The Christian District Attorney

April 08, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know, when a man advertises himself as “the Christian District Attorney” you know right there that’s something’s wrong.

A Christian prosecutor who regularly boasted of waging culture wars against liberals resigned this week amid allegations that he gave women drug dealers lighter sentences in exchange for sexual favors.

Of course he did.  Bill Higgins was proud that the ACLU questioned his motives.

And this sumbitch was haughty as hell about being a whole lot more good ole praying American than you are.

I guess I should take solace in the fact that the liberals are mad at me – again,” he said in 2014 regarding the case of a 14-year-old accused of desecrating a statue of Jesus. “If that tends to upset the ‘anti-Christian, ban-school-prayer, war-on-Christmas, oppose-display-of-Ten-Commandments’ crowd, I make no apologies.”

And, here’s a shocker – this ain’t even in the south.  This is in Pennsylvania. This crap is spreading.

Irony – he was accused of sexually assaulting  woman following a Republican party meeting. He admitted to adultery but denied it was assault. He won re-election that year in a county that went 5 to 1 for Trump.

Thanks to Donna for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “The Christian District Attorney”

  1. When someone announces that he’s holier than I am, I just check my watch and wait.

  2. Old Fart says:


    “I want things *my* way, and I want it now”.

  3. Addendum: There really are good Christian people out there doing good things. They don’t run around announcing themselves. That’s how you can tell the difference.

  4. The women drug dealers probably thought sex with the DA would be a lighter sentence, until they served their time.

  5. Andrew Zachary says:

    Parts of Pennsylvania are really south of the Mason-Dixon line. There’s that saying:

    Pennsylvania is Pittsburg and Philadelphia and Mississippi in-between.

  6. it’s always projection & confession with these people.

  7. easttxdem says:

    The Trumps always excuse the sexual misconduct of their own. It’s those “other people” whose panties they want to police.
    I guess their Bibles have only 9 commandments. Hypocrites all.

  8. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    The ‘good Christian’ people in Podunk Pennsyltucky will punish a child for letting themselves be a victim of what they’ll even make jokes about during bridge games…the local ‘Chester the Molester’. Penna has very high sex crimes incidents, it’s a blame the victims SOP

    The typical rural or small town locals are fire and brimstone Lutherans…the type that will kneel on wood plants during sermons, and beat the hell out of the child with bony knees that whimpers or tries to escape the agony. I speak from experience.

    Pennsyltucky’s open secret: ground zero for KKK which inflated its membership numbers even higher when a vast number of Louisianans moved there after the Civil War. They perpetrated large and deadly Klan riots in the towns of Carnegie and Lilly as well as countless incidents of vigilantism. The state is still rife with them.

    FYI: the most violent armed group that was in Charlottsville …were a group of White Supremacists from Pennsylvania.

    In the 1969, in Cumberland County which is a rural area outside of Harrisburg: a church attempted to purchase a home a few doors from our family home. The neighbors got wind that the church was buying it so their pastor and family could reside there…and… discovered the pastor was black. The families who lived nearby …joined together to fund purchasing the house so the church was unable to do so.

    The only black people I can recall seeing when growing up were cleaning ladies and our school janitor….all of them drove in from Harrisburg and got the hell out of there before sundown. I got the hell out of there days after high school grad and never looked back at those bigots since. I was given a choice with 24-hours to decide: leave the state or be put in a mental institute because: I befriended the black daughter of a cleaning lady and was seen walking in public with her….witnesses were horrified and reported me.

    Catholic, Jewish and people of color — are not, to this day, welcomed in most of the state within minutes of leaving a metropolis.

  9. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    oops brimstone Lutherans…kneel on wooden planks…typo!

  10. @Susan otlc–wow! I had no idea. It is a good thing you got out.

  11. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Jo…taking you with me down memory lane (misery loves company?) Last visit was to small mountain community populated by glow-in-the dark Caucasian master race ilk in town of Burnt Cabins (no lie).

    Friend’s teenage daughter had endless visitors. They were graduating soon. Conversations were focused on how to fake a illnesses to receive disability benefits and get a Sec 8 housing certificate OR their fawning over a particular macho actor. Not one of those kids had dreams of college, careers or life in general. None of the parents spoke up to guide them into a better life dream.

    After days of listening to their homophobic, racist BS…and their man crushes for the mucho macho actor….I finally told them that the actor was gay. Vin Diesel. ROFLMAO! That shut them up. The silence was golden, 24k golden. Next day I flew back to the Left Coast. 🙂

  12. Ma y Nazis from Hayden Lake, Idaho, relocated to PA when their compound was lost due to a harassment suit.

  13. Eeuuwwwwwww. PA was not on my list of places I’m eager to visit, but now? NWIH! Ugh.

    In the meantime, I’ll just remember the excellent descriptor Rhea used because it’s so perfect: “There really are good Christian people out there doing good things. They don’t run around announcing themselves. That’s how you can tell the difference.”

    One last thing, there are really wonderful Lutherans, the ELCA denomination, who don’t care about your gender, LBTG status, race, or any other damn thing. Then there is the whacked out variety Susan OTLC described, and many right wingy ones in between.

  14. Susan on the Left Coast:
    Thank you for your story.

  15. Tilphousia says:


  16. Tilphousia says:

    Couldn’t agree more. Didn’t Christ say that his true followers were known by their deeds and not their big mouths? And seems to me He also said after seeking forgiveness to “sin no more”. So all thes so callled Christians who repeatedly have constant illicit sex, are horrid homophobs and screech that anyone disagreeing with their mouth frothing rants will go to hell are not Christians by Christ’s own words. But guess these self righteous anti-Christians either have their own bible or are only able to read a few passages taken out of context. Love to see the expressions on the faces of the self righteous when they find that the peoples so hated by them in this life (people of color, LGBT, other faiths) are welcomed into paradise whilst they are on the express train to Tartarus.

  17. Tilphousia:
    I know it’s probably getting old me saying this, but the book in the bible advocating this behavior is Acts. Acts of the Apostates.

  18. WA Skeptic says:

    I know it was the nauseatingly pious hypocrisy I saw from an early age that finally made me leave the S. Baptist sect; I have a jaundiced view of all cults now.

    I know there are some who try to live their lives by the New Testament, but even they have their biases. All too often those biases are against those who look differently or have sexual choices differently than they choose to live their own lives.

    I’ve become a card-carrying member of “Ain’t Nobody’s Business If I Do”

  19. If you have to tell everyone you are one, you ain’t.

  20. Clinton’s campaign manager once said of Pennsylvania– Philadelphia on end, Pittsburg on the other and Alabama in between.

  21. OK. So he resigned. What are the charges against him?

  22. Old Fart says:

    @Susan on the Left Coast #11:

    About Vin Diesel, I’ve heard both ways (so maybe he *is* both ways). BUT it’s nice that his sexuality (to me) might be just another interesting fact, not a condemnation in waiting…

  23. maryelle says:

    The night of the PA-18 special election showed how concentrated the nut jobs are in specific, mostly rural counties. Chris Kornacki, on MSNBC, displayed a map of the 4 counties involved in the election. Allegheny was most populated, included Pittsburgh’s southern suburbs and went solidly democratic for Conor Lamb.
    In Washington, Green and Westmoreland counties
    Repub. Saccone prevailed, having wrapped himself in Trump.
    The area of the 18th in which I live used to be solidly R, but I was told by my State Rep that it went 2-1 for Hillary in 2016.
    The times, they are a-changin’, slowly but surely.

  24. e platypus onion says:

    Ms JJ, curious iowan needs to know if the Astros handed over your official World Series ring for being their Number 1 fan?

  25. Diminished democracy in Poland and Hungary came from a homogeneous and poorer population with fewer media opportunities. Then the anti-Muslim and further restrictions on media access.
    In WI the lesson is still KISS. Popular issues are the environment, roads, schools, gerrymandering, etc. Our last election, even excluding the two major cities, the progressive won overwhelmingly.
    Find common interests. They focus on abortion, guns, and terrorism. People see their community ripped apart by the religious kooks (terrorists)

  26. Just a word for all of the PA-bashing: I grew up in Delaware County, in the southeast corner. Mostly they vote R, but lately that’s changing. And the “good Christians quietly doing good things” that I was thinking of are my late mother’s pastor and his family, who also live in Delaware County. He grew up and has family somewhere near Pittsburgh. So even outside Philly’s city limits, they’re not all flaming crosses and mouth-breathing rednecks.

    And let’s try to remember that even in counties that voted (say) 3-1 for Trump, there are still a decent number of Dems and Hillary supporters, even if they lie low.

  27. NicaBrian says:

    And once again from the Dept of Redundancy Dept another self professed sexually repressed Republican. This one condemns, and convicts, a teen for a suggested sex act on a statue while he himself has posted porn links and had his aforementioned extramarital affair.

    And has the nerve to call himself THE Christian district attorney.

    I’m always how they can always do this (well, there’s the Get Out Of Hell Free card) while this self confessed liberal hedonist has managed to keep it only between me and my wife for 21 years.

  28. NicaBrian says:

    OK, so that should have read self professed Christianist. I’ll blame it as usual on the iPhone. Oh well, I’m not perfect, and don’t care about being forgiven.

  29. Buttermilk Sky says:

    How did he get caught? Did he neglect to demand NDAs from the female drug dealers? (Now why would a man who looks like that need to coerce women into sex?)

    We haven’t seen the last of him. Now that he’s an official victim of the Deep State, like Bob Murray, he’ll probably run for the Senate.


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  1. 'Christian' District Attorney? Plea-Bargains For Sexy Time – NEWSFUZZ 10 04 18
  2. 'Christian' District Attorney? Plea-Bargains For Sexy Time – Liberal View News 11 04 18