

Juanita Thinks She’s in Love

August 25, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

She’s in love with Dan Futrell.

Dan Futrell has bodacious in his blood and has Rick Perry tap dancing in a mind field.  You really need to read the whole thing, but Dan Futrell, a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom who served 27 months in Baghdad and is a two-time recipient of the Bronze Star Medal, holds a Come To Jesus meeting on Rick Perry’s doorstep.

When Rick Perry implies that the military does not respect Barack Obama, Dan Futrell tells Rick he’s wrong.  That the military is not the only form of service to country.

Our country now has roughly 12 million teachers and education administrators; 17 million health care and social workers, and another 18 million federal, state and local government employees, according to 2010 Census data,. That’s 37 million Americans – more than 10 percent of our population — who went to work this morning in service to America.

Though they may not necessarily risk physical harm, their service is essential to a prosperous and healthy America. I would hope that a man seeking the presidency understood that our military does its job so that U.S. educators, nurses, social workers and other public servants can do theirs.

Most of what we’ve now heard from the Perry campaign has to do with American values. I would like to ask Perry how strength, character and altruism are missing in the day-to-day work of a community organizer in Chicago.

Please explain to me how a fourth-grade science teacher is less patriotic than a drill sergeant in Killeen, Texas. Or how a social worker who helps single mothers in East Los Angeles is less patriotic than a convoy driver in Baghdad. Please explain how a fire fighter in Boston is less qualified for political office only because she has not volunteered for military duty.

Thank you, Dan.  Rick Perry needs a guidebook for good sense.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

Good Lord! He Really Said That?

August 24, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am so sorry, y’all, but when I saw this, I completely cracked up.

He shot a guy in the damn face.

An old, helpless guy.

Do you really think he needs to be chatting about making people’s heads explode?

Cheney really misses enhanced interrogation, doesn’t he?

He’s probably at home right now, torturing kittens.

