Archive for February, 2010

Lookie Here, Y’all

February 21, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: White Hats

Ronnie EarleThat’s Susan.  And that’s Ronnie Earle, the man who had the guts to take on Tom DeLay when nobody else did.

I wanna tell you something about Ronnie Earle – he’s tough as Texas.  And I’m supporting him in his race for Lt. Governor of Texas. Anybody who lives in Fort Bend County and doesn’t support Ronnie needs a gratitude adjustment.

Juanita is  gonna post some video of his speech yesterday in Bastrop but  I’m gonna give you a little sneak peek.  You wanna know what he said about Voter I.D.?  He said, “I’ll kill it and then I’ll stomp on it.”

Yes, indeedy.

And, just to turn you totally green, Ronnie’s gonna mail me some of his bumper stickers.  So if you live in Texas and want one, you know the drill.  Send me your address up yonder where it says Tell Juanita, and I’ll mail you one.  Meanwhile, head yourself on over to Ronnie’s website and sign up to get information.


And Then She Put The Star Atop the San Jacinto Monument

February 21, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Local Stuff

It’s April 10, 2018, and I still stand by this and still think it’s funny.  This woman was a menace to the Democratic Party.  

Also, a woman named Yvonne Sanchez is stalking me.  It’s creepy, mainly because she’s never met me.  

Enjoy and look around the website.  It’s pretty funny.


I think we’ve told you about Elaine Bishop, our local Democratic Party Chair.

“I’m not saying she is lazy,” Juanita begins, “but there is absolutely no danger of her ever drowning in her own sweat.  She has held one meeting in the past 4 months, hasn’t recruited any candidates, hasn’t put out one yardsign, doesn’t turn in forms to the State Party, and won’t lifted a finger to raise any money, that we know of.  I say ‘that we know of’ because there hasn’t been a treasurer’s report in two years.”

“She spent the Presidential election keeping her hands warm by sitting on them.  She didn’t do diddle squat except allow the Obama team to open a “headquarters” in her neighborhood to phonebank out of state for Obama with people’s personal cell phones.   Whoop-te-unblue-do,” Juanita says.  Sarcasm is just another of the friendly free services offered at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.

Elaine has never raised a dime for any Democratic candidate.

So imagine everyone’s shock when Elaine shows up at an event with her own pushcard.

“Satan Himself wrote the backside of this pushcard.  I know that’s true because no living person could lie that much without the card self-combusting,” Juanita remind us that there’s science involved in these kinds of thing.

See that thing where she says she recruited and supported viable candidates?  Pants on fire.  “I’ll pay her $100 cash American money for each one she can name,” Juanita promises.

See the thing that says “Increased Leadership Roles of Democrats in Early Election – Election Day and on Election Boards Promoting Democratic Inclusion in Electoral Process”?    Now, that’s making up stuff.  That makes no sense at all.  “I’ve read it out loud to five people and none of them can figure diddle-squat out of that,” Juanita grins.  “That’s not writing; that’s typing.”

We only have one county election board and one Democrat on that board – her – same as always.  And, her goal seems to be keeping Republicans happy.

“But, the fun doesn’t stop there,” Juanita promises while gearing up for some pure delight.  “See there where she takes credit an increase in voter registration?  Aw, no siree, that didn’t have nothing at all to do with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  No, Elaine did that all on her own without ever getting out of her Lazy Boy recliner.  It was magic!”

“See where she takes credit for record participation in the Precinct and Senator conventions?  I wonder if she’s also taking credit for record participation all over Texas?  Think about it, through the sheer power of her will, people in Dallas went to conventions!”

And the rest of it is hogwash, too.

So, we figured we’d come up with a list of other things that Elaine Bishop has done as Democratic Party Chair that she can include on her next pushcard:

1.  No terrorist attacks on US soil during her term of office.

2.  That pimple you didn’t get?  Thank Elaine Bishop.

3.  Michelle Obama being on the Best Dressed list?  Tips from Elaine, of course.

4.  She led that whole Geo-political Unification of the Hegemonic Unrestrained Momentum Toward Economic Retitheization Multi-economic Trilateral Process thingy.

5.  She does, however, accept full responsibility for not keeping Tiger Woods on the path of righteousness.

6.  She oversaw the opening Olympic ceremony.

7.  Successful space shuttle launch did, after all, happen under her watch.

8.  Did the sun rise this morning or did it not?

9.  Republican dominance in this county?  Absolutely NOTHING To Do With Elaine Bishop.  Nothing.

10.  Windows 7 – her idea.


NOT Funny

February 19, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Juanita has tried all morning to come up with something funny to say about Scott Brown and Neil Caveto this morning, but she can’t.

Dudes, he flew a damn airplane into a big ole building.  That is not an acceptable political statement.

You guys scare me as much as he did.



February 19, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

She heard it on the news last night.  John Cougar Bailey Hutchinson Keeton Strayhorn Mellencamp might run for Senate.

She’s moving to Indiana.

And, you’re welcome to join her.

“Seriously, John Mellencamp is so cool that his mere presence in a room lowers the temperature by 10 degrees,” Juanita speaks from experience.   The worse argument Juanita and Thelma ever had was: Bruce or John: Who Is Cooler?

The first time Juanita saw Mellencamp in person, she told us, “Baby Doll, he was wearing his pants so tight that I couldn’t breathe.”

The map is on the wall and Juanita is already planning a Girlfriends Road Trip to Indiana if John decides to run.  “It’s gonna be The Cherry Bomb Express,” she promises.

Sign up below!


Friday Toon

February 19, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thank you, Gary Markstein.


Anonymous Secret Anonymous People

February 18, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

“I think we in this area of Texas have some sort of magic hold on goofy candidates,” Juanita suspects.

“I told you about Kesha Rogers and her Caca del Toro campaign for Congressional District 22” she continues, “but I haven’t gotten around to one of the other Democratic candidates, Rev. Freddie John Weider.  CD22 is Tom DeLay’s old district.”

“Rev. Freddie John has remained under my radar for the past few months after I blew up at him for all his illegal campaign signs placed high on telephone poles in low income neighborhoods,” she says while tossing back a big chug on an afternoon cup of coffee.  Juanita has, of course, a leopard print coffee mug.  You probably don’t.

But, it appears that Rev. Freddie John, along with all his Jeeee-suh Wants You To Do What I Say campaign platform, has earned his way back into Juanita’s front parlor.

“Lookie here,” she grins.  “Rev. Freddie John is all over social media.  He even posted today on Facebook at the Brazoria County Democratic Party fan page.  I’m gonna print it out and hang it up here on the bulletin board —

Hello, I have received several endorsements in the past few days but an agreement was reached to keep them secret to the ballot box. I know there were other endorsements that my opponent wanted, but was turned down. I am included in a money bomb today and anyone wanting to donate can go to ACT BLUE and donate if you wa…nt to be included in todays total. The money bomb runs till midnight tonight. One of my campaign advisors has uncovered some distrubing news about both people that are running against me. I am not interested in personal attacks but I do not have control over what someone else wants to do or does. Also many of our signs are disappearing and I would hope that it is not fellow democrats that are doing it.

Secret endorsements.

No, seriously.  Secret endorsements.  This dude has secret endorsements.

“Well, don’t that just jar your preserves?” Juanita wants to know.  “I mean, until this very moment I thought the word endorsement actually meant being public about your support.  Can’t you just see his endorsement list?  Forty five listings of ‘Anonymous,’ God, and his mother.  Unless, of course, God and his mother would prefer to stay anonymous, too, which is probably pretty darn likely.”

“And then in true Christian fashion, he tells you that he knows all manner of evil, kinky, and maybe even drunken brawl stuff about his opponents, but he’s not going to be a bad man and give specifics.  No, sirreeee, not a good Christian like him.  Rev. Freddie John is gonna let you use your evil imagination to dream up what his opponents are doing to shame themselves.”

Juanita adds another packet of sugar to her coffee and says, “Yep, Texas CD22 is a crazy magnet.”
