Whiskey River, Don’t Run Dry. You’re All I’ve Got, Take Care of Me.
People who count these kinds of things have discovered that Texans drank 44% more hooch in August of this year than they did in the same month last year.
I have some possible explanations for this:
1. The Republican National Convention was in August of 2012 so all the really big drinkers were delegates in Tampa, Florida.
2. August of 2012 was when we discovered that Tom DeLay had registered as a lobbyist on sex-trafficking issues. Everybody stayed sober to see if he was for it or against it.
3. However, in August of 2013 when it was revealed that while in college Ted Cruz used to stroll through the women’s dorm wearing a paisley robe, everybody said, “To hell with it,” and got rip snorting drunk.
I admit it. I got so drunk that I had to hold on to the grass to lean against the ground.
It should also be noted that the sale of alcohol increases at the same rate as the sale of guns. I can’t prove that other than the fact that I can see with my own two eyes.
Thanks to Frank for the heads up.