Hump Day Smile

May 16, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My adored friend Kary, a proud gay man, Army veteran, and theater producer, retired with his husband Jimmy to the coast of Spain in a villa overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.

Yesterday, he sent me this email.

We are having horrible problems with having built a “pergola” on our rooftop terrace without a permit.

So, we have decided to hang a huge banner from our rooftop terrace that says:


In Spanish, of course.

We have never even MET the mayor, but I think it might give us a little clout with our goddam “unpermitted” pergola!

heh, heh.

Don’t f*** with the queens.


I think he’s having a great retirement.


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0 Comments to “Hump Day Smile”

  1. Sorry but I don’t find their “solution” to not having a building permit funny. They’re not living in the US. IMO it’s arrogance to think that what might work back home is going to win you friends in another country. Moving to a foreign country is not like moving from Texas to Massachusetts. I say this as an expat myself.

  2. Now this gives me an idea of how to handle my own cantankerous and contrary retirement!

  3. BarbinDC says:

    You’ve gotta love people who refuse to be afraid of anybody, anywhere.

  4. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Brenda, it was a JOKE. Just a joke. Kary would not do that. He is one of the kindest, and funniest, people I know. If you’re not expecting jokes about the things far more serious than a pergola, then you’re at the wrong website. However, welcome, take off your shoes, have a glass of wine, and take that stick out of your butt.

  5. @Brenda

    Any story that contains “permit” in the context of new construction in Mexico has got to be a jokie from the get go.

    Like Miz JJ said lose the shoes and have a glass of wine or something stronger, given the present political situation in Texas and the USof A.

  6. Micr, it’s Spain, not Mexico.

  7. BarbinDC says:

    Donna Leon’s Inspector Guido Brunetti novels often have incidences of people doing things in Venice without the proper permits Build it first, apologize to the offended official, and slip him some $$$. The problem is solved. I expect it isn’t much different in Spain.

  8. @AK Lynne

    “Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking.”
    “Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.”
    “Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines.”
    “Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking.”

  9. O/T but those GOP are at it again.

    Not sure why they don’t want Americans to be healthy. Back in the day I lied to get my daughter health insurance because of a pre-existing condition (anxiety- I said it was because she lived in New York 9/11. True, but not relevant). So please call or email- use Resistbot (text resist to 50409 to send a fax)- whatever. Our kids and grandkids and their friends an neighbors need us.

  10. maryelle says:

    Sounds like a glorious retirement to me. I’m still living in PA, worrying that the teachers’ pension system is going to implode and at the same time, Medicare will be cut. All thanks to the Reprobate Rethuglicans, and I will end up stocking shelves at a supermarket at 73 (with a heart condition).
    I suggest a banner that reads: Be Kind To The Elderly, We’re You, Sooner Than You Think.

  11. That Other Jean says:

    @BarbinDC: Venice? Spain? Heck, it isn’t much different in Baltimore. You should have seen some of the things my neighbors got away with in the time I lived there! Seriously, I left when they knocked down the house next door, eliminated the alley between our townhouses, and built a 4-storey firetrap. Looked great on the outside, but I watched it go up: not living next to that!

  12. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Suppose YOU can home to a sign next door which has a big arrow pointed towards your house and the words “Not a Registered Pedophile” on it. Still funny
