Uh Oh

April 08, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Live your life very carefully or you may end up like this.



Need a closer picture to identify this former Mr. Vanity?



Yeah, that’s Tom DeLay preaching on the street corner up at the Krogers in Sugar Land.

Poor guy hasn’t found even one job since he quit congress.  He just jumps into one scam after the other.  Now he wants you to just give him money to go out and preach The Word.  He’s kinda a cross between a teevee evangelist and a panhandler.

Man, if he was wearing socks with those sandals, it would be perfect.


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0 Comments to “Uh Oh”

  1. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Well, if belt size is any indication old Tommy is doing well as a panhandler for Jeebus. A great example of the old adage that your belt size should not exceed your IQ to succeed in this life.

  2. easttxdem says:

    He ought to go back to killing bugs….unless he’s afraid he might knock off one of his relatives by mistake. Cockroach!

  3. What goes around, finally comes around. Karma.

  4. That store really needs a No Loitering No Soliciting sign at the entrance. If they already have one, somebody should enforce the rule. it would also keep that bum away from any free samples they might be handing out so other customers might get to try some.

  5. Donna Jo Wade says:

    If you ever needed proof that God/Great Spirit/the Universal consciousness has a sense of humor, this would be it. And he can still keep his membership in the beltway crowd, only now with his bigger belt. Any old redneck I ever knew would get his butt kicked for wearing sandals. Moreso if they’re Birkenstocks, the official shoe of lesbian feminists of a certain age. JJ, call me if he starts wearing rainbow t-shirts so we can stage an intervention, will ya?

  6. Jane & PKM says:


    If DeLay was a person of color, he’d have been on the pavement crying to the Sugarland PD that he couldn’t breath and/or have had all those wrinkles tasered out of his cloths.

  7. Even in his old age I’d still like the chance to wipe that smirk off his face with my D-cell Kel-light. Backpfeifengesicht.

  8. Buttermilk Sky says:

    With all those unfilled jobs, he can’t even get hired in Trumplandia? Astonishing.

  9. The Gospel, according to one odious Periplaneta americana (R-Blattidae), AKA: the Ft. Bend Flycatcher, Marshall Island Myna Bird.
    (Where did I put my pointy-toed boots?)

    “Of all common cockroach species, the American cockroach has the largest body size; molts 6–14 times(mostly 13 times) before metamorphosis; and has the longest lifecycle, up to approximately 700 days.[8]”

  10. Sure looks like he should invest some of his ill-gotten lucre in some deodorant/anti-perspirant! Bet he really reeks (more than normal, that is).

  11. maryelle says:

    What? No call backs from Dancing With the Stars? I don’t fault him for getting old and gaining weight, but given his past crime- filled life, looks like karma has taken up permanent residence.

  12. I was about to exercise some tolerance . . . but no.

  13. MaryAnne says:

    Even in the close up Tom looks just like Donald.

    Except I doubt Trump would wear shorts. His belly would hang below the bottom of his shorts.

    Anyone here ever watch, “ My 600 Lb Life?” Trump is on his way.

  14. Bob Boland says:

    If I remember correctly, ol’ Tom was in the House for 20+ years which means that he is eligible for a rather substantial pension. Why is he out panhandling, e-r-r preaching on a street corner?

  15. “Give me your money or spend eternity with me.”
    Two Corinthians, Verse 43, Jackson 5.

  16. Mother Jones' cat says:

    DeLay has always been ahead of his time. Russian oil oligarchs were purchasing political favors from DeLay way back in the 1990s.

  17. Mike, I was browsing a list of interesting words in other languages recently, so I recognized “Backpfeifengesicht”: “a face in need of a fist.”

    I don’t know what the German is for “a face in need of a high-five with a metal chair, twice.” I have a few candidates, though.

  18. Marcia in CO says:

    MaryAnne … I had to read that that is Tom DeLay and not Trump … good God Almighty … that is frightening!

    I watch My 600 Lb. Life only to remind myself to not eat so much! And, there have been pictures of Donnie in shorts playing golf … anyway, I think I’ve seen a picture or two of his fat ass on the golf course! It’s not something you want to look at for any length of time!!

  19. NicaBrian says:

    Tommy needs to stay out of the sun. All the plastic in his face is melting.

  20. Eeuuwwwww!!

  21. ThrowCautiontotheWind says:

    I’m actually grateful for the closeup of Panhandler DeLay; it helps interfere with the image of him in spandex during his Dancing with the Stars days.

  22. Just a sidelight.
    I always associate this … with another ugly piece of trash dick armey.
    When both of them left gov. I remember the ACLU hired one, or both, of them and paid them good money to “get a place at the table” with the thuglican enemies of civil liberties.
    At that point I quit the ACLU.
    I agree with principle of defending even this waste of oxygen but I drew the line at giving them any money espiacially out of dues that I paid, miniscule as it might have been.
    Classic example of “liberals” offering aid and comfort to those who would knife them in the back given the oppurtunity.
    Much like the raising of the man who gave us the idiot from alaska on the national ticket, steve schimdt.
    He supports everything that led to demented donnie and then after the seeds he helped nurture come to their inevitable fruitation of poisonous fruit decides he should clean up his rep. by ignoring it and pretending to care about enything but money and power.
    In fact with exception of Hayes, Maddow and Odonnel MSNBC has stocked its cabinet with rancid retreads from thuglican administrations.
    From dead intern inder suspicious circumsytances with at least 3 fables about how she died and disgraced coroner protecting joe, the possible killer, scarborough. Andrea mitchell wife of rand devotee disgraced incompetent fed head alan greenspan.
    Don’t forget the twits fabricator in chief nicole wallace, who agreed with warning critics of the twits iraq fiasco to watch what they say because critism of the twit “might” be considered treason.
    Don’t forget non governmental shills such as the eric erickson.
    Can’t beleive a word any of thse professional thuglican liars bloviate.
    Yet the “liberal” msnbc gives them a podium, creditability and a fat paycheck to befoul the air waves and diminish our country’s founding principles.
    Sorry for rant but something about delay ignites just makes my stomach churn.

  23. Lunargent says:

    If DeLay had a wife, did she leave him?

    Hi looks like he’s wearing stuff from the back of the closet, that was supposed to go in the donation bag. But he’s wearing it because he got caught short before Laundry Day.

    I’ll bet he’s wearing swim trunks for underwear.

  24. Glynda Neuwirth says:

    Even I am surprised.
