Okay, This Scares Me
Gregg Abbott is the Attorney general of the State of Texas and he is running for re-election.
He’s a hypocritical fool who got a large settlement for a personal injury but now wants tort reform so you can’t get rich like he did.
“But,” Juanita says, “here’s the part that scares me. Here’s his political sign as seen in the window of the Republican headquarters right here in Fort bend County.”
“Greg Abbott, the chief law enforcement officer in the State of Texas, is using a secessionist symbol on his political signs,” Juanita hollers loudly. “Gracious heavens above and granny’s tie dyed socks.”
“Good Lord, what the fool tarnation was he thinking? Why would he want to associate himself with a bunch of outlaws who want to secede from the Union?”
“I say outlaws because Texas does not have the right to secede, no matter what the Teabagging fools say. We have the right the divide into five states and I think Greg Abbott should be attorney general in whatever one ends up with Waco.
“In my mind, Greg Abbott is on the stairway to total insanity and he’s more than half way to the top.”
“Barbara Ann Radnofsky I am talking to you here: You put on your blue pumps and you go tread all over that crazzzzy man. We need you, Honey!”