The Christian District Attorney

April 08, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know, when a man advertises himself as “the Christian District Attorney” you know right there that’s something’s wrong.

A Christian prosecutor who regularly boasted of waging culture wars against liberals resigned this week amid allegations that he gave women drug dealers lighter sentences in exchange for sexual favors.

Of course he did.  Bill Higgins was proud that the ACLU questioned his motives.

And this sumbitch was haughty as hell about being a whole lot more good ole praying American than you are.

I guess I should take solace in the fact that the liberals are mad at me – again,” he said in 2014 regarding the case of a 14-year-old accused of desecrating a statue of Jesus. “If that tends to upset the ‘anti-Christian, ban-school-prayer, war-on-Christmas, oppose-display-of-Ten-Commandments’ crowd, I make no apologies.”

And, here’s a shocker – this ain’t even in the south.  This is in Pennsylvania. This crap is spreading.

Irony – he was accused of sexually assaulting  woman following a Republican party meeting. He admitted to adultery but denied it was assault. He won re-election that year in a county that went 5 to 1 for Trump.

Thanks to Donna for the heads up.

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