Social Injustice Warrior

May 16, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You knew this was coming.  You did.  Maybe you stuffed it in the back of your head hoping it would skip your attention. It hasn’t. In fact, the Southern Baptist Church has put a neon light on it.

Saying the whole idea of justice and equality is way too liberal, the Rev. Grady Arnold of Cuero has filed a resolution calling for the denomination to reject social justice as “evil.”

Justice = Evil.

I am pretty damn certain that Trump told him that.

The Right Reverend, Grand Wizard, and Holy See of Cuero, Texas, has proclaimed that he’s had enough of these social justice warriors and wants the Southern Baptist to stop preaching about it.  I guess I’m just a little confused because I can’t recall when they ever started preaching about it.

Quoting columnist Bud Kennedy in Fort Worth —

“This social justice is creeping down into local churches,” Arnold said, as if that were a bad thing.

Bet you guessed what’s coming next: the slippery slope.

“If we start down this road today,” he asked, “where will it end?”

More justice?

The Southern Baptist will be conventioning in mid June.  I can hardly wait.


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0 Comments to “Social Injustice Warrior”

  1. Another so-called Xian completely ignoring the teachings of the one they CLAIM to follow.

  2. Charles R Phillips says:

    Sounds just like that “Sharrie Law” they all squak about. Boy must be some kinder “Mooslim” or sumthin’!

  3. Obviously a “pastor” who knows the difference between wimpy Jesus of Nazareth and Manly Republican Jesus.

  4. Damn! I read in history book many, many decades ago about some southern Baptist women who went to bat on behalf of abolishing slavery. And then there was the bunch of social justice SoBaps who were deeply involved in justice for farms workers.

  5. I’m not up to speed on the Babtist church of 2018 but my memories of the Babtist church circa 1963 are as vivid in my memory as the massive pimple on my butt when I was 17 getting ready for prom.

    The Babtists I knew, led by WA Criswell and others indeed wanted Sharia Law, they just wanted Sharia Law based on the oh so fair and balanced views of the SBC of the time.

    F*ck ’em and the horse they road in on.

  6. Let’s not intermingle the various types of justice here. I mean White Justice, in robes, with illuminated, flickering and sparking crosses at night, that’s still OK, right?

  7. Social Justice was the bedrock of the Catholic church I grew up with.
    I wonder how the church will respond to calling a teaching of the church “evil”.

  8. Laurel Beckett says:

    My first introduction to Christian teaching came from my grandfather, a Southern Baptist minister in Dallas, TX. He read widely, studied deeply, but boiled it all down very simply to me, in his life, and to the newspaper (Times-Herald?) in an interview on his 90th birthday: be honest, be kind, give all you can to the poor. He was still taking the bus downtown to the courthouse 5 days a week, in his 90s, visiting prisoners to help them, and marrying the occasional couple who wanted a religious service. His favorite book (after the Bible) was Les Miserables. He said he reread it nearly every year and never failed to see something new.
    So my grandfather preached – and lived – social justice. I’ll take his vision of the Beloved Community any day, over Greedy Grady’s ideas. I bet I know which version Jesus would have taken, too.

  9. Diane, the church has been taken to task over supporting the “evil” of social justice. It just keeps on supporting social justice. Yeah I know when Glenn Beck once said about social justice but who the hell does he know!

  10. OldMayfly says:

    Where are the Southern Baptists holding their convention this year? Some years ago they held it in Atlanta and–my goodness!–there was a noticeable increase in the number of “sex workers” in town.

  11. AlanInAustin ... says:

    I wonder if he’s familiar with any of these:

    In any event, this further illustrates a position taken by some that “Christian” is now a word without meaning.

  12. Rapture the whole damn lot of them and let Jesus sort the arrivals. Meanwhile down here there will be a more balanced Electoral College, lots of extra clothes for the poor, a bunch of free housing and empty churches to serve as shelters.

  13. AliceBeth says:

    Seems like they need a little lesson in social “injustice” brought down on their heads. Would they learn? Probably not. I have been in favor of some Old Testament acts of God for some time. You know have Joel Osteen burst into flames and the voice of God speaking about what is to be done in the name of his son.

  14. He has That O’ Prime Time Religion

  15. Dude, you had one job, and you’re really effing it up.

  16. maryelle says:

    From the people who brought you the Inquisition, May i introduce Rev. Grady Arnold and his Southern Baptist Sinful Surveillance. They have brought with them the Westboro Baptist
    Wannabes and hope you will be mightily amused at their Condemnation Rap, otherwise known as “Social Justice Be Damned”.

  17. Lless says: “Rapture the whole damn lot of them and let Jesus sort the arrivals.”

    Lless, I’ll guarandamntee you that good ol’ Jesus will have absolutely nothing to do while waiting on those damned rapturefreaks, ’cause he ain’t at where they be goin’.
    That other, redder, caped dude with the horns though, he gonna be damned busy runnin’ his reception room.

    I’ve spent many hours looking for a quote that I think was from an anecdote written by Mark Twain, probably in his outrageous “Letters From Earth”, which I think should be on school required reading lists everywhere.

    Anyway, it (the quote/story I can’t find) was about a laidback team of laboring low-level devils stuck with the distasteful chore of pitchforking various hypocritical preachermen, pastors and SOB’s down the chute to youknowwhere, and their sarcastic bantering about it. It is a hoot.

    “Letters from the Earth consists of a series of commentaries in essay and short story form. Many of these pieces express Twain’s discomfort with and disdain for Christianity, both as a theological position and a lifestyle. The title story consists of eleven letters written by the archangel Satan to archangels Gabriel and Michael,[1] about his observations on the curious proceedings of earthly life and the nature of man’s religions. “

  18. Old Fart says:

    I don’t know.

    This kind of firmly puts this guy into the money changers in the Temple category, in my opinion. Jesus was crucified for bucking the establishment, and being a… social justice warrior.

  19. Buttermilk Sky says:

    OT but Old Mayfly’s comment reminded me of this:

    Jews do not recognize Christ as the messiah.

    Protestants do not recognize the pope as the head of the Christian faith.

    Baptists do not recognize one another in the liquor store or at Hooters.

  20. slipstream says:

    Micah, the sixth chapter, the eighth verse:

    “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

    The Southern Baptists apparently ripped that page (and a lot of other pages) out of their Bibles.

  21. Linda Phipps says:

    Old Fart: your “opinion” about why Jesus got railroaded is more than an “opinion”. That’s exactly why it happened because among other things, in his quest to clean up the practice of the faith, he made a lot of people squirmy.

    I stopped being a churchgoer after I was told to accept things on “blind faith”. However, it’s a useful tool to bash the bible thumpers with their own book.

  22. That photo of Rev. Arnold makes me wonder if he’s diddling the acolytes. Social justice would maybe give him a case of the fantods.

  23. Lunargent says:

    Dice –
    Extra points for causing me to visit
