13 Actual Reasons for Abbott’s Special Session

July 09, 2021 By: Jet Harris Category: Abbott, critical race theory, Gleeful Cruelty and Dickishness, Power Crisis, Sumbitches, Voter Suppression

Governor Abbott, who is slimier than a bucket of snails, has called a special session of the Texas legislature. It is well within his right to do – as a Texas Governor can call a special session for any reason she wishes just so long as she states a reason. In this case, he has outlined 13 reasons that are so important that the Republican majority legislature failed to pass them in a regular session. I suggest you wipe your rear end with that memo and read my list, because it’s a hell of a lot more honest.

Reasons for calling a special session:

  1. Democrats denied the legislature a quorum, and ain’t no way the GOP is gonna accept the fact that they lost a battle. See: Trump 2020 election.
  2. He wants to distract from the power grid disasters of 2021 – there is no mention of doing any legislative work on the power grid or ERCOT, despite the fact that it’s the real elephant in the room – even bigger than Allen West running for Governor.
  3. Texans must perform genital checks on children playing tee-ball.
  4. One-upping his Republican primary opponents Huffines and West by using state funds to build a wall. He never seemed interested in doing so until he was up for re-election against GQP candidates crazier than him.
  5. He needs to dog-whistle the racist voters by using the words “Critical race theory.”
  6. Make it somehow harder for brown people to vote.
  7. – 13. He’s campaigning for re-election. 

We all know that Abbott called this session to rile up his base. In his list of thirteen priorities, there is not one single mention of the energy grid or ERCOT. Notably, there is no mention of vaccines or COVID-19, either, because his base is still pissed off at him for being somewhat responsible and making some businesses reduce capacity or close during a pandemic that killed 52,715 Texans as of today.

Texas Republicans don’t care if you fail at legislating so bad that thousands die unnecessarily from disease or freezing to death, they just want to make sure you can be really mean.

Abbott is doing his damnedest, isn’t he?



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0 Comments to “13 Actual Reasons for Abbott’s Special Session”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    I just love seeing him sweat a bit, and he’ll have to spend some of that $38mil war chest of his. All of this session is a big Baloney Sandwich and he will recall everyone for the redistricting anyway.

  2. el lagarto says:

    speaking of redistricting, what’s the early over/under on how many different districts Metro Austin will be split into this time?

  3. Opinionated Hussy says:

    How about the Leg. refuses to come because they’ve been de-funded?

  4. I guess I'll always be confused says:

    Retired now (thank God) but during my career I worked with and around 8.5 governors (I don’t count this one as a whole governor) in 2 states and I have NEVER seen the abject self interest and overall lack of leadership exhibited by Abbott. Please, oh please, oh please, one of the parties needs to find someone who can Govern, who can compromise, and who can think beyond who wrote him or her the latest and biggest contribution check. I’m uncertain as to how long my HOME state can survive with either a rabid brainless conservative or an uber-progressive and we need to find and elect someone who spends more time governing and less time running for their next office

  5. john in denver says:

    I’m a tad confused about Abbott wanting to build walls … after the Federal government under Bush43 and Trump went to all the effort to buy property (or exercise eminent domain and buy the property), how much land does the state control where they can build what they want?

    Or does he think Biden’s DHS will give them permission to build?

  6. Jet, IMHO the next to last thing you said is as good a way as any to describe one of the main planks of the repugnantcan platform.
    They haven’t actually called it that yet, but they ferDAMNsure live by it. Almost everything they say or do is meanness, cruelty, or systematic abuse.
    They wallow in it.
    Because they’re proud of it.
    They’ve fed each other a steady diet of bile for so long that has them convinced that anything done by Democrats to help any “others” is an accusation that they’re (repugnantcans) personally the cause of the problem.
    A fair portion of the time, their malevolence is done as much as anything else just to show us how much they enjoy it.
