Outta Touch. Outta Town.

August 26, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know, Republicans are meaner than ten acres of snakes.

They would just as soon stand and watch you die before they’d tinkle on you if you were on fire.

Example #8,329:  Florida Congressvarmint Steve Southerland.  We pay him $174,000 a year.

At a town hall event in Florida yesterday, GOP Representative Steve Southerland took a question from a constituent about his salary. He proceeded to tell the good people he supposedly represents that his salary is small considering how many hours he puts in and the risks he runs.

“And by the way, did I mention? They’re shooting at us,” Southerland told constituents. “If you think this job pays too much, with those kinds of risks and cutting me off from my family business, I’ll just tell you: This job don’t mean that much to me. I had a good life in Panama City.”

First off, they’re shooting at us?  Holy crapola, that sure took a lot of gall.  Quick, somebody remind him that his people shot at a Democratic conresswoman.

You know, it’s a damn dirty shame that nobody told Steve what the job pays and where it meets before he ran for the office.

I’m not one of Steve’s constituents.  And I’m pretty proud of that.  However, if he was my conressvarmint, I would be darn hacked off that he doesn’t care about working for me.  Especially being as how I’m paying his damn $174,000 plus perks salary.

Steve, kiss my big blue butt.

Thanks to Kellybee for the heads-up.

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